How was your breast cancer found and what treatments have you had?

Mine was found with my annual mammogram ... otherwise I don't think I ever would have known there was anything there. It looked like a perfectly round "pea" and about the same size. Had a lumpectomy, followed by 12 wks of Taxol and Herceptin ... then I think 35 daily radiation treatments (with herceptin infusions monthly for a year) ... and now I'm doing 10 mg. of tamoxifen in AM and 10 mg. at night. No side effects to speak of. So far so good. :-)
teena0 -
During my GYN exam
My Gyn felt a lump during my regular gyn exam February 2010. Had diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound followed by biopsy.
March 2010 - Lumpectomy. Margins not clear.
May 2010 - Mastectomy (left breast), Reduction (right Breast).
June 2010 - Started chemo. 4 rounds of Taxotere, Cytoxan & Herceptin. Followed by Neulasta shot the next day after chemo.
August 2010 - Finished chemo. Herceptin to continue for one year (June 2011).
December 2010 - Exchange surgery (tissue expander removed & implant put in), nipple on left breast, Lift of right breast, ovaries & fallopian tubes removed.
December 2010 - Started taking Femara.
March 2011 - Scheduled for tatoo of areola on left breast.0 -
Within about 2 weeks of noticing a lump under arm I had my appt with my PA. By that time breast was very enlarged, orange peel skin and inverted nipple. Saw her in AM, had mammo, sono and biopsies that afternoon. Rad Dr who did biopsies said he was basically positive it was IBC but would call me the the next morn when he had the path - he did at 8 am Aug 8, 2009. Next week I saw surgeon Rads and Chemo. Many scans done. Had port put in Aug 25 and started Chemo (A/C) the next day. Had surgery 2 weeks after last A/C, started 12 weekly Taxol 3 weeks after mod.rad.mast. Started Femara 1 week into rads. Rads started 1 week after last Taxol - burned bad after rads. Have had lots of problems with Lymphedema but my FlexiTouch MLD is doing great with it.
Riding NED now.
Susan0 -
routine Mammo
called back next day-then sent for biopsy shortly after lumpectomy and then 8 wks daily radiation! (all started 3 yrs ago this WEEK)0 -
Mammodisneyfan2008 said:routine Mammo
called back next day-then sent for biopsy shortly after lumpectomy and then 8 wks daily radiation! (all started 3 yrs ago this WEEK)
Mine was found during my routine mammo. Went back for ultrasound then biopsy, dx'd Jan 29th 2010.Stage 1 IDC. Had lumpectomy, then chemo, 30 rads and now on Tamoxifen for about 5 1/2 months. God Bless
(((Hugs))) Janice0 -
self Breast examBoppy_of_6 said:Mammo
Mine was found during my routine mammo. Went back for ultrasound then biopsy, dx'd Jan 29th 2010.Stage 1 IDC. Had lumpectomy, then chemo, 30 rads and now on Tamoxifen for about 5 1/2 months. God Bless
(((Hugs))) Janice
I had gone to my Dr. to have a pap, and breast exam in october. Everything ok. I did a self breast exam in Nov. and discovered the lump. I was scheduled for a mammo in January, so I told the Technition about it. She took extra films, and it went on from there! I was diagnosed IDC stage 1, grade 2. ER PR+ Her2-. My treatment was a Lumpectomy followed by 33 treatments of radiation. I did have an oncotype test, my score was 8. Nice and low. That was the reason I didn't have to have Chemo. I am currently on Tamoxifen for 5 years. Mary0 -
Palpable lump
I felt a very large lump in my breast that seemed to grow up overnight. Mammogram, biopsy, and MRI later I was diagnosed with IDC. Had surgery the following week, then started on 6 courses of TAC chemo for 4 months, followed by 6.5 weeks of radiation. I was doing Zometa, but with recent news of its ineffectiveness for pre-menapausal women, we have decided to stop. I am now done with all treatments.
Mimi0 -
interesting post
First Time: it was on the outer area of my left breast and I felt it one night.
TREATMENT: lumpectomy, six treatments of chemo and six weeks of rads.
Second Time: I had been doing light weight lifting to get back into shape after treatment and the mass popped out suddenly and became visual on my chest.
TREATMENT: 18 more chemo sessions and 10 more weeks of rads.
