Best Bumper Sticker
Saw this yesterday on a pickup truck rear window. It was in pink, with the pink breast cancer symbol, and said "Save Boobies". Cute. Judy
Clodronate therapy, I'm not sure if you know this, but looks very interesting
I was searching the internet for something else and I've found this interesting site. It is not for me (I'm from uterine cancer board) but I thought maybe can help some of you. It is about a drug clodronate, nothing new, popular in Europe and not approved by FDA but still maybe someone want to read it.…
second biopsy negative!
First good new since the biginning of the month. Now I have to talk with drs about lumpectomy or mastectomy? I don't know much yet but I'm leaning toward lumpectomy. Thanks for all the thoughts and prayers. ann
Fought the battle
When I was first diagnosed with cancer a good friend said to remember if you only get to bear the scars if you fight the battle to win the war. Didn't think a lot about it at the time but now that I had the mastectomy and well on the way to the "new normal life" the scars are looking mighty good and I'll say I'm proud of…
first appt. with Lymphedema center today..PET SCAN in 2 weeks
was measured for a sleeve, he said I would need to wear every day. It should be in next week. Then, he also scheduled 3 sessions next week to train me to do the manual lymph drainage. So, one more step in the process. The sleeve is just beige that is coming...then I will be anxious to order some from LymphedemaDivas ... I…
5 Down 3 to Go!!!!
First Taxol is done; just waiting for the fallout from it. It really does seem like this is taking forever; and that is a really long treatment; 10:30 (onc appt) out at about 4:30; crazy long. No real problem except for a little kind of stoned feeling and burning feeling in her veins for 5 minutes during the benedryl drip…
Bad Hair Day - warning big vent!!
Or should I say bad day in general? My house is a mess, my husband is never home (which i know he has to work because i don't, but it's getting to the point where work is becoming his escape, I feel). We're getting behind in bills and i KNOW that's stressing him out too. Our central air unit has been acting up all summer,…
1st Mammo and new doc tomorrow - Will you come with me?
Tomorrow I go for my first mammo after my lumpectomy and will also meet my new oncologist. My oncologist who had seen me through all of my treatments left the cancer center and I've been assigned to someone new. I've heard good things about my new doc, so I'm not too worried about that, but I am feeling a bit nervous about…
Yes, You Can Get a Port Removed in a Doctor's Office
So, today I had my port removed after it being in for 9 months--in my surgeon's office. I love him and trust him completely. After a couple of quick Lidocaine injections, I was pretty much numb. He made the incision right over the old one where he put it in. I felt quite a bit of pressure and tugging when he was taking the…
Radiation with implants
Hello all! Any of you had an experience with radiation with implants? I know is not the best because radiation can damage or move the implants, but my ps is suggesting that to me, and he said if they get damage we could do a flap reconstruction after.....
Wife Starting Taxol Wednesday
Donna will be starting her four bi-weekly Taxol treatments on Wednesday. So far, most we have heard from have thought Taxol was easier to tollerate than AC, so hopefully that will be true for her. So what have some have you done or taken to get through Taxol? Water, water, water; seems to be a given, except that water has…
Just got a newsletter from Dana Farber, said mangos are a fruit that contains iron with the added benefit of the fiber, which could help with the constipation issues. thought I would pass it along.
Tamoxifen and weight gain.
Hi everyone.I had an appointment with my Cancer dr after her switching me to Tamoxifen.I was on Armidex but had to stop it because of severe joint pain.I had lost 40lbs while on it.Now taking Tamoxifen I have not lost weight.I ask Dr. about it.She said I would not loss weight on TRamoxifen.I still watch what I eat.But this…
Fire Drill at Work Today
Man what a way to start the the morning; bells went off lights were flashing. Scared the begeezes outta me! I've been thinking about getting my exercise program going again, but come on 34 flights of stairs! I wasn't ready for that. Besides being too darn hot, my legs just don't have the stamina for this right now. At…
Sores in MY Mouth
Can anyone please help me? I have terrible sores in my mouth from the chemo, & it's killing me. I used the special mouth wash & took lortabs. Nothing is working, I've been crying all night. Thanks
Failed Reconstruction
Hello, this is Sharon from Louisiana. Has anyone out there gone through breast reconstruction, only to have it fail? On August 15 I had a muscle taken from my back and transfered to my chest, at which time they put in a tissue expander. Things seemed to be going along ok for about three weeks. Then the incesion started to…
Happy but scared, only one treatment left.
