How Many Are on Arimidex - More Seem to be on Femara
It seems that more women are on Femara than Arimidex. I am starting to feel very lonely. I don't think there are any more than 6 on Arimidex, unless you are not posting. Naturally I am interested in Arimidex because I started it on Thursday, March 18, 2010. Since I am 69 years old, luckily have only a few aches and pains,…
Ok, gang. I have joined Facebook. This friend I lost track of talked me into joining. So, I have started my farm too. I don't know quite what I am doing yet, but I am working on it. You guys need to let me know how to reach you so we can send each other easter eggs. Yes, I need some eggs from my friends. Preferably…
I want to have a hysterectomy....i want to have it done with my last reconstruction surgery. Do any of you know a good way to have this covered by your insurance...is it considered "elective"?
Anyone had a spouse diagnosed with temporal lobe dementia
I'm just about a year post completion of all treatment except the daily arimidex. I've noticed my husband turning more and more negative and unpleasant, but he was losing his memory too and I thought that would be enough to make anyone negative. He just got dx with frontal lobe dementia; turns out it's alzheimers evil…
Please send me your prayers this week as I am having my first mammo & ultrasound, and, I am scared!
Hi everyone! I have my first mammo and ultrasound this week and I have to admit that I am terrified. I know that anyone that has been thru this first one has felt the same way. I didn't think it would scare me so much, but, it has brought up all of the bad memories from my original diagnosis of bc. So, if you would please,…
Now I am Sand
Well, at least I was a 10 for a month. Today my red blood cell count was 7.6!!! How the mighty have fallen. Now instead of being Bo Derek, I'm not even the sand under her feet. At least that explains the tiredness this past week. I thought it was drowsiness caused by the pain meds. I will again have a blood transfusion…
Weight Watchers - Weigh In 3/29/10
All I could think about last night while attending the Weight Watcher meeting is how am I going to tell you that I gained 2 oz. Last night’s weigh-in yield a 2 oz. gain. If I try to be a little more normal – like other people – but still stay on the diet, it doesn’t work for me. I thought crab was a fish. After eating it,…
Young children of mothers on chemo
I have had my second treatment of TAC. After I lost my hair my two year old does not want to sleep without me. Any suggestions on how to talk/interact with her about what is going on?
femara and supplements?
My onc didn't mention anything about supplements. What kind of calcium works? I'm on femara, I got 2 kinds of vitamin D, a b complex, but there are so many kinds of calcium, anyone know what is most effective? Anything else recommended? thank you and have a good day!
Ugh...who knew radiation would suck so bad?
Wow..which is worse? Chemo or rads? lol...Im not sure. I have 5 more treatments..did #28 yesterday, which was the last one to the entire breast. Last 5 are to my lymphnode area..Im hoping my breast starts healing soon. Im in extreme burn pain. Having to wear NU Gel Pads daily..hydrocodone to sleep, Ibuprofen during the…
Not a New Joke, but one which describes us all PERFECTLY! We sooooo rock!
Eleven people were hanging on a rope, under a helicopter. 10 men and 1 woman. The rope was not strong enough to carry them all, so they decided that one had to leave, because otherwise they were all going to fall. They weren’t able to choose that person, until the woman gave a very touching speech. She said that she would…
Finally get my dance with NED girls!
I went for my 1 year cancerversary mammo today and everything was good! I've been waiting to hear those lovely words for a loooooooooooooong time....So let's go Ned, I believe it's my dance!
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer last week. I have not started chemo yet but looking for a wig but my company has privately funded insurance so they do not have to follow CT state law and cover wig cost. Great. Of course I do not want to look like I have a rat on my head. Any places that offer free decent wigs since…
expander fill questions
I will start my expansion fills next week. I had healing problems after bimas surgery and expansion placement so I am behind with fills. I finish chemo the first week and April and then will need to start radiation about a month later. How do people usually get them filled? Weekly? My plastic surgeon only comes to town…
Tomorrow is Dctimmons Birthday
This is an early post, wishing Dctimmons a happy birthday. I am on assignment in MN and wanted to make sure you got this. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR DCTIMMONS HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!!!! And may you see many, many, more!!!
