Thanks to Greta & Mods
Thanks for acting so quickly to get rid of those damned robo-posts. It was so irritating & messed with the flow of the boards. Just want to let you know you are appreciated. Cindy
Great book---but not cancer related
Hi all! Hope everyone is enjoying the long weekend. I just wanted to let you guys know about a new book I am reading, it is called "Girl with the Dragon Tatoo". You have probably heard about this book since it is very popular and i do not know how i missed it. It is a great book. I can't stop reading it, and it has given…
Daughter Wants to Know if You Breast Fed Your Babies
I am the one with breast cancer. My daughter has breast fed all her babies (so far 4). She would like to know if you breast fed your babies. Theory is that if you breast feed, you are safe from breast cancer. I did not breast feed my babies. Look forward to your answer. Janelle
JoJo and I met yesterday, 9/8 .. she is as lovely and wonderful as she sounds on our boards ..
I also had the opportunity to meet her boyfriend, Tony - who is as loving and caring as she describes. We spent 2 hours - gabbing and laughing! Yes, we did compare our new 'ta-ta's -- We decided ==== we are extremely happy with the size, form and fit of our girls. We both experience a drop in 1 breast - funny ---. JoJo is…
1st Chemo Today, 9/9, at 10a EDT
Hi Ladies, As I'm sure you can imagine, my last week before starting chemo today has been crazy full of tests, MD appts, dentist appt, shopping/errands, and the like -- but I think I am as ready as I will every be. As you all have said, until I get thru this first one, I really won't know what to expect longer term. Right…
I tried to delete my picture
and replace it with a different one of myself and 3 sisters and it keeps coming back to the old picture that I deleted. I sent CSN an email but I get so frustrated because I'm not computer literate )-: I could just scream! Char
phyllodes tumor
Was diagnosed on 8/1/2010. Had simple mastectomy on 8/18/10. Am scheduled for consultation with radiologist on 9/23/10 to dicuss radiation treatment. Any words of wisdom from anyone?
Questions For those in Fl
How many ladies of use Gulf Coast Oncology as a treatment center. I got a referal to them for treatment. Sorry ladies if my speller broken tonight.
surgery scheduled - send those prayers my way, please!
mastectomy scheduled for september 15 - appt. with plastic surgeon tomorrow (although i know i can't have immediate reconstruction). pre-op tests on friday afternoon along with teaching class about the mastectomy. i will have my mom and sister with me for the next two days- first time since my cancer journey started that i…
Good news:)
Hi friends, my doctor called this evening with my biosy results, benign!!! I immediately felt lighter. It was good to drop that heavy sack I had been carrying around the past week. She wants to do another MRI in 6 mos, but that is fine with me. Now I can enjoy the new school year with my new students. Thank God. Thank you…
News on IrishWhispers aka Trisha Bonn
Hi everyone, I know I haven't been on here in a while, and thought this would be the more appropriate site to post so that I could reach everyone that knows our Trish the Dish, comic, mother, grandma and friend. Today I was chatting with her daughter Melissa on FB and unfortunately, the news is not good. She was released…
Update on JoJo's visit to Southern California ... scheduled for 9/8
JoJo had planned to be in Riverside, California tomorrow - 9/8 available to meet with several of us So. California Warriors - 2,3 or 4 p.m. Several sisters in PINK want to meet with her for lunch, or dinner and drinks . . . I still have not heard from JoJo, and as we all know .. when you're on vacation time flies - plans…
first Zometa infusion
It went well. I was expecting more side effects like flu symptoms, but nothing. It was strange going back to the chemo recliner again and having my port used. Its been 6 months and I never had it flushed-I know, I got yelled at! But it worked fine. I hope it knocks the H out of my bone met. Another pet scan in 6 months.…
starting Arimidex this week
Just got my prescription for Arimidex and I think I start the day I finish my radiation treatment which would be Friday but will see my doctor tomorrow to find out for sure. My question is, did someone here say that they take the pill in the evenings?? Somehow I remember reading that and I made a note to take it in the…
sentinel node positive
thanks for all the advise. I never think of questions when I get bad news at drs office. My sentinel node was positive in addition to cancer cells around the lumpectomy. Now I have to get scheduled for masectomy...but I did not ask more questions. Will all lympth nodes be removed? How much more difficult does this make for…
SOY? not for ER/PR positive?