Third Time: mammogram
TREATMENT: Mastectomy and 4 chemo treatment with reconstruction.0 -
4/09 Annual mammogram found
4/09 Annual mammogram found calcifications
6/09 SCN Biopsy and diagnosis of DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma InSitu)
(stage 0, grade 3, 13mm x 9mm)
7/09 lumpectomy with clear margins
9/09 5 days of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI)
11/09 started 5 years of Tamoxifen
~~Connie~~0 -
My bc
was found at annual gyn visit (5/2010). Scheduled mammo (had diagnostic) the next day. I'm the 5th on both sides of my family. Have been having mammos since age 35 and I'm now 61. 2 days later biopsy confirmed cancer (LCIS left breast and 6.1 cm ILC right breast) Stage 2, no lymph node involvement. I also had breast MRI and stereostatic biopsy done. Bilateral mastectomy 6/2010; chemo 8/2010 and now doing rads 28 treatments.
Char0 -
IBC also
Monday evening...found swelling in left armpit.
Tuesday afternoon...saw primary care doc. He sent me for immediate mammo and ultrasound.
Rads Doc told me 99% sure it was cancer.
Wednesday morning...biopsy.
Thursday morning...confirmation phone call.
One week later...appt w/surgeon. He did skin biopsy to confirm IBC, and said chemo first.
A couple more days...met with oncologist. IBC confirmed. Scheduled many tests and scans.
Aug 26, 2010...first of 6 rounds of chemo, TAC begins.
Jan 14, 2011...bilateral mastectomy, reconstruction recommended in a year.
Sometime in the future...radiation treatment and a long dance with NED.0 -
I saw it
I looked in the mirror and saw an inverted nipple, then I did a self exam. Decided I should call pcp as soon as possible if it was cancer. So I called a couple days later. My 6cm and 3 cm tumor did not show on the mammogram or ultrasound.
I had 4 cycles of A/C (to shrink the tumor)
modified radical right mastectomy also removed 15 lymph nodes
4 cycles of Taxotere
6 weeks of radiation
went on Tamoxifen for 9 months, then Aromasin for 2 1/2 years.0 -
Interesting..... good post Ücrselby said:4/09 Annual mammogram found
4/09 Annual mammogram found calcifications
6/09 SCN Biopsy and diagnosis of DCIS (Ductal Carcinoma InSitu)
(stage 0, grade 3, 13mm x 9mm)
7/09 lumpectomy with clear margins
9/09 5 days of Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation (APBI)
11/09 started 5 years of Tamoxifen
In 2003 at my yearly I and my ob/gyn felt a lump we both thought it was a milk glan since I had just finished breast feeding my daughter (I know I know but she didnt turn three until December that year!!!! lol) he suggested I go for a mammo just to be sure. My not so wonderful husband was not working (nothing new) so we had no insurance so I blew it off..... fast forward 5 years I started having horrible back pains so bad that my legs would go numb I would have to sit down or squat to relieve the pressure and feel my legs again..... another year later I started having horrid back pains cramps like a charlie horse in my back. A friend of mine is an orthopedic so he sent me for an MRI he saw some questionable areas wanted to admit me to the hospital I refused because I'm stubborn. Two weeks later I tried to go to work my boss, also one of my bestest friends, demanded I go to the hospital. I didWas admitted stayed 7 days did MRI's CT's liver biopsy did a mammogram, did a biopsy of both breast was dx'd with stage iv breast cancer with bone & liver mets. Started treatment by pill form the next week, did that for a month (made me sick!!) Had port installed in my chest started avastin and abraxane on a weekly schedule and zolota once a month did that for a little over a year, the tumor on my liver GONE breast GONE dealing with the bones, had increased tumor markers so was sent for a spinal tap (PAINFUL!!) was DX'd with cancer in my CF (spinal fluid) was sent to a neuro to have a ommaya reservoir put in my head had 6 treatments to my head it malfunctioned and started releasing the chemo directly in my brain!!! Started having seizures was weak was having to use a walker to walk, had to use a shower stool, really scary went to the hospital several times finally in November I had 2 seizures in one day ambulance came took me to the hospital was admitted had MRI's CT's and they found a golf ball size pocket of fluid and a cyst on my brain had the reservoir, cyst and fluid removed stayed in the hospital for 5 days 3 in ICU yuchh had to have 2 treatments in my spine NO FUN AT ALL had a new
Ommaya reservoir (made by a different company) put in on my birthday scheduled for my first treatment on Wednesday this week!!! I take Xeloda 6 pills two weeks on one off at home. Shew that makes me tired!!! O and when I was off the xeloda in November the tumor in my left breast reared up again, so I am having to have another PET scan to see what it has decided to do!!!!
let me tell ya fun timed indeed Ü0 -
Mammo (after waiting 8Marcia527 said:I saw it
I looked in the mirror and saw an inverted nipple, then I did a self exam. Decided I should call pcp as soon as possible if it was cancer. So I called a couple days later. My 6cm and 3 cm tumor did not show on the mammogram or ultrasound.
