Website showing picutres of women with mastectomies, no reconstruction
someone on here had posted a link to a photography website that showed pics of women postmastectomy, i was wondering if anyone knew the link? i cant find it again. i would like to see what others look like, i dont like how mine turned out so far. i expected to rather flat chested and i am not. i wanted more symmetry than i…
NEED YOUR HELP! Looking for a new PS in the Atlanta, GA area
Had a bi-lateral mastectomy w/reconstruction 6/09. I've needed 2 revisions and unfortunately will need another. I'm looking for a new PS. HELP!
Eating Crow????????
Recently, I made several posts about severe muscle cramping throughout my body, which I attributed to tamoxifen. My oncologist says there is no way that tamoxifen is causing my problems. So, she wants me to see a rheumatologist. Maybe it's not the tamoxifen. If it isn't, I'll be relieved to find out what it is so I can do…
DCIS Stage 0/surgery
I was diagnosed with DCIS stage 0 on 12/30 after a stereotactic biopsy. I have been back to see my surgeon & I am having a wide excision localization with wire guide in mid February. I am trying to just think this ONE DAY AT A TIME while I continue to work my full-time job. My Dr. said after the surgery we will wait & see…
My Message to Chenhart
My Dear Claudia, I could not respond to your posting a few days ago. I don't want you to think that I did not care, I needed time to think as to how I wanted to respond to you. Today is your test. Know that I am mentally and spiritually with you while you are having the procedure. I know that it is scary for you, but know…
Chen, we are waiting with you
If you are like me, waiting is often the hardest part. I am praying for you. Do something fun and stay distracted as much as possible this weekend. But know that we are still with you, bringing you lattes and holding your hand. Your kindred spirits are surrounding you--do you feel us?
Newly diagnosed
Hello to all. I was diagnosed with Stage III lobular Breast Cancer about 3 weeks ago. Have gone through all the tests and had a core biopsy and treatment plan consists of: 6 - 8 rounds of chemo, surgery (either single or double mastectomy depending upon whether i test positive for BRCA gene), radiation, hormone therapies.…
Saturday's almost over....and it was a BEAUTIFUL day!
We left the house this morning while it was still dark, and headed to North Holland. Another swap meet...lol! It has turned VERY cold here, never reaching above freezing, even during the day. But the sunrise was MAGNIFICENT!!!! There was so much water in the air, and on the frozen ground, that a mist hung just above the…
KARI09 ... Biopsy today, How you doing ???
Kari, we are pulling, praying and sending out positive vibes to you. Please update us when you can. Strength, Courage and Peace. Vicki Sam
Cant do rads
I had a cat scan and mapping. to much pain. i drove home one handed. crying from the pain. told them to stop got yelled at I cant hold my left arm in the position they wanted . I got to much pain. I cant stop working . I have had it. even with rads it can come back. I am woman enough to say i cant do it. I be telling the…
tell me about your drains
My mom is haveing double mastectomy, and will have drains places in. I didn't have to have them after my lumpectomy. Do you empty them and care for them on your own, or have someone else do it? She is 81, and gets around with a walker, she is sharp as a tack! Can you tell me of your experiences? I may be taking care of her…
don't mean to be gross, but has anyone's tongue turned orange?
This started earlier in the year (last year), and no dental care or hygiene makes it go away. My surgeon suggested that somebody culture it, my oncologist says "oh its not too bad" and my primary care treated me for thrush just in case, but it wasn't. One doctor suggested a medication or vitamin doing this. S0, just…
CHENHEART -- Keeping you in good thoughts and prayers .. Friday, at 1:45 p.m. PST ....
I will be there with you, front and center holding your hand :D .. I may even start singing a Leon Russell tune, just for you! Love, Hugs, Strength ... I wish for you, my dear Kindered Spirit! Your Twisted Sister, Vicki Sam
Has anyone else noticed the picture on the Home Page?
or is it just my computer? There is a man that looks like a Grim Reaper. It doesn't appear to belong there with the rest of the pictures. Does this mean there's another spammer in the system? Greta? Should we be worried? Cat
Just got the pathology from my surgery...
