kind of embarassing to ask on here
Has anyone had bleeding- after many years of no period?(almost 4 yrs) I had Lumpectomy almost 3 yrs ago, 8 wks radiation and 18 mths tamoxifen-2 ultrasounds followed by D & C (last one 5 wks ago) I was a bit alarmed-went to gyno monday -he dindt' seem overly concerned-did some tests & I should be getting a call back today…
Caught between two valid different view points on tamoxifen
I recently had a double mastectomy with SNB. i had DCIS. path report comes back, of course, cancer is clear. as a side note, i was on hormones for abnormal periods with pain, blood clots,severe fatigue,etc. oncologist reccomends ovary removal. the oncologist said that there is no need for tamoxifen since all my milk ducts…
SoCal gathering - hugs, memories, and pictures
A group of us from the Southern California area got together for lunch this afternoon here in the San Fernando Valley -- we hugged, laughed, remembered our dear Heidi and Moopy, and reminded ourselves how important it is to enjoy life with companions for the journey. And we took lots of pictures, of course -- I've posted…
breast cancer
I'm in the very beginning stage of diagnosing a lump found in right breast. I'm dealing with other health issues (bulging discs/neuropathy in feet/cornea issues); this one more problem with my body I feel like giving up and letting whatever is found take its course with no treatment. Anyone felt like this?
On Femara and Lupron CAn anyone tell me if Estrogen levels of 22 is good? Breast Cancer Mets to B
I want my estrogen level as low as possible. I was a 22 yesterday. Is that low enough?
Today is Cahjah75's Anniversary!
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAPPY ANNIVERSARY HAAAAPPPPPY ANNIVERSARY! May your day be filled with the love & joy you both shared on your wedding day! ♥ Cat
Brother-in-law dx
I found out yesterday that my husband's brother (64 yrs old) was dx with lung, liver and bone cancer. He was meeting with his dr today to discuss options for treatment. He has already survived prostate cancer several years ago. Please keep him in your prayers. My husband has already lost a brother to throat & mouth cancer…
10 husbands and still a virgin? I apologize if you are an attorney, but, this is a good HA HA
10 Husbands, Still a Virgin A lawyer married a woman who had previously divorced ten husbands. On their wedding night, she told her new husband, "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin." "What?" said the puzzled groom. "How can that be if you've been married ten times?" "Well, Husband #1 was a sales representative: he kept…
Light a candle tonight
Let's all light a candle this evening for all our ailing sisters. The news is upsetting but we can pray and we can in unison light a candle. I will light mine at 8 pm this evening EST. Hope u all will join me.
Good luck Thursday Mama G!
I read where you are going to Moffitt Thursday morning and I wanted you to know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck, Kylez
Care-agram to MammaG
MammaG, where you able to find a treatment? STOP Don't forget we care and worry about you.STOP Please let us know how you are doing. STOP LOTSA Love, Ayse STOP ;)
Barb A- Are you still on this board?
Dear Barb A. Are you still on this board? If so, I would like to talk to you. Lots of Hugs, Janelle
Tamoxifen and Skeletal Muscle Cramping
I'm at my wits end. Does anyone else have cramping in their neck, shoulders, upper back, torso, knees, and arms/hands as well as feet? My family doctor tried a change in my other meds in order to see if they were the culprits. No luck. My oncologist thinks there is no way that tamoxifen could cause this. She sent me to a…
How are you doing Meena with your new chemo treatment? Please check in with us!
Knowing you were starting a new chemo, and, not seeing you on the board lately, I was hoping you were doing ok with the chemo. Let us know please. Hugs, Kylez
Why you chose reconstruction...or didn't
I am one chemo treatment away from finishing 8 rounds of neo-adjuvant therapy for a large tumor. THANK GOD!!! ...just had to get that in. I'm going to the surgeon 2 weeks after the last treatment to dicuss my options and I would like to have as much information as possible before I go. If you don't mind sharing your story…
cute little chuckle for the day
When Love Fades... Last night I was sitting on the sofa watching TV when I heard my wife's voice from the kitchen "What would you like for dinner my Love?... Chicken, beef or fish?" I said, "Thank you, I'll have chicken." She replied "You're having soup, ****. I was talking to the cat."