I had 4 cycles of A/C (to shrink the tumor)
modified radical right mastectomy also removed 15 lymph nodes
4 cycles of Taxotere
6 weeks of radiation
went on Tamoxifen for 9 months, then Aromasin for 2 1/2 years.
Mammo (after waiting 8 years! ) so bad
8 rounds of chemo and 7 weeks of rads.
Oh, lumpectomy with re-excision to get clean margins 3 weeks later.
17 nodes removed, 8 being cancerous.
Good post Susie!0 -
During a breast self exam.
During a breast self exam.
I had a Lumpectomy in Sep 09. 1.5 cm IDC lump, microscopic amount of cancer in sentinnel lymph node. Stage 2a. ER/PR+, Her2+.
Began chemo in Nov 09 and finished in Feb 10. 6 sessions with 3 different types of chemo. I had big "D" with all of them. I was in the hospital for 2 days after my 3rd session due to dehydration. Also changed oncs in the middle of chemo. The first one was a jerk.
Started rads in May 10 and finished in Jul 10. 28 regular and 5 booster. Very lucky with rads I did not burn at all and I have very fair skin.
Finished Herceptin in Nov 10.
Currently taking Femara.
Donna0 -
How BC was discovered
I noticed swollen lymph nodes under my right arm. Followed up with ob/gyn who sent me for a mammogram. Nothing showed up in the breast tissue with the mammo. I was then sent to a surgeon who did an excision biopsy that was initially called squamous cell carcinoma. After further diagnostics I had an axillary dissection where 22 lymph nodes were removed. 2 of the 22 were cancerous. Had to have a Tissue of Origin test to determine where the cancer had originated. NOTHING was ever found in the breast tissue. Apparently that happens with about 5% of all breast cancer patients. Oh, and I am triple negative. I had a mastectomy followed by 16 rounds of chemotherapy. No radiation. No hormone treatments because it is triple negative.0 -
Mine was discovered at my annual mammo 4/10
then had ultra sound 1 week later, then biopsy week after that. Confirmed it was IDC - HER2+ stage 2 - 15 lymph nodes removed, only 2 were cancerous. Lumpectomy 5/10 - chemo began 6/10 - finished 10/1/10 - started radiation 1/17/11.0 -
no lump
I had always been trained to feel for lumps, so when I felt a large area of hardness with no defined lump whatsoever, I didn't even consider BC. It itched, it hurt, and everything I saw online (big mistake) said BC doesn't cause pain. I had an appointment with my regular doctor and mentioned it to her - she felt it and sent me to the breast surgeon immediately, so I sort of guessed it was serious. It ended up being DCIS, 6 cm, and I had lumpectomy but she didn't get clean margins, so had to have mastectomy and then reconstruction. No radiation or chemo. Then 2 years later, I felt hardness along the scar and assumed it was scar tissue. It was not - this time it was IDC, triple negative, 8 cm., very aggressive, so I had chemo first (4 A/C every 2 weeks, then 4 Taxol every 2 weeks), then another mastectomy (removal of implant and a lot more breast tissue), followed by 28 rads. Can't take any hormone therapy due to triple negative status.0 -
Annual mammo and sono. Never
Annual mammo and sono. Never felt a thing was blown away. Happened on Oct 21, 2010. Invasive ductal. I had a mastectomy on Nov 5th followed by tomaxifin and zometa infusions once every 6 months for two years. Having my expander removed 2/22/11 so that they can do an MRI of the chest wall ( my margins werent clear) probably will have radiation following. I am stage 1, no lymph nodes estrogen + her2nu - Doing well but dealing with side effects from tomox0 -
Good question
Seems like a long time ago. Lets see... Had a "fibroid" small, around 1.5cm. Found with mammo. Radiologist said cut back on caffiene. Went about life and cut back on caffiene. Jump to almost 1 yr later and it felt lumpy compared to the smooth feel. Asked myself has this gotten bigger. That was mid April. Grandson due May 1st. Daughter in Tx so planning on trip,take care of it when return to NM. Jump ahead with a second opion. Def was growing before my eyes. Saw gen. surgeon on june 20th, had R mast on june 23rd.
5.3cm 28/38 positive nodes. Her2,er positive and pr-. IDC. Grew in less than 2 months.
Lesson learned, second opion quicker and it may not be just a "fibroid." Another thought... was getting scared about the good boob, so had it lopped off last oct 2010. Had microcalcifications. Neg for cancer and nodes. Yea!
Prayers to everyone, Katz0
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