How much time off between chemo and radiation?
I just read Kemosabe's post about starting radiation 09/13 and having had her last chemo 8/24. I thought we got a little "time off" between chemo and radiation? This is less than 3 weeks after the last infusion. That's no break in my mind. I was hoping to recover a little before starting radiation. I want to go visit my…
Today is Cavediver's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR CD HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! May every glowing candle on your cake be a wish that comes true! ♥ Cat
Today is Pattimc's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PATTI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Best wishes on your special day & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
Cried my eyes out tonight !!!!
Friday I had my 5th treatment (1 more to go) and usually I feel pretty good on the Saturday and Sunday that followed. But today - I just didn't feel myself. I felt very water logged, my stomach just wasn't itself and I didn't want to do much of anything. My husband is at a family party that I just didn't feel like…
Chemo On my birthday
I am scheduled for my third round of chemo on Tuesday... What a birthday present...I will be 38...lol
Just Checking In
Still on vacation. We spent one night in Panama City Beach, FL and one night in New Orleans, LA before visiting my brother in Houston. We left Houston this morning after spending 2 days at my brother's house. On our way now to Indiana to pickup my husbsnd's mother and visit his youngest daughter and her family. Hugs to…
so much for help from my family!?!
yesterday my mom and my sister went with me to my appt with the plastic surgeon. they were supposed to go with me today for my pre-op tests and the mastectomy teaching class. well, they went home this morning - couldn't handle it! the photos the ps showed upset my sister and she convinced my mom leave. i have had to deal…
Diagnosed with Stage 1 Breast Cancer. Scheduling Lumpectomy..what to expect as far as bill?
Tell me how to get into chat or if someone in here can talk with me about their experience with Stage 1 Breast Cancer; Lumpectomy.
next week would be chemo
i would have not been allowed to drive home.This is why i wanted a pic line. how long until i can drive after the port in
Prayers for my sister
My younger sister is in the process; as I speak of getting mammogram ultra sound etc. Her doc found a lump in her breast yesterday. They kind of put a rush on this for her not only because of my cancer, but she is a 10 year pancreatic cancer survivor! She is who set the bar for me to take a lot of what I've been handed in…
Update on mom
Well today my mom had her lumpectomy. We were a bit disappointed to find out that during her sentinal node biopsy they did find cancer in some nodes. So now she will have to have chemo included in her treatment. She's handling it better than I expected, and again I have to say I'm grateful that I'm going through everything…
cancer-versary suggestions...
October 16th will be my 2 year anniversary of being cancer free. I want to get a tattoo to celebrate. What I'm thinking is HOPE STRENGTH written in script with the T in strength the pink ribbon. So far I like that...but am open to any suggestions....Thank you all!!
I am back and really need you
first of all "Howdy" to all the new names. I have not been here in awhile. After my elective double mastecomy on July 8th I needed a break. So to bring you up to date. I had immediate reconstruction, silicone, during surgery. Went home that same day and was doing great. PS noticed some nacrosis and I have been going in…
Spiculated mass biopsy done
Had my biopsy today, painless and uneventful. Dr said he would have my results by Wednesday! Scared, nervous and sleepless.
