Round 2 Is it worse
I have been off the Herceptin for one year and now I find out my cancer is back, is the chemo worse on the second round? The first time a had a lumpectomy this time it will me a masectomy. Help please.
Book recommendations on my resources page - anyone else use your resources page?
We often have threads here with recommendations for books we've found helpful or inspiring -- I love to share my own suggestions for books that helped me, so I spent some time this weekend exploring my "resources" page, to see if I could upload the information there. It's in the same place where you find someone's…
Love of a Friend - a poem for all my wonderful sisters out there
As a newbie to the site and discussion board I wanted to share this poem that I had written some time ago with all my sisters who are breast cancer survivors. I thought that this poem was very appropriate considering all the love that I have seen written in the posts on the discussion boards. I hope that you all enjoy…
Seven Down - - - - One to Go
I haven't been posting much but today was Donna's 3rd Taxol (after 4 AC); One more Taxol left; then no more chemo!!! Although there will be rads and Tamoxifin (even though she is trip -, that very weak positive is enough for her Onc. to want her take it); being done with chemo in two weeks will be a HUGE monkey off her…
I feel like a terrible person....
My husband and I have a close friend who has terminal colon cancer. Yesterday, I heard that he wasn't doing well so I called his wife to ask. She said that he had decided to forego the chemo and they have called in hospice... I asked if there was anything that we could do for them and she said that it might be nice if we…
Iran Hostage
Shourd's mother, Nora, told AFP last month that her daughter was being held in solitary confinement and denied medical treatment despite suffering from a pre-cancerous cervical condition, a lump in her breast and depression. Her lawyer, Masoud Shafii, today told CNN that Shourd could be released from Tehran's infamous Evin…
Scared about my marriage
I am having a bad one. Second chemo was Thursday. Husband shaved my head Thursday night. Since Thursday night, we haven't spent much time together despite going to a party without the kids for my aunts birthday. He spent most of the night with my BIL checking football scores. Had a crash yesterday and although my husband…
Finally got the courage....
I did it ladies - I changed my profile picture. It is most current - (yesterday) and it is how I currently look. No hair! Hard to beleive I once had long blonde hair huh? MIne wasn't as long Jo Jo's but... I'll see if I can post one of me with hair so everyone can see the difference. I know alot of you have a hard time…
Today is Kara0221's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KARA HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your birthday and throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
So much excitement!!!!
It's been a busy weekend. Two separate baby showers for my son and daughter-in-law who are expecting my Granddaughter the end of October. My first grandchild, I am so excited! So much excitement for me, that I'm kind of worn out today. At yesterday's shower, a dear friend of mine gave my new Granddaughter a onesie that…
day #6 hitting hard......
Well, last week after finishing TAC#8, I decided not to celebrate completion of chemo..since I knew I would have a couple weeks of tunnel to get through. Well, today I wake up, day 6 after infusion, I am hurting....... so I guess I will be crawling and scratching my way out of this tunnel afterall. But I want to let you…
Welcome To Hogwarts!! I was asked to re-post this for the New Ones finding us!
Welcome to Hogwarts~ A Primer for the New Ones not finding much emotional support at work and with "friends" So many new ones have joined our family of Kindred Spirits lately~we sigh that you have had to find us, but of course welcome you with open ♥ You may have noticed, or even posted about the fact that many of our…
The Woman Marine Pilot
The teacher gave her fifth grade class an assignment: Get their parents to tell them a story with a moral at the end of it. The next day, the kids came back and, one by one, began to tell their stories. There were all the regular types of stuff: spilled milk and pennies saved. But then the teacher realized, much to her…
All right, with everything that is going on with the progression and waiting to see if we qualify for the clinical trial at UCLA, my wife and teenage daughter birthdays are coming up in Oct (5th for daughter and 9th for wife). I need to know do I go all out in case this is my wife's last birthday or do I not? I'm not…
Told Son of BC Diagnosis
Skeezie: for some reason can't always get into private messages. Just wrote to my Son and told him that I have been diagnosed with BC waiting for exact surgery date and possibly more tests. Told him it is treatable and beatable; thinking positive and acting proactively. Didn't know what else to say. After reading your…
1st chemo completed today - piece of cake SO FAR!