I found out today that I only have 1 more herceptin treatment left. Port will be removed the day after this treatment. Now don't get me wrong I am happy it's over, But I am a bit scared to. It's like I will have been doing this for 14 month's and then it's over. It's like whats next. Kind of a crazy feeling. Kathy
Fine, then let's chemo - brainstorm
Hi, I couldn't sleep last night (pesty expanders) and had this crazy little idea. Some of the entries on this discussion board are just priceless and so unbelievably helpful that they deserve to be shared with breast cancer patients everywhere. Examples: chenheart's Hogwarts, the brave sister who flashed her mastectomy…
Looking for SHORTSCAKE! Hoping you are doing ok and check in soon!
Shortscake, we haven't seen you post in so long and I know that you were having so many problems. Please check in with us to update us on how you are doing! We miss your Girl Power! Hugs, Leeza
stage 4 back from MD Anderson
Hi everyone! I am back from MDA today. Had the biopsy in the lung and abdominal wall done yesterday. Waiting on results and will see onc here in San Antonio Thursday morning. We go from there with the results of the biopsy with some kind of chemo treatments. I'm scared but determined to keep doing life as best I can. I…
Started Rads
So sorry I haven't gotten on here in a long time. Just got started my rads the other day. So far so good! Feeling good and praying that this goes fast so I can get on with my life. It seems like forever since my dx. But I can see the light at the end of this long tunnel! How has everyone been?
how to decide...
I finished 6 rounds of TAC on 6/23, and have 9 more rounds of radiation to go. my hair is SLOWLY starting to come back, however I hate the gray color! I met with a PS yesterday and another next week. I had a double mastectomy Jan 29th. I am really looking forward to the 'new boob' part and somewhat the end of this horrible…
Update on Lefty and Righty the Nipsters
Hi All, It's been a while. I've been on the job market online at night so as you can imagine that sucks the life right out of ya after a long day's work at my existing hell hole. ;) (any yes I'm glad to have any hell hole paying me at the moment but I've got to find a new hell hole! ;) This could take years in this…
TAC #7 infusion and update Cavediver
After a long discussion of problems over the last 15 days, onc. lowered the dose of the Taxotere in my TAC mix (Tasxotera, Adriamycin,Cytoxan). So, we will see if the next two weeks are more tolerable. He also gave me two antibiotics to take every day throughout the duration of this and #8 cycle! When I showed him the…
Stretch Marks/Expanders
Hey, Ladies I am scheduled for my 3rd expansion tomorrow. I noticed stretch marks last week on the underside of my breasts and a little on top. I called my PS's nurse, and she did not seem concerned. She said it happens, and they may have been there before, and we don't have to slow down on fills. Has anyone else had this?…
my first plastic surgeon visit not good
i finished chemo sep 17,2009 i gained weight during it steroids i think . i tried to keep walking during treatment but working everyday i was too tired. i have lost 15 pounds since and thats it. i went yesterday morning to see a plastic surgeon to start reconstruction on my right side and to have my left breast removed.…
If I knew then what I know now...
If I knew then what I know now...I would have had a mastectomy. I was diagnosed with DCIS, Stage 0 and the only form of treatment is Radiation Therapy. I have been done with radiation since 5/28 and am still exhausted. I still hurt. I still get headaches. I still get excruciating fatigue. Had I had a mastectomy, I would…
newly diagnosed and full of anxiety
Last week the results of my biopsy showed cancer in my right breast. I already had an appointment scheduled with a surgeon to discuss a steriotactic biopsy for calsifcations on my left breast. I will have that today. Im becoming increasingly anxious because Im told that if cancer is found in more than one the…
In the process of reconstruction of both breast
My expanders hurt, I 'am scheduled to have surgery next week but i'am scared of the out come. The chest aria already look soo ugly. I just started recently looking back in the mirror.I miss by breast sooooooooooo much. I cry almost everyday, I was a size 38dd. Now maybe an a cup. All my clothes donot fit. Some family…
Good report Oncologist
Appointment yesterday - 2nd appoint. with oc. All is well - had single mastectomy April 21 and have opted not to go for reconstruction (once and done for me - course I'm older, if younger would probably make other decisions). Anyway, no chemo or radiation, still undecided on Arimedex (she wants to get report from allergist…