I wanna go topless!!

mrs gadget
mrs gadget Member Posts: 118
edited March 2014 in Breast Cancer #1
Ok here is the scoop...Chemo done 12/6, Lumpectomy done 1/6. Hair is at the fuzzy stage and it is getting more and more uncomfortable to where the wig and the hats just make me too darn hot!! I am a teacher so I know I need to keep a professional look; however, I am getting more and more uncomfortable and want to just work without the head gear. Let me know what you think!!

Your fuzzy friend
Mrs Gadget


  • MAJW
    MAJW Member Posts: 2,510 Member
    Do what's best...
    For you and most comfortable! You deserve it...I couldn't wait to dump that wig...it was like having a dead cat wrapped around my head...
    I say...be comfortable!
    Go topless young woman!
  • smalldoggroomer
    smalldoggroomer Member Posts: 1,184
    Go for it!! If the kids ask
    Go for it!! If the kids ask questions just answer them.. I went through the same thing with the fuzzes and being hot. So I quite wearing the hats and scarves and I loved it. It was cooler and not body said a thing. No problems. So Go for it and enjoy it I did.
  • new2me
    new2me Member Posts: 177 Member
    I'm sure your students know all about your breast cancer right? you didn't mention what grade you taught so I'll assume elementry grades. I'm sure your students are very understanding and wouldn't care if you went topless. Have you mentioned it to your Principal? ask her/him what he thinks.
    I know my co-workers always say that I should go with my wig but I am too selfconcious - My last treatment was Oct 1st and even though the hair covers my head, it;s not long enough for me to walk around without anything. But thats me :)
    I say do what makes you feel comfortable - considering of course you've spoken with your principal about how the kids might take it.

    Good luck to you and keep us posted as to what you decide to do.

  • missrenee
    missrenee Member Posts: 2,136 Member
    new2me said:

    I'm sure your students know all about your breast cancer right? you didn't mention what grade you taught so I'll assume elementry grades. I'm sure your students are very understanding and wouldn't care if you went topless. Have you mentioned it to your Principal? ask her/him what he thinks.
    I know my co-workers always say that I should go with my wig but I am too selfconcious - My last treatment was Oct 1st and even though the hair covers my head, it;s not long enough for me to walk around without anything. But thats me :)
    I say do what makes you feel comfortable - considering of course you've spoken with your principal about how the kids might take it.

    Good luck to you and keep us posted as to what you decide to do.


    I say--go for it!
    I absolutely hated the wigs. "Dead cat on your head" made me laugh--it's true. I felt a little uncomfortable at first going topless, but after I got used to it--it was fine. And honestly, people really didn't gawk at me at all the way I thought they might. One thing I did do, though, was really pump up the make-up (especially eyes). Then I figured people would focus more on that!

    Hugs, Renee
  • mrs gadget
    mrs gadget Member Posts: 118
    missrenee said:

    I say--go for it!
    I absolutely hated the wigs. "Dead cat on your head" made me laugh--it's true. I felt a little uncomfortable at first going topless, but after I got used to it--it was fine. And honestly, people really didn't gawk at me at all the way I thought they might. One thing I did do, though, was really pump up the make-up (especially eyes). Then I figured people would focus more on that!

    Hugs, Renee

    Thanks !!
    I think what I am gonna do from now on is wear the wig when I teach until the rest of my scalp fills in a little more and then just go topless the rest of the time. Another month and I probably won't have to wear the wig at all but I don't want to look unprofessional in the mean time. Teaching jobs are hard to get these days and I am a sub fighting for a permanent position!!
  • rene9
    rene9 Member Posts: 214
    missrenee said:

    I say--go for it!
    I absolutely hated the wigs. "Dead cat on your head" made me laugh--it's true. I felt a little uncomfortable at first going topless, but after I got used to it--it was fine. And honestly, people really didn't gawk at me at all the way I thought they might. One thing I did do, though, was really pump up the make-up (especially eyes). Then I figured people would focus more on that!

