A THANK YOU, to ChenHeart, RE, CreamPuff

VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Warrior ACS Board Queens --- My heart felt Thanks to you all!!.. following in your footsteps .. MimiVac, Moopster, Aortus, Fauxma. Did I mention 'our' class of 2009 - Rague, Ritzy, TracinLA, Blown-Away, Carkris, and Bella Luna ! Sorry to those of you - that escape my thoughts right now (still fighting chemo brain - no joke!)

Just a quick hand written texted note to all ---along with a Great Big Hug for Never waivering, loosing Faith and always being here 24/7. I know first hand, how easy it is to get back to your 'normal' lives after fighting and conquering the BEAST.

Life is a struggle -- we struggle with time constraints, family, obligations, jobs and time to enjoy life, again. I just want to say 'Thank You'.

Does any anyone have a clue on how easy it is to leave this site and group -- that is after we newbie's become a part of this community -- up front during treatment, information and research gathering .. we have questions -- concerns // we cry, we ask for help - even encouragement .. we are here on the boards enjoying the fruits of you more seasoned vet's .. However, once we are FIXED, and get BACK to our lives "we leave", we fade into 'in-active status' here on the board. You previously mentioned -- WARRIOR'S .. remain here - day after day, month after month .. offering hope, and a life filled with joy and possibilities after our treatments and surgeries.

A big THANK YOU .. for letting me be a part of your lives!

Vicki Sam


  • BlownAway60
    BlownAway60 Member Posts: 851
    Thanks for thinking of me.
    Thanks for thinking of me.

    You never realize how much a little thing like this board becomes a part of your life. I may not comment everyday but I usually check in to see what is happening. I always jump in if I think someone can benefit from some of the knowledge I have.

    Thank YOU too VickiSam.


  • chenheart
    chenheart Member Posts: 5,159
    Awwwww.....I am simply an
    Awwwww.....I am simply an advocate of Pay It Forward! I remember all too vividly when I was first diagnosed, and like many of you, I don't know how I would have navigated my way through all of it without CSN and the people I have come to know and love. Those who walked ahead of me lovingly and patiently held my hand and guided me through the rough waters. I love how one of our CSN sisters said "We are your future, you are our past."
    To walk away from you is simply not in my personality. And actually, I don't have a life to get back to! This IS my life! LOL LOL LOL

    Hugs, and thank you!
  • Ritzy
    Ritzy Member Posts: 4,381 Member
    chenheart said:

    Awwwww.....I am simply an
    Awwwww.....I am simply an advocate of Pay It Forward! I remember all too vividly when I was first diagnosed, and like many of you, I don't know how I would have navigated my way through all of it without CSN and the people I have come to know and love. Those who walked ahead of me lovingly and patiently held my hand and guided me through the rough waters. I love how one of our CSN sisters said "We are your future, you are our past."
    To walk away from you is simply not in my personality. And actually, I don't have a life to get back to! This IS my life! LOL LOL LOL

    Hugs, and thank you!

    You made my day Vicki Sam! You sweet thing you! What a kind post you have put up for all of us to read!

    If I just helped you or anyone on here in any small way, then, my heart is happy! I know, as all of you, the fear, the anxiety, the just plain being scared and not having all of the answers. But, thanks to all of you, it got me through each and everyday!

    We are always here for each other and always will be whether or not we are on the board everyday or every six months. We are SISTERS in pink forever!

    So, I have this to say to you Vicki Sam ~ Your best life is still ahead of you ~

    Thank you and you have the best day ever!

    Sue :)
  • creampuff91344
    creampuff91344 Member Posts: 988
    Ritzy said:

    You made my day Vicki Sam! You sweet thing you! What a kind post you have put up for all of us to read!

    If I just helped you or anyone on here in any small way, then, my heart is happy! I know, as all of you, the fear, the anxiety, the just plain being scared and not having all of the answers. But, thanks to all of you, it got me through each and everyday!

    We are always here for each other and always will be whether or not we are on the board everyday or every six months. We are SISTERS in pink forever!

    So, I have this to say to you Vicki Sam ~ Your best life is still ahead of you ~

    Thank you and you have the best day ever!