To all my crack pot friends
An elderly Chinese woman had two large pots, each hung on the ends of a pole which she carried across her neck. One of the pots had a crack in it while the other pot was perfect and always delivered a full portion of water. At the end of the long walks from the stream to the house, the cracked pot arrived only half full.…
No tamoxifen for me
My oncologist says I won't have to take tamoxifen since my tumors were only 5% positive. I didn't know there was a percentage. I just thought they were positive or negative. Did anyone else have a low percentage and didn't have to take it?
first chemo cycle finished - yea!
Had first chemo on Thursday. Main side effect was fatigue. Yesterday had Neulasta shot and that went very well. Not really sore bones or joints that I can tell. Still feel puny today somewhat. But otherwise, all is well. Having some loss of appetite, any ideas that may help. Also, the nurse who gave my Neulasta shot said…
It's the Hair
I have about an inch now. I read that I can dye this. Did anyone do it there self or should I have it done? I am use to dying my hair, I did it myself all the time before I lost it. How about the out growth, does it show really bad with hair this short? Do you have to dye it more often? Thanks for any info on this.
HELP!!! Chemo has caused Erythema Multiforme
First of all, thanks to several of you who have sent PM's to check on me. I was waiting to reply hoping things would get better...they aren't getting better. Although, I am praying NONE of you have gone through what has happened to me lately, I am hoping someone has some advice(other than to shoot myself...lol) By the way,…
Back to school - Yea!!!
Well, not quite yet, but I just received my appointment to register for the fall semester, and I can't believe how excited I am! I received my BC diagnosis on 09-03-09, and was just in the first week of classes for that semester. I was fortunate to be able to drop the classes and apply for educational leave, and even…
Benefit for a friend, need prayers
I passed the finish line from my breast cancer treatment. Tomorrow I go to a benefit for a dear friend whom has battled this awful disease 3 times now, it's been going on for 10 yrs. This last spell is stage 4 and has spread to many parts of her body. She was a huge support to me while I was going through my treatment not…
Relay for Life
It is so overwhelmingly touching that SOOOO many people are out there helping us and hoping for us. Last night was my first experience and I wore my Survivor t-shirt, walked the Survior lap, ate at the Survivor tent, and actually publicly announced "my name, breast cancer, 22 months" on the PA at the stage with all of the…
Burning sensation under arm
Surgery was 3 weeks ago and my under arm gets shooting pains like burning, hard to explain. It even goes down behind my arm. It comes and goes. Is this nerves healing?
Today is Aztec45's (Me) Birthday
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO AZTEC 45 (ME) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME Thank you all. This is my first birthday since DX and so it is a little more special to me than most. I am back in town from Fargoland and plan to eat until I am sick and laugh until I cry. In general, just enjoy the day and…
Post treatment vitamins
I am 3 weeks after rads. I was told not to take anything until at least 2 weeks after. Of course, no suggestions as to what I should take...Reading up on the subject suggests 1000 - 2000 Vit D3; 1000mg Omega 3; 250 - 500mg Vit C and if rads on left breast (that's me!) CoEnzyme Q10 60 - 100mgs. Neither onc had suggestions,…
Mental Health Day
Hi everyone! I am taking a day off from work on Monday, just for a "mental health day". I have tried so hard to go to work and be positive and have a good attitude. I don't know if it's the Femara, which I am in my second month of taking, or just stress and exhaustion. Some days I just can't put on the "happy face" for…
Thank You All
Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It is really comforting to be surrounded by women and men that truly care about you. It not only makes you feel warm inside, but you feel you can handle anything that comes your way. I had a great birthday. I did have to do some chores like get the cat his shots and take my vehicle in…
adoption after cancer?
Hi. Anybody out there have experience with adopting post-cancer? I'm still doing chemo, but am getting close to finishing and the outlook is great. We can't have kids, so are wanting to adopt. We were going to start on this over a year ago, but got derailed by my diagnosis and treatment. My husband wants to go ahead and…
Oncologist help?
Just wondering... Is it weird that I have had a surgical biopsy ( showing IDC ) and have been scheduled for a masectomy but I havnt seen or been refered to an oncologist yet? Does this come later or should I be seeing one prior to the surgery?