    Hugs, Renee

    Hi :)
    Hi, I'm an elementary school teacher too. I finished chemo last May and stopped wearing my wig in August. It was a shock to the students because they hadn't seen me since the past December with shoulder length hair. I went back to work with a short bob which was human hair. I wore that wig for 2 weeks and couldn't take it anymore! When I ditched my wig I know I probably just had about an inch of hair, just enough to cover my head. The kids had a thousand questions. They asked why I cut my hair and I told them it was actually growing back. I believe 2 kids were really mean and I told them something that I had to whisper while in school...other than that, nothing but compliments. But, do it when you are comfortable. I did it at home, then CVS, then Walmart, then I knew I could do it at work. It seems I have the head for a very short do. Good Luck! Hugs to you!
  • cahjah75
    cahjah75 Member Posts: 2,631
    Mrs Gadget
    I would do whatever you are comfortable doing. I don't wear anything on my head at home but wear hats when out. I don't work so it's easy for me. Right now I only have stubble. I'm sure your students will love your new look.
    {{hugs}} Char
  • Lighthouse_7
    Lighthouse_7 Member Posts: 1,566 Member
    cahjah75 said:

    Mrs Gadget
    I would do whatever you are comfortable doing. I don't wear anything on my head at home but wear hats when out. I don't work so it's easy for me. Right now I only have stubble. I'm sure your students will love your new look.
    {{hugs}} Char

    I say go for it if that's
    I say go for it if that's what is comfortable for you. I always went topless at home, but it took a while to go out that way.
    One day I just woke up and said, "That's it, I'm doing it"...it was an incredible feeling of freedom!
    Good luck with the decision. After you do it, it will just become second nature.
  • VickiSam
    VickiSam Member Posts: 9,079 Member

    I say go for it if that's
    I say go for it if that's what is comfortable for you. I always went topless at home, but it took a while to go out that way.
    One day I just woke up and said, "That's it, I'm doing it"...it was an incredible feeling of freedom!
    Good luck with the decision. After you do it, it will just become second nature.

    Mrs. Gaget .. I didn't wear a wig, but scarves and
    beautiful matching hats... so when my hair started to grow out .. I just couldn't stand it .. so I measured, re-measured and waited. Then a light bulb went off .. I started wearing baseball hats ... that is female, breast cancer survivor - then I purchased several other colors, with saying .. I still wear a white hat that I purchaed with pearls, rhinestones -- etc. with some of my favorite sayings .. Never give up, or give in
    Faith, etc. I felt that airing out my scalp was a good thing. Just me.

    Vicki Sam
  • reeseslover1234
    reeseslover1234 Member Posts: 87
    Topless? I say "YES"!!!
    I finished chemo in Dec. of 2009. I still don't have a lot of hair, plus it looks like I have male-pattern baldness. Sometimes it bothers me, but for the most part, I don't care. I'm going to be comfortable. Besides wearing a hat in the cold, I've gone topless since last spring. I have a 14 year old son whose friends have embraced the fact of why I look like I do, and they don't care either. Try it and you might find you like it. I did!!

  • survivorbc09
    survivorbc09 Member Posts: 4,374 Member
    MAJW said:

    Do what's best...
    For you and most comfortable! You deserve it...I couldn't wait to dump that wig...it was like having a dead cat wrapped around my head...
    I say...be comfortable!
    Go topless young woman!

    Do whatever you want and
    Do whatever you want and feel good about! That is all that matters.

    Good luck,

  • DebbyM
    DebbyM Member Posts: 3,289 Member
    missrenee said:

    I say--go for it!
    I absolutely hated the wigs. "Dead cat on your head" made me laugh--it's true. I felt a little uncomfortable at first going topless, but after I got used to it--it was fine. And honestly, people really didn't gawk at me at all the way I thought they might. One thing I did do, though, was really pump up the make-up (especially eyes). Then I figured people would focus more on that!

    Hugs, Renee

    I think you should do what
    I think you should do what you want to do. Whatever makes you feel comfortable.

    Go topless sister, go topless!

  • laurissa
    laurissa Member Posts: 773
    Hi gadget
    I remember that time, wondering when to go without the wig. I started wearing my pink ribbon ball cap instead of the wig. The first day I was self conscious about it, then that became the normal. That was last April. I really need to go get a trim now, haven't done that yet, I've been doing it myself. Its a great feeling getting the hair back. Its a slow process at first. I remember my head itching for a few days at a time as my hair started growing back, like a monthly schedule it would itch. It was probably the hair follicles returning to life.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    VickiSam said:

    Mrs. Gaget .. I didn't wear a wig, but scarves and
    beautiful matching hats... so when my hair started to grow out .. I just couldn't stand it .. so I measured, re-measured and waited. Then a light bulb went off .. I started wearing baseball hats ... that is female, breast cancer survivor - then I purchased several other colors, with saying .. I still wear a white hat that I purchaed with pearls, rhinestones -- etc. with some of my favorite sayings .. Never give up, or give in
    Faith, etc. I felt that airing out my scalp was a good thing. Just me.

    Vicki Sam

    I have seen the most
    I have seen the most beautiful women at my cancer center that were topless. But, I also know that some aren't comfortable. Good luck in whatever you do.

    Hugs, Megan