    Sue :)

    Thank YOU
    My dear Vickie Sam. What a privilege it is to see my name posted in conjunction with those I have looked to and admired since I first found this Board. When I arrived here, I had already completed treatment. How I wish I had found the site sooner, mainly because my fears would have been so much less, and my confidence level would have been peaked with the help of those who traveled the road before me. As a result, I decided that from that point forward (Paying It Forward as Chen says), I would do my best to ease a fear, hug someone in need, or just listen and sympathize when I had no experience with a particular delimma. Sometimes my posts do get wordy, but only because I want to make sure I give all of the information available to me to the person in need. It is a scary road we all travel, and even the tinest of help is so needed to those who are having the problem. I just hope that what we do today is carried on by others in the future. I am so grateful to those who shared their experiences with me, and hope I may have helped someone ease their mind regarding their fear. Isn't this just a wonderful site. Hugs to you all, past, present and future survivors that band together and help us all live our livest to the fullest. By the way, Vickie Sam, you have also been a great contributor and orator for me to feed from....thank you. Hug, Judy
  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member

    Thank YOU
    My dear Vickie Sam. What a privilege it is to see my name posted in conjunction with those I have looked to and admired since I first found this Board. When I arrived here, I had already completed treatment. How I wish I had found the site sooner, mainly because my fears would have been so much less, and my confidence level would have been peaked with the help of those who traveled the road before me. As a result, I decided that from that point forward (Paying It Forward as Chen says), I would do my best to ease a fear, hug someone in need, or just listen and sympathize when I had no experience with a particular delimma. Sometimes my posts do get wordy, but only because I want to make sure I give all of the information available to me to the person in need. It is a scary road we all travel, and even the tinest of help is so needed to those who are having the problem. I just hope that what we do today is carried on by others in the future. I am so grateful to those who shared their experiences with me, and hope I may have helped someone ease their mind regarding their fear. Isn't this just a wonderful site. Hugs to you all, past, present and future survivors that band together and help us all live our livest to the fullest. By the way, Vickie Sam, you have also been a great contributor and orator for me to feed from....thank you. Hug, Judy

    I Second VickiSam's Post!
    You really said it all, Vicki--I'm sort of a newbie, too, had surgery in Dec. 09, finished chemo May 09 and just finished rads last week, but these wonderful warriors have been with me every step of the way. I have obtained far more advice, tips, understanding, and compassion here than almost anywhere. I also thank you all for staying with us and giving your time and warm encouraging thoughts to all of us who need it.

    On the scariest journey of my life, you have all been there for me and I thank you so much.

    On our local news last night there was an issue about taking someone's photo off facebook--because it was, in their opinion, inappropriate. It was a young woman who was a breast cancer survivor, with a pink banner over her bare torso. I immediately said to my husband, "they better not mess with breast cancer survivors--these women are fierce warriors!"

    May you all have a blessed day.

    Hugs, Renee
  • Sunrae
    Sunrae Member Posts: 808
    missrenee said:

    I Second VickiSam's Post!
    You really said it all, Vicki--I'm sort of a newbie, too, had surgery in Dec. 09, finished chemo May 09 and just finished rads last week, but these wonderful warriors have been with me every step of the way. I have obtained far more advice, tips, understanding, and compassion here than almost anywhere. I also thank you all for staying with us and giving your time and warm encouraging thoughts to all of us who need it.

    On the scariest journey of my life, you have all been there for me and I thank you so much.

    On our local news last night there was an issue about taking someone's photo off facebook--because it was, in their opinion, inappropriate. It was a young woman who was a breast cancer survivor, with a pink banner over her bare torso. I immediately said to my husband, "they better not mess with breast cancer survivors--these women are fierce warriors!"

    May you all have a blessed day.

    Hugs, Renee

    I too want to add my thanks
    I too want to add my thanks and admiration to all of you have went before me and have stayed the course. You all have helped me so much and I count on each of you for your love, courage and experience. I still have to do rads and am fighting a serious infection even tho my chemo ended last week. It seems like it just doesn't quit but I know that there will be a day when I will feel better again, and I know this because of you who are ahead of me and come back here often to encourage the rest of us to keep on going, one day at a time, and that we'll get there, just like you did. You truly are survivors and warriors and winners. I hope to be among you one of these days and be able to help and serve others as you have. You are cherished friends to me and I love you all.
  • Jean 0609
    Jean 0609 Member Posts: 2,462
    Thanks VickiSam and I'd Like to Add Your Name to My List
    Thanks for your post & for acknowledging my heroes. Many like Judy & Chen have helped me personally. I have said it before & I'll say it again, they are my inspiration. VickiSam you have helped me through this roller coaster journey as well. I'm glad that you are all here for me. Hugs, Jean
  • RE
    RE Member Posts: 4,591 Member
    Vicki, thank you for your kind words. As some of you know I have dealt with cancer in some form since my Mom got it when I was 17. When I found this board it was a way I could give back to those who had been there for me (My Mom, Sister, friends and family). I know to well how it feels to have to confront such news and it is my desire to help where I can and to give hope that there is indeed life during and after cancer that is both rewarding and worth fighting for!

