Today is CindyAnn's Birthday!
Meeting Vickisam...i got pics!
Im sorry it has taken so long for me to post about meeting Vickisam but i just had to try to collect myself together as much as i could before i got back on the board...I got to meet Vick while on my road trip. We had lunch at Coco's in Riverside CA. I didnt think i would recognize her from her pic on here but as soon as i…
Natly, how is baby Troy?
Just back from the Savannah neonatal conference and thinking about you. Hope everyone is well?!
It is with a heavy heart that I come to you, my sisters, today. There are many here that have not had the joy or honor of meeting our Irishwhispers. Sadly they never will. Trish (Irishwhispers) Bonn died last night, after a long and vicious battle against the beast. I met Trish here on CSN in the chat room and we quickly…
Hi. Just got my blood checked after round 5 of TAC. As usual my white count was low, but for the first time my red count was low, just above 8. No wonder I'm so damned tired! I have to go back on Wed. to get it checked again, if it goes below 8 I'll have to get a transfusion. For some reason the thought of a transfusion…
Still waiting
My wife is still waiting for the slides to be tested to see if she qualifies for the clinical trial through UCLA. ONC wanted to give her NAVOBEAN, but that would be her 4th line and that would disqualify her automatically, so decided to go with the Ixempra and Zolota package for the next 2 weeks while we wait and there…
Heidijez How R U Doing?
How are you doing? I hope everything went ok for you. I imagine you are home resting. Take care, know that we are thinking of you and sending prayers and cyber hugs your way. God bless. BL
Chemo on Monday with Neulasta inj.
How long does this leg pain last from the neulasta shot? Ouch!
Today is JuJuBeez's Birthday!
Hi All, Lefty McNip seems to be staying put but still looks icky (blackish, purplish and bruises all around) She isn't bleeding as much as last time though so I'm hopeful. I'm still very stressed over it all though not sure what will happen if this nipple doesn't work out a second time. Things could be worse I know.…
Walked on Sunday in Komen Walk -Run in Central Park
I had a fabulous time on Sunday. We ended up taking the shorter walking course for "Survivors" because my husband's hip was bothering him with the damp and wet weather we had that morning.I was a little disappointed that I did not get to walk the full course, as I have done in the past, before my diagnosis. I decided not…
Port in got treated like ________
I told them i have a low blood suger problem I needed to eat. they did the thing left me with food and i kept asking for my purse because i had something there to eat got told no you have to stay for 2 more hours. Got theathen with a dui also by the hospital. i told them i had a ride buit the still threathen me with a dui.…
Baby Troy is Home!!
Troy completed his last round of antibiotics this past Saturday, and was released for home on Sunday. He saw the doctor today, and the doc said his weight is up to 6lbs 5 oz and now seems to be acting like a newborn should be acting. Thank God is all I can say. Thank you pink sisters for all your prayers and support for me…
new treatment started Friday, not bad at all
Just checking in to let you know that i started my new treatment of Carbo, taxatere and Herceptin. So, far it has not been as bad as my weekly treatment of Taxol and Herceptin. I had some stomach aching and some body aches and a bad headache, but it is livable. I have not had any facial swelling or numbness, and i have a…
Benefit for Patricia Bonn (Irishwhispers)
Trish's family want this to be a special time to share stories, laugh, cry, and remember a woman who was a mother,grandmother, daughter, sister, and friend...mostly a friend. The money raised will be used to cover funeral home expenses and to set up a scholarship in her name. They have asked if they can use our words in…
Heading to the beach!