I am recently diagnosed (DCIS with poss microinvasion)...and trying to get up todate on all of the research. I read the post from Double Whammy on soy. I am er/pr positive, should i avoid soy? Why? can someone point me in the right direction? also...while i've got your attention :) ... has anyone tried anything…
Short-course Radiation, has anyone completed the 3 week radiation treatment?
Hello! I'm hoping to connect with ladies who have experienced the short-course radiation. I have DCIS-0 stage, 7mm tumor removed via lumpectomy, Hormone positive. Great margins. I am to begin rx of 16 treatments on Wednesday, very nervous. They are 266 rads vs the 188 given in the 6 week treatment, so a few more rads and…
Housecleaning Services for Chemotherapy patients
I just wanted to share this link... I wished I had know about it before my chemotherapy. http://www.cleaningforareason.org/ Of course, none of you are invited over until I get the dust bunnies out from under the credenza by the front door and they have been there since Christmas. Really, take a look and I hope this is…
Here I come
Did any one here dealt with i tight feeling on thier cheast after a mod rad mastecomy. My left side feels very tight. I have been moving and exersizing but it still feels tight. All I been told it will feel weird. evrything is ok but this tight feeling in my chest and a left arm that feels like i been hit in it. Now the…
Pullman, Washington
If there is anyone who lives in the area and need a friend or some help, I would love to give back.
Double Mastectomy Anniversary coming up...
9-9-09 has been so branded in my brain but somehow I looked down at my watch today and it dawned on my that it was this time a year ago when I was at my absolute lowest. I've come so far from that day but remembering how I felt brings it all back and my pinks have turned into the blues. Anyone feel this way on certain…
I have just been advised to have a masectomy due to cancer cells showing around my lumpectomy. Now I am trying to deal with this and meet a plastic surgeon to discuss reconstruction. Any advice you can offer is appreciated. If I do not get reconstruction, what is out there to help me look fairly normal? ann
I hosted a party at my house, it is not about big C
We celebrated my new job and new place. I cooked for 8 people and it has been a great accomplishment for me. Hosting a party for the first time time since my diagnosis (June 2008) and treatments marks another step forward in my life. Even yesterday I was not sure that we can manage it. My husband helped a lot, we served…
tamoxifen & depression
Just to let you know that tamoxifen can cause depression. I don't think it is common at all but it happened to me. I was doing fine before I started tamoxifen and then it happened quite gradually so I didn't really realize what was going on for quite awhile. Anyone else have this experience?
How Not To Rob a Bank
Here are some easy lessons gleaned from the experiences of a number of would-be bank robbers. Pick The Right Bank: You don't want to make the same mistake as the fellow in Anaheim, CA, who tried to hold up a bank that was no longer in business and had no money. Study Your History: Don't try to stick up the First National…
spam on the boards-info for newbies
You will notice sometimes posts that are all nonsense and have lots of links. This is spam. They usually submit lots of posts on numerous boards. This has happened before and these posts should be flagged so the moderator can remove them. Really messes up the board.
Good news
I have told the dummies that I had you fired. Thank god I found a primary that I can talk to and I am understood. Got told this am I am not to do the things I have done so far. They are smiling that so far I can laugh at the pain meds which remain untaken.I got new onc docs wait to hear back with an appt time.The funny…
It looks as though we may have a virus on this site. The name ppeeac appears to respond to almost all the posts but when you read the post its gibberish. I sent an email to Greta advising her of this problem. Dot
For natly15
You and your family and especially Troy are in my thoughts and prayers this am. Check your messages as I have pm'd you.
How do you deal with your bald head???
Well, I just shaved my head over yesterday and it was an extremely traumatic experience. I thought I would be able to get thru a couple of treatments before the hair went, but it only took a few weeks after the first treatment. Since then I haven't wanted to leave my house and am finding that my wig makes my head roast!!…