    Of course I also come here because you all have so generously given to me in my time of need. Listening when I was scared during reconstruction, laughing when silly things occur and rejoicing when I get the all clear, and lets not forget you tolerate all my grandma photos and talk (by the way I am posting new pics of AVA LOL!). You are all a part of me, a very important part of me and I give thanks for each of you!

    ♥ RE ♥
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Vicki Sam
    I'm a newbie and I can't tell all of you how much your information and support has helped those like me. You're an inspiration :-0 This network has been invaluable to me and to many others, I'm sure. God bless you all,
  • kakie
    kakie Member Posts: 38
    RE said:

    Vicki, thank you for your kind words. As some of you know I have dealt with cancer in some form since my Mom got it when I was 17. When I found this board it was a way I could give back to those who had been there for me (My Mom, Sister, friends and family). I know to well how it feels to have to confront such news and it is my desire to help where I can and to give hope that there is indeed life during and after cancer that is both rewarding and worth fighting for!

    Of course I also come here because you all have so generously given to me in my time of need. Listening when I was scared during reconstruction, laughing when silly things occur and rejoicing when I get the all clear, and lets not forget you tolerate all my grandma photos and talk (by the way I am posting new pics of AVA LOL!). You are all a part of me, a very important part of me and I give thanks for each of you!

    ♥ RE ♥

    I haven't even started
    You all are already a rock for me....and yes, thank you, for not running away and being here for us. Love to you all
  • jackiejhm
    jackiejhm Member Posts: 169
    All Aboard!!!
    Hopping on this gratitude train. I am still a newbie too. I can't thank all of you enough for all of the information, and relief either from laughing or learning while reading your posts! I don't know how I could have coped thus far without you!!! Many,many thanks! xoxo, Jackie
  • carkris
    carkris Member Posts: 4,553 Member
    jackiejhm said:

    All Aboard!!!
    Hopping on this gratitude train. I am still a newbie too. I can't thank all of you enough for all of the information, and relief either from laughing or learning while reading your posts! I don't know how I could have coped thus far without you!!! Many,many thanks! xoxo, Jackie

    what a nice thing to say, This is my second primary, during my first one I was a young mom age 34 and there was nothing for me. this place has been a world of support, everyone has such insight and wisdom to share. We come from all over the world, different experiences and we bring it together to help one another. To laugh, cry ,encourage, and support. Its such a nice group. Sometimes I forget I have never met you all I feel like I know you and pray for you every night.
  • fauxma
    fauxma Member Posts: 3,577 Member
    carkris said:

    what a nice thing to say, This is my second primary, during my first one I was a young mom age 34 and there was nothing for me. this place has been a world of support, everyone has such insight and wisdom to share. We come from all over the world, different experiences and we bring it together to help one another. To laugh, cry ,encourage, and support. Its such a nice group. Sometimes I forget I have never met you all I feel like I know you and pray for you every night.

    I feel truly

    I feel truly honored to be mentioned with all of these strong warriors. You are also a strong presence on this board. I often feel reluctant to post because my journey has always seemed so easy to me. In spite of several primary cancers I have never faced chemo and I has been blessed in having few side effects from each time I have had radiation. But I do care so much for all on this board. Each battle is hard, each person unique. I think the beauty of this board is that so much is brought to the table that it is like a big buffet. We can read each post and take that which helps, come back for seconds whenever we want and enjoy the meal in the good company. While one partakes of the chemo advice, another finds comfort in the radiation suggestions and still others devour the reconstruction stories. Truly something for everyone. And we share laughter, tears, venting and oh so much more. Hell, it's not a buffet but a full fledged banquet. I love you all and want us to gather strength and inspiration from each other and we do. Bless us everyone.
  • Aortus
    Aortus Member Posts: 967
    fauxma said:

