Special Diet

jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Okay, so I am curious. Have any of you ladies Changed or Drastically changed your diet since your diagnosis or upon completion of your treatments? I am a pastry chef. I love food,cooking,baking,EATING! I also love to be active, thankfully! I dutifully gulp down fresh vegie (spinach, carrot, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli...)juice every morning. I hate it-yes, I really do. But, I look at it as medicine, I guess. The information out in the world is all over the place. Also, I had a estrogen/prog. ++ tumor, so I avoid soy, processed meats etc...Man, I kinda miss a good hot dog! So, I would love to hear some thoughts on this! xoxo, Jackie


  • CypressCynthia
    CypressCynthia Member Posts: 4,014 Member
    My thoughts about diet
    I have been trying to avoid certain foods and include healthier ones. Basically, I am trying to eat more fresh veggies and herbs. I grow all of my own herbs, but have mixed success with veggies. I try and buy organic and local produce whenever possible. I also try to include foods that reduce inflammation as there is some evidence that inflammation is associated with increased risk. See:

    There is a web site http://nutritiondata.self.com/ that gives you an inflammation number for foods.

    I avoid alcohol as there are many, many studies that equate alcohol with increased risk of breast cancer. Many here get angry when I point this out, but I am not trying to tell anyone what to do. I loved an occasional drink, but I have given it up. My personal decision. For a review of the literature re alcohol and breast cancer: http://www.springerlink.com/content/l64718w118k2740m/

    I also try and avoid BPA, see http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2649250/
    I stay away from canned foods and plastic where I can--easier said than done.

    Now I am certain that no matter what I was probably destined to battle this disease as my extremely healthy sisters also are battling it. However, I do feel better eating well and psychologically it helps me to "do" something.
  • swalters
    swalters Member Posts: 33
    Spiecial Diet
    I began a vegan shortly after I was diagnosed with DCIS. I take DIM in lieu of veggie juice and also try to buy organic fruits and veggies as much as possible. I also rarely eat sweets. There are also some foods and drinks that I make sure I have like berries, green tea, dark chocolate, a glass of red wine etc. The book Anti-Cancer is great for suggestions about foods that will strengthen your immune system.

    I also had my hormone levels checked and now take bio-identical progesterone to balance out my estrogen dominance.

    I feel the more I do the better chance I may be able to avoid a recurrence. Besides doing all these things plus getting regular exercise give me more energy.

    It sounds like you are doing a great job working at prevention too.
    Keep up the good work,
  • m_azingrace
    m_azingrace Member Posts: 399
    swalters said:

    Spiecial Diet
    I began a vegan shortly after I was diagnosed with DCIS. I take DIM in lieu of veggie juice and also try to buy organic fruits and veggies as much as possible. I also rarely eat sweets. There are also some foods and drinks that I make sure I have like berries, green tea, dark chocolate, a glass of red wine etc. The book Anti-Cancer is great for suggestions about foods that will strengthen your immune system.

    I also had my hormone levels checked and now take bio-identical progesterone to balance out my estrogen dominance.

    I feel the more I do the better chance I may be able to avoid a recurrence. Besides doing all these things plus getting regular exercise give me more energy.

    It sounds like you are doing a great job working at prevention too.
    Keep up the good work,

    Trying to make healthier choices...
    It's not always easy. HubbyDearest thinks he didn't eat unless the meal has salt, fat, sugar and meat (MEEEAT!!!). He knows he's not making healthy choices (he has cancer too), but he seems to be rebelling right now against what's best for him. He has stopped smoking and drinks very very seldom, so that's good. I lean more towards chicken & seafood, fresh veggies and lots of fresh fruits. I've limited processed foods, and cured meats. My goal is to have a diet that will support good organ function, and not stress my system or feed the cancer. Baby steps with Bill. He sees how I eat, and has even made positive remarks about it. One day at a time. Hugs to you all. Gracie
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    swalters said:

    Spiecial Diet
    I began a vegan shortly after I was diagnosed with DCIS. I take DIM in lieu of veggie juice and also try to buy organic fruits and veggies as much as possible. I also rarely eat sweets. There are also some foods and drinks that I make sure I have like berries, green tea, dark chocolate, a glass of red wine etc. The book Anti-Cancer is great for suggestions about foods that will strengthen your immune system.