I had my 5th herceptin treatment today. This was my first herceptin treatment alone. The other four I had with chemo. My last chemo was August 25th. So instead of crashing this Saturday from the chemo & steroids, we are driving to Myrtle Beach, South Carolina to our condo for a week! I can't wait. It has been a long…
Grandmother starts chemo
My grandmother has breast cancer that has spread to many parts in her body. She will start chemo on Friday and the name of the drug is TAXOTERE. iF anyone has been on this please contact me so I can let my grandmother know what to expect. I had tongue cancer 10 years ago but I was on a different chemo. Thanks
Going to California
My husband, the dog and I are driving to California tomorrow! They are only staying till Monday, but I think I'll stay about a week or so. Its going to be my last "vacation" for a long time. I am having a hysterectomy on Oct.12 then once I recover from that I have to start looking for a job. I have family in Huntington…
An Amish farmer
An Amish farmer walking through his field notices a man drinking from his pond, with his hand. The Amish man shouts: "Trinken sie nicht das wasser, die huhe und die schweine haben in ihm geschissen!" Which means: "Don't drink the water, the cows and the pigs have **** in it!" The man shouts back: "I'm a Muslim, I don't…
Elizabeth Edwards On Nate Berkus show
I just saw The nate Berkus show . Elizabeth Edwards was talking about losing her son, her divorce, and breast cancer. She had a wonderful quote, that I just love "ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering, there is a crack in everything, thats how the light gets in" Leonard Cohen. It really touched…
Back from roadtrip!
Well the roadtrip is over as a matter of fact some of you have read that it was cut short...but up till then we were having an awesome time! We seen some amazing things. When we got back we realized we drive 5,500 miles on our roadtrip but we had a blast! I posted alot of pics!
Psst......little gas issue
OK, it has been almost 2 weeks since my last chemo. I have this little gas issue. Burping, for one. I sound like a truck driver (insult to truck drivers not intended). All day. My only hope is that it will get some of the air out of me and I will loose a couple sizes. The second is gas from the other end. Not smelly, not…
Where I've been, where I am and where I am going.
Some know my story. It began a little over a year ago when I found out I had DCIS. Within a month of that diagnosis my mom was put under the care of hospice. In November she died from BC. Winter was agonizing as I waffled between traditional treatment for DCIS and DMX. I was BRAC1 and 2 negative but my mom and my…
Saw Onc for 1'st follow up after treatment & Mammo
My onc put me somewhat at ease today regarding my not so nice mammo. He said that it's not unusual for that first mammo after treatment to show areas that are usually nothing more than scar tissue. With the breast exam today, he said everything seemed to be ok. I'll repeat the mammo and ultra sound in Feb. I stopped…
Not BC related but need to vent!!!!!!!!!!!!! warning its LONG
Hello all, this is not BC related but I have to VENT before I loose my mind!!!! My 25 year old daughter her 2 children 3 and 6 my 22 year old son and his 20 yr old wife all moved in to "help me". I have a very small house 3 bedrooms 1 bathroom. My 9 yr old sleeps in my room. My daughter and her kids in another and my son…
New & Diagnosed with low grade inductal carcinoma
Doctor called with the news. Low grade inductal carcinoma. Problem is, radiologist gave me a needle aspiration instead of a core as she requested. Doctor wants me to go back for a core. I do not want to do that, I want both breasts removed. Am I jumping the gun? She said that wasn't a good decision right now before having…
After Implant Exchange...
Hello! I had my exchange surgery 3 weeks ago and just wondered what experiences other bc sisters have had. I vacuumed the other day and oh boy, the muscle spasms started! How long does this last, or is it unusual to still suffer from this after expanders are removed? It's amazing how much work those chest muscles do! I…
2floridiansisters - Good luck on your surgery
It's strange some of the things I remember and other's that I don't. I can't even remember where I left my keys, but for some reason I remembered that you were scheduled for your surgery tomorrow (9/15). ;) I hope all goes well and please keep us posted. Patty
Ladies say some prayers I start chemo
This thur coming i start chemo. Atleast new onco gave me 80% chance instead of 30% from the old one. It going to last 4 month then rad and pills
masectomy soon
Im calling the dr today to schedule my masectomy; Decided against reconstruction. I was doinging better with being nervous, but now I am becoming more anxious again. After surgery when will I be able to wear a bra with the soft filler? Where will I get it--do I need to purchase it ahead of time so I'll have it when its…