no insurance
Hi all, need a little help/advise for a friend of mine. I'm a Stage III colon cancer survivor NED 1 yr but have a friend who is Stage IV breast...mets to liver which they seem to have cleared up but now mets to brain. She recently lost her job due to company relocation and can't afford the cobra insurance until she becomes…
Hand-foot syndrome - PPE
Anyone have this side effect of Taxotere? http://www.cancer.net/patient/All+About+Cancer/Treating+Cancer/Managing+Side+Effects/Hand-Foot+Syndrome+or+Palmar-Plantar+Erythrodysesthesia Hand-foot syndrome or Palmar-Plantar Erythrodysthesia. Last chemo cycle (2) I ended up in Urgent Care with what was determined to be an…
Radiation Update
Hey you all....Just wanted to let you know that the awful fatigue I had when I started radiation has finally let up..Praise God!!!But in its place I have awful burns[under my arm and one spot under breast I think from where my bra rubbed]....Just started on the silver sulfadiazine....Wondered how long this takes to help? I…
Breast Cancer after Hodgkins Disease
I am searching for someone who has had a similar experience with breast cancer dx after Hodgkins treatment. I was treated for hodgkins in 1988 with lots of radiation (no chemo). All was well until 2003 when I was diagnosed with a very early stage 1 bc. I was treated with masectomy on affected side. Two weeks ago I was…
pain medication and mastectomy
Newbie here! I had a mastectomy two weeks ago today, and I still need my pain medicine(hydrocodone)-one pill every four hours. Is this normal? I tried extra strength tylenol and it didn't help? How long were you on pain meds? What is too long?
fingernail issues
I went to a wedding last weekend so had my nails done - first time all summer because of chemo (taxotere/cytoxan). My last chemo was Aug. 24 so I thought I was safe from nail issues. I just removed the polish and 7 of 10 fingernails have horizontal white patches. Has anyone else had this problem? It's always something,…
Generic Arimidex ????
If you have had any experience or have knowledge about the generic vs. brand name, will you please share it with me?? I just found out at the pharmacy that my 3 month supply is $1,134.00 instead of $110. and the generic is $11.49 a month !! Such a discrepancy in price that I can only feel like it is not as effective, and I…
~~~~ What were you doing on 9/11? ~~~~
Offering a prayer to all that lost their lives on 9/11! God Bless America! ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
Another countdown begins
I have been playing these little mind games with myself, I noticed as of lately. For instance I can not bring myself to say I "have" cancer, it sounds like I may keep it. I always find myself saying I am going through cancer. And I count down a lot. The days till chemo, the day till I get my results.. So my latest…
Cleaning for a reason
Had my last free housecleaning from the Cleaning for a Reason program. This was a wonderful thing for these companies to do and I really appreciated not having to worry about cleaning the house when I didn't feel well. I will surely miss this luxury. Judy
Sex after treatment
I finished treatment last december. I was dxed with tnbc and did bilat mast, chemo, and then recon. Before cancer my lovely husband and I were insatiable. We would have sex 5-6 time a week and I loved the closeness. I loved pleasing him and he me. Now he has to plead with me to get anything. I am just not interested and I…
OK girls here is my private delima. I read all your post and can't get over just how much most of you have gone through and still going through. I know I missed the bullet, having had a lumpectomy, 4 chemos, 30 rads and moving on with my life. BUT, that's the biggest word in the english language, I am unable to deal with…
Joke--Am I a Polar Bear?
One day, up in the frozen north a polar bear and his son were out for a stroll. Daddy bear sat on a lump of ice to admire the view and sent his son off to play. Two minutes later Junior came back to dad and says, "Can I ask you a question dad?" "Sure, son what is it?" "Am I a real polar bear, Dad?" asks Junior. Dad smiles…
Chemo not working, results in.
I went to my new oncologoist today, i got the results to my Pet scan and Mris. The good news is that the cancer has not spread to my brain, which was our biggest fear. However, the chemo that i was on for the last 3 months was not working. The tumor in my liver is still very large, 11 cm., and i still have swollen lymph…
mad at cancer because...
why is it all your hair falls out from all over your body from chemo...Except that one confounded old lady chin hair...my hair came back thin and slow but I now have 8 of those chin hairs?!?!? Was just in hospital for a week with bad case of cellulitis...which by the way was the exact pattern of the full front and back…
Newbie from Tampa
Hi ladies. I am a newbie from the Tampa Florida area (if you live near by), and just learned about this board. I have spent a whopping 3-4 hours reading the posts, and am jumping right in! You girls are amazing! My BC short story is: 1st diagnosis in 2007 - invasive Ductal cell - minimal stage 2. Had a lumpectomy, followed…