    I also had my hormone levels checked and now take bio-identical progesterone to balance out my estrogen dominance.

    I feel the more I do the better chance I may be able to avoid a recurrence. Besides doing all these things plus getting regular exercise give me more energy.

    It sounds like you are doing a great job working at prevention too.
    Keep up the good work,

    I eat simply and much more
    I eat simply and much more healthy. fruits and veggies. I dont eat alot of processed foods. anything with more than a couple of ingredients or names I can t pronounce is out. I try to avoid soy but am not a fanatic. We used to get these chicken wings (chinese) and still do, but I dont eat them. If I wanted one I would eat it though, something like that is ok once in a while. I eat yogurt with probiotics in it everyday. I try to decrease sugar, but i have a good desert at least once a week. I have lost a lot of weight with this chemo and so far have kept it off. I am intriqued by the bioidentical hormones but taking them scares me.
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    I appreciate the input, so much. There is just so much conflicting information. I was a vegetarian for the last 10 years. Anemia was always an issue. So our family Dr suggested adding some meat. Last year I started with a bit of fish, then other meats. I am still worried(OCD!) that THAT is what helped kick those cancer cells into action. I realize it's more complicated than that. But, I, like everyone else here, want to pad the odds in favor of health!!
    Thanks again for the support! xoxo, Jackie
  • mariam_11_09
    mariam_11_09 Member Posts: 691 Member
    Not that much changed for

    Not that much changed for me, just gave up the coffee mostly because I had a mental addiction that when 'I can't get through the day without a cup of coffee' or 'I have to jump start myself'. Then I added meet, like yourself I spent most of my life being a vegetarian. I am picky about the meat I buy, it has to be organic, free range and hormone free. The meat for me has been a great medicine. I was first told by the herbalist, actually before my diagnosis that I needed meat and then my protein needs sky rocketed during chemo.

    I have always been careful of what I have eaten, grow a great deal of my own vegtables, eat organic as much as possible, keep processed foods to minimum, juice, avoid GMOs, avoid soy ....and much more however I still got cancer however mine was ER/PR- and HER2+. I like the way I eat, I like the way my body feels when I eat this way and unless they give me hard evidence that it is bad for me, I won't change it. I do eat a little chocolate each day, it gives me great pleasure and I am not giving that up.

    A hot dog once in a while probably won't kill you or bring you cancer back, eating it everyday might. I always say, everything in moderation, we need to take pleasure in life but not at the expense of our health or emotional well-being.
  • tjohnson2310
    tjohnson2310 Member Posts: 168 Member

    Not that much changed for

    Not that much changed for me, just gave up the coffee mostly because I had a mental addiction that when 'I can't get through the day without a cup of coffee' or 'I have to jump start myself'. Then I added meet, like yourself I spent most of my life being a vegetarian. I am picky about the meat I buy, it has to be organic, free range and hormone free. The meat for me has been a great medicine. I was first told by the herbalist, actually before my diagnosis that I needed meat and then my protein needs sky rocketed during chemo.

    I have always been careful of what I have eaten, grow a great deal of my own vegtables, eat organic as much as possible, keep processed foods to minimum, juice, avoid GMOs, avoid soy ....and much more however I still got cancer however mine was ER/PR- and HER2+. I like the way I eat, I like the way my body feels when I eat this way and unless they give me hard evidence that it is bad for me, I won't change it. I do eat a little chocolate each day, it gives me great pleasure and I am not giving that up.

    A hot dog once in a while probably won't kill you or bring you cancer back, eating it everyday might. I always say, everything in moderation, we need to take pleasure in life but not at the expense of our health or emotional well-being.