    I feel truly

    I feel truly honored to be mentioned with all of these strong warriors. You are also a strong presence on this board. I often feel reluctant to post because my journey has always seemed so easy to me. In spite of several primary cancers I have never faced chemo and I has been blessed in having few side effects from each time I have had radiation. But I do care so much for all on this board. Each battle is hard, each person unique. I think the beauty of this board is that so much is brought to the table that it is like a big buffet. We can read each post and take that which helps, come back for seconds whenever we want and enjoy the meal in the good company. While one partakes of the chemo advice, another finds comfort in the radiation suggestions and still others devour the reconstruction stories. Truly something for everyone. And we share laughter, tears, venting and oh so much more. Hell, it's not a buffet but a full fledged banquet. I love you all and want us to gather strength and inspiration from each other and we do. Bless us everyone.

    Not exactly a queen, but...
    proud and honored beyond belief to be mentioned in the same sentence with all of these brave warrior women. Spasibo bol'shoe, Viktoriya!
  • Marcia527
    Marcia527 Member Posts: 2,729
    I mumble shyly,
    "Y'all is my heroes."
  • MyTurnNow
    MyTurnNow Member Posts: 2,686 Member
    Very well said, VickiSam. I
    Very well said, VickiSam. I concur 100,000,000,000% The ladies and men on this site are invaluable individuals!!! A great big thank you from the bottom of my heart!!
  • natly15
    natly15 Member Posts: 1,941
    Vicki thank you for posting
    Vicki thank you for posting this. These ladies are our angels. Yes thank you everyone for hanging in with us, encouraging us, and holding our hands. This website has been absolutley invaluable to me. Couldnt have done it, if you gals didnt allow me to express my innermost feelings and thoughts.
  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    missrenee said:

    I Second VickiSam's Post!
    You really said it all, Vicki--I'm sort of a newbie, too, had surgery in Dec. 09, finished chemo May 09 and just finished rads last week, but these wonderful warriors have been with me every step of the way. I have obtained far more advice, tips, understanding, and compassion here than almost anywhere. I also thank you all for staying with us and giving your time and warm encouraging thoughts to all of us who need it.

    On the scariest journey of my life, you have all been there for me and I thank you so much.

    On our local news last night there was an issue about taking someone's photo off facebook--because it was, in their opinion, inappropriate. It was a young woman who was a breast cancer survivor, with a pink banner over her bare torso. I immediately said to my husband, "they better not mess with breast cancer survivors--these women are fierce warriors!"

    May you all have a blessed day.

    Hugs, Renee

    Thanks Vicki Sam for
    Thanks Vicki Sam for thanking these great women, the old ones and the 2009 ones! This site is so wonderful!

    Hugs, Jan
  • Bella Luna
    Bella Luna Member Posts: 1,578 Member
    Vicki Sam... you are a
    Vicki Sam... you are a Warrior to us Sisters in Pink, too. Your input, warmth, and honesty are invaluable to us. Thank you for letting us into your life, too.

    As for moving on... that is all up to you. I think of this site as a safety net. You can always come back to the site if you feel the need. Some, I would imagine, do move on. I come and go from time to time. I don't write too many blogs, but I do read and respond to some of them. I think it's however you want to use the site, depending on your needs.

    God bless dear Friend.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    Vicki Sam... you are a
    Vicki Sam... you are a Warrior to us Sisters in Pink, too. Your input, warmth, and honesty are invaluable to us. Thank you for letting us into your life, too.

    As for moving on... that is all up to you. I think of this site as a safety net. You can always come back to the site if you feel the need. Some, I would imagine, do move on. I come and go from time to time. I don't write too many blogs, but I do read and respond to some of them. I think it's however you want to use the site, depending on your needs.

    God bless dear Friend.

    I appreciate everyone's comments .. Just wanted
    to say ... Thank you - from a fatigued, sleep deprived .. sister in PINK. I did intend to leave anyone out, or have my name mentioned - as I feel like so many others - that what I have to say makes no sense at times - chemo brain and all - and perhaps everyone is sick and tired of hearing about my life's struggles with the beast!

    Strength and Courage to all - cuz, we all need it at 1 time or another!

    Vicki Sam