HHHHHOOOORRRRRAAAAAYYYYYYY. First round of chemo down (5 to go) -- and I feel GREAT. Got my Taxotere, Carbo, and Herceptin. I am so dosed up on steriods I feel like I could go running or dancing. Maybe I'll clean house. The nurse told me I'd probably be up to 2-3 am from all the steriods. I am to take more steriods on…
Lumpectomy- no radiation, has anyone decided on no radiation?
Good Morning sister-friend, I'm wondering if any of the DCIS, hormone positive, no nodes patients have decided on no radiation. I've heard that about 1/3 of DCIS women choose no radiation thearpy and wonder how that has gone for them. I'm on the fence and need to make my decision very soon. Thank you for your time and kind…
Including mom in our Pink Sisterhood
Good Morning everyone :) I hope it's not inappropriate for me to be asking something like this, so if it is, I'm sorry ahead of time - I'm just thinking of ways I can help lift my mom's spirits. As you probably all know, my mom was recently disgnosed with breast cancer about 2 months after my own diagnosis. She had her…
Radiation First Appt.
Hey ladies - can anyone tell me exactly what happens at the first radiation set-up/marking appointment? I go on Wednesday. I was told about getting some little tattoos and about lying with my arm above my head for an hour. I am really scared since I don't think I can hold my arm in that position for an hour. I've been…
Tattoo, Redo and Cancerversary
Hi All, The day finally came and Righty received a tattoo. I posted it on my website if you're curious (mymastectomyonline.com) To be honest, it kinda hurt. Funny huh? Considereing how bad a double mastectomy hurts! Lefty that fell over got redone and I'm really worried about her. She hurts alot more than last time and is…
Patterns/Directions for scarfs - where are they?
I had seen several differnt sites with patterns/directions for scarfs/hats but can't find them now. Does anyone remember where they are? I have some scarf (basically I've decided that I'll wear them a lot more than my wig) but the ones I have aren't exactly what I want and as Hubby and Son went to the fabric store…
How much time off between chemo and radiation?
I just read Kemosabe's post about starting radiation 09/13 and having had her last chemo 8/24. I thought we got a little "time off" between chemo and radiation? This is less than 3 weeks after the last infusion. That's no break in my mind. I was hoping to recover a little before starting radiation. I want to go visit my…
Today is Cavediver's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May every glowing candle on your cake be a wish that comes true! ♥ Cat
Today is Pattimc's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATTI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Best wishes on your special day & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
Cried my eyes out tonight !!!!
Friday I had my 5th treatment (1 more to go) and usually I feel pretty good on the Saturday and Sunday that followed. But today - I just didn't feel myself. I felt very water logged, my stomach just wasn't itself and I didn't want to do much of anything. My husband is at a family party that I just didn't feel like…
Chemo On my birthday
I am scheduled for my third round of chemo on Tuesday... What a birthday present...I will be 38...lol
Just Checking In
Still on vacation. We spent one night in Panama City Beach, FL and one night in New Orleans, LA before visiting my brother in Houston. We left Houston this morning after spending 2 days at my brother's house. On our way now to Indiana to pickup my husbsnd's mother and visit his youngest daughter and her family. Hugs to…
so much for help from my family!?!
yesterday my mom and my sister went with me to my appt with the plastic surgeon. they were supposed to go with me today for my pre-op tests and the mastectomy teaching class. well, they went home this morning - couldn't handle it! the photos the ps showed upset my sister and she convinced my mom leave. i have had to deal…
Diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer. Scheduling Lumpectomy..what to expect as far as bill?
Tell me how to get into chat or if someone in here can talk with me about their experience with Stage 1 Breast Cancer; Lumpectomy.
next week would be chemo
i would have not been allowed to drive home.This is why i wanted a pic line. how long until i can drive after the port in