A big Thank You!!!!
I was taking a nap today, when what do I hear...no it wasnt a sleigh with 8 tiny reindeer, but close!!! It was the mailman delivering a package filled with cards and gifts from the ladies on this site. Thank you so much, that was so much fun opening the cards and packages, i also plan on writing each of you personally. The…
This is TOO good to keep to myself!
Ladies, one of the worst side effects we all experience is anxiety. I myself had a bad case of it. Did not take any medication, maybe I should have in hindsight. But I found something better now. Meditation - don't worry no humming or chanting. I found this great DVD. And would you believe it- I actually fell asleep during…
Local recurrance - mastectomy and resonstruction options
Hi all. Well... where to start... I was first diagnosed with stage IIB (2.1cm), ER/PR+, Her2Neu-, invasive ductal cancer in 1998. I had a lumpectomy with ax node disection, followed by AC chemo, radiation, and five years of Tamoxifen. I have had a couple of scares with microcalcifications over the years, but have basically…
Breast removal
Has anyone ever experience cancer coming into their other breast after removing one? Is it something more than likely to happen? Is it best to remove both breasts although the cancer was only in one? Also, has anyone experience the cancer spreading to the chest as well from the breast? How long is recoverey after surgery?
Hair is back!!!
I got my first haircut since chemo Thurs night. I now can be out in public and when some one sees me the first thought that comes to mind wont be "Cancer patient". Im just a redhead with a really cute pixie cut.:)
trouble swallowing
Anyone else have that problem? It seems like the "flap" closes and won't let the food down. only certain foods....
Know I'm Better
Ladies, I just wanted to let you know that you will know when you are better when your husband or significant other returns the kitchen to you and never sets foot near the stove again. Since Dec. my husband has turned over the kitchen to me and I think he was thrilled to do it. I know this was hard on him but just another…
working after treatments
Hi all, After enduring all the trauma of breast cancer, surgeries, chemo, rads femara pain, etc... , I still can not seem to handle working the way I used to. I work in an elementary school as a receptionist and I deal with children who have reading difficulties. I have a wonderful principal who allows me to do whatever is…
My new avatar-another Dutch adventure!
This is from a city named Utrecht, in The Netherlands. We visited 2 museums that day...one, my fav (I collect music boxes), is the music box museum "MUSEUM SPEELKLOK". It is housed in an old church, complete with the church organ and many beautiful dance organs. The other museum, the train museum "SPOORWEG MUSEUM", is the…
Today is KayNYC's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR KAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & may all your dreams come true! ♥ Cat
Joined the "port-less" club!
I had my port out last Wed. at my surgery center. I'm sore and bruised but the worse was the reaction to the bandage tape. I'm all red, blistered and itches where the tape was. I'm using aloe gel on it and it's getting better. I finished Herceptin last Oct. and my oncol. said to wait 6 months for my body to settle down…
Is This Site Slow For Anyone Else Or Is It Just Me? lol
It seems lately, it just freezes up on me a lot, and, when it does work, it is so slowwwwwwwww. And, I just know that I will be double and triple posting 'cause I get so impatient waiting for my reply to load. lol Or, maybe that scary picture of that dude on the home page is doing something wacky to the site. lol Hoping it…
What are the options for reconstructive surgery if you have had radiation treatments?
I have seen a lot of you write about expanders for reconstruction, but, is that a possibility if you have had rads? If not, what options do pink sisters have? Thanks, Kylez
Lymphedema with breast seroma and leakage
After surgery and chemo, I developed axillary cording and lymphedema while having 7+ weeks of radiation. Also, two weeks into radiation I began to have leakage from my nipple which has constantly continued. The doctors say to be patient(completed radiation in mid-November), but I am wondering if anyone else has had this…