So the chemo worked. There was no measurable tumor (1.2cm at ultrasound), but spots of cancerous cells found throughout the breast...typical of IBC. 14 lymph nodes removed, 12 positive...also typical of IBC. And margins were clear! So now it's on to radiation, the first consultation is set for this Friday. Thank you all…
Body aches 4 months after treatment
I have been done with chemo since sept 2010. My treatment was 4 AC and 12 Taxol and my body feels like I just received a treatment has anyone experinced body aches this long out of treatment.I am thinking about calling my ONC if this keeps up much longer. This has been going on since new years.I am getting a little worried.
Tamoxifen Dosage 10 or 20 mgs?
Is anyone on 10 mg of tamoxifen rather than 20 mg? If so, did it help to reduce the severity and/or frequency of side effects? I may want to consider asking my onc about reducing my dosage once the vacation from the tamoxifen, which my onc gave me, is over because of severe muscle cramping. Thanks. Hugs, Marilynn
How was your breast cancer found and what treatments have you had?
Sisters in pink, how was your breast cancer discovered?
Physical Trainer Tomorrow/Now Yesterday
Tomorrow morning I'm starting with a Physical Trainer out at the Base Gym. I've seen a list of her credentials and spent quite a while on the phone with her and seems it's going to be good - will know more tomorrow. I could go up to Ft. Meade with a Physical Therapist but it's 35 miles each way and they have a much more…
*Something to make you smile*
My daughter was visiting with me today and shared this child parent moment. LANDON (4 YEAR OLD) is looking at his sisters teeth (she is 18 months) to see if any of her teeth are loose (not likely) when he notices she has missing teeth. He of course thinks they have fallen out. He excitedly tells him mom her teeth are…
A good friend (high school classmate) had endo cancer the same time as me. We supported each other as she went through chemo for endo ca and me for breast cancer. Now that we're both back to our relatively normal selves, we thought it would be fun to have lunch with some of our other classmates (women only, of course).…
Study re DCIS and radiation and tamoxifen
New study in the Lancet Oncology which shows benefits of radiation and tamoxifen with DCIS: Interpretation: This updated analysis confirms the long-term beneficial effect of radiotherapy and reports a benefit for tamoxifen in reducing local and contralateral new breast events for women with DCIS treated by complete local…
What to wear while waiting to get prothesis
Hi all, I will probably be going in the next couple of weeks for my prothesis, but looking for suggestions on what to wear while waiting. I am not sure I am healed enough from surgery to wear a bra yet. I have been wearing button down shirts where I pinned a piece of quilt batting to cover the surgical area. Does anyone…
I met two Florida sisters
On the last day of my vacation I had dinner with two wonderful sisters, Shy Violet and Natly AKA Cheryl and Sandy. we talked and talked and as Sandy said before the waitress came by 4 times asking us for our order! these ladies are lovely,and we had a great time. I posted some pics on my expressions page (thanks to my…
I do not like Adriamycin or Neulasta
I just have to tell ya'll that I do NOT like adriamycin or the neulasta shot. I have never felt so bad in my life. I haven't been nauseaus, just extremely tired with body aches. Actually it's my forehead and the top of my head that hurts the worse. Oh and the acid reflux is horrible! I called my onc today and he prescribed…
Has anyone heard anything from Lorrie/Balentine?
I really miss her and her spiritual posts and pray she is doing well. Hugs, Angie
Just back from rads got good news!!!!!
I called ahead and made a appointment with my new rads Dr, before radiation today. We had a long talk. I told her all my problems and concerns. She reviewed the first Dr orders ( remember the idiot ) and changed things for me. I originally was having 28 rads and 5 boosters with bolases which means your skin gets 100%…
Superbowl Fans?????!!!!!
Fox 4 news is reporting a possible bomb at the stadium!!!! o what will Jerry do LOL
MaMaG .. Please post if you can, we are worried and want to make sure you are alright.
Continued prayers for you, and your family. Please post when possible. We are here for you. Strength, Courage and Peace. Vicki Sam
radiation #5 of 30 and I'm blistered already! :(
I have completed 5 rounds and I am blistered! I have used the lotion that was perscribed. I have been careful when washing. I have done what they said to do, BUT I am blistered right on the surgery scar and red . . . wow does it hurt! I called the nurse today, she is going to have a doctor there to check me before my…