    Not yet
    I have not changed my diet since my diagnosis in May 2010. My mother keeps pushing the issue of diet and exercise. But some days I crave those not so healthy foods and I eat them. Some may say being diagnosed with cancer is one heck of a motivator but right now I am not as motivated as I should be. However, I have been a little more cautious of my diet.
  • survives
    survives Member Posts: 254 Member

    Not yet
    I have not changed my diet since my diagnosis in May 2010. My mother keeps pushing the issue of diet and exercise. But some days I crave those not so healthy foods and I eat them. Some may say being diagnosed with cancer is one heck of a motivator but right now I am not as motivated as I should be. However, I have been a little more cautious of my diet.

    Everything in moderation. I TRY to be a good girl. For the most part, I've added more fruits and veggies, but everything else is the same. I try and avoid soy, but it's in everything. Don't eat soy products, or drink soy protein drinks any more. I eat chinese food once in awhile, and hoping the evil cancer devil was satisfied with the one sacrifice I made, and will now leave me be!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    I started to see a
    Naturapathic dr last summer and he had me eating proteins & lots of veggies, Ezekial bread, whole organic foods. I lost weight. Then the holidays came. I had gained back about 6#s by mid April and in May was dx with bc. I gained 15#s after bilateral mastectomy (must have lost 10#s of boobs too!) Stress and anxiety got the best of me and I started my late night snacking again. I'm trying my best to get in a different frame of mind. I have tried bioidentical hormones - they didn't help me. I still try to eat as much organic as I can. I love fresh fruit in season (I live in CT). I have given a consious effort to avoid my sweet tooth. It's been a challenge. I rarely drink alcohol. I quit smoking 11 years ago. What's a girl to do. Because I have osteoarthritis I don't take my 2 mile walks any more. Now that I'm having chemo who feels like walking. I ride a recumbent bike. I remember the onco nurse telling me that this is not the time to diet. So, unless I start vomiting and have diarrhea I guess I'm going to stay with this flat chest and bloated stomach and ugh! weight gain )-:
  • Mama G
    Mama G Member Posts: 762
    cahjah75 said:

    I started to see a
    Naturapathic dr last summer and he had me eating proteins & lots of veggies, Ezekial bread, whole organic foods. I lost weight. Then the holidays came. I had gained back about 6#s by mid April and in May was dx with bc. I gained 15#s after bilateral mastectomy (must have lost 10#s of boobs too!) Stress and anxiety got the best of me and I started my late night snacking again. I'm trying my best to get in a different frame of mind. I have tried bioidentical hormones - they didn't help me. I still try to eat as much organic as I can. I love fresh fruit in season (I live in CT). I have given a consious effort to avoid my sweet tooth. It's been a challenge. I rarely drink alcohol. I quit smoking 11 years ago. What's a girl to do. Because I have osteoarthritis I don't take my 2 mile walks any more. Now that I'm having chemo who feels like walking. I ride a recumbent bike. I remember the onco nurse telling me that this is not the time to diet. So, unless I start vomiting and have diarrhea I guess I'm going to stay with this flat chest and bloated stomach and ugh! weight gain )-:

    I am also eating more veges and fruit
    and loving it. My Onc. said your plate should be 80% fruit and veges and 20% meat or fish. I do love frozen yogurt though. It's my downfall. But I have about half the serving I used to have. I think it's helping me feel a lot better. Sure hope so!
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    Mama G said:

    I am also eating more veges and fruit
    and loving it. My Onc. said your plate should be 80% fruit and veges and 20% meat or fish. I do love frozen yogurt though. It's my downfall. But I have about half the serving I used to have. I think it's helping me feel a lot better. Sure hope so!

    Wow- so glad I asked!
    I love fooooood! I so appreciate all of your input. Ezekiel bread is just yummy. And, I know that I should watch "stress" eating...but,those carbs are calling me at night!!!! You are all awesome!