I know, this sounds nuts....
I had a mastectomy in 2008. And yet my breast, (which is no longer there) has been itching all evening. Yes, crazy, I know. I would scratch it IF IT WERE THERE. I have heard of "phantom limbs" before, where you lose an arm or leg, but it sometimes feels like it's still there. But I didn't know a missing breast would do…
Well Hello Pink Sisters, Its been awhile since I've been on but I just have to vent and yall are the best listeners. I have been on LTD since I was diagnoised with BC (2009). They terminated me and said I was able to go back to work yet there DRs has not laid a hand on me - run any test on me. My PC and Social worker and…
Test results
I didn't post before because this isn't about my breast cancer. I went in for my yearly (well I stretched it to 18 months) cystoscopy for my bladder cancer check up. It is done under light sedation in case they find anything they can remove it then. My bladder cancer was in 2002 and my tests have always been clear. Before…
missed meds
I have been on my tomoxafin and meds since end of December. Got to work today, in the snow, to remember I forgot to take them. I feel so silly but I freaked. My son brought them to me. I find myself so frightened so easily by things that should be no big deal. Anyone else like this. I know its still fairly new (Oct 2010)…
I've been wondering how JoJo is doing
She came back to post after Christmas but said she might be losing her insurance. I'm wondering if she is having issues getting her PT for her arm. Just wanted her to know I'm thinking about her. Char
*Pink Sisters & Brothers * Let's Send Good Luck Wishes And Prayers For Kari For Her Oncologist Appoi
Kari, know that next Tuesday, all of your sisters in pink will be there with you. We will be praying and hoping for the best. We are united in supporting you! Hugs, Kylez
Hi girls, I have been praying for all of my friends here who are going through rough days with this disease. My heart breaks for those who struggle and for those we have lost. I am so fortunate in that I am well and almost at five years since diagnosis. So many are not as fortunate. However, I had an apt. with my onc.…
to wig or not to wig and my first time to the chemo ward...HELP!
My treatment plan starts for the first time next week, and I am nervous...to say the least. I have to have herceptin and chemo, then radiation, then the red chemo...all over a course of a year. My daughter is really worried about me losing my hair. Can anyone suggest or have a reference for a good website for me to buy a…
weight loss/anemia
I posted a while back about dealing with severe anemia. I have been on supplements for about 2 weeks and so far , haven't noticed anything different. The fatigue is overwhelming. I am back to leaving work early 1 day a week, so that I am not exhausted by Friday. I have been trying to up my walking program, but I haven't…
new to BC and site...from NZ
Hi lovely ladies :) I stumbled across this site by accident and it has been such a blessing! What an amazing wealth of knowledge and strength! I was diagnosed with stage 2 invasive,(4cm tumor,6cm DCIS, 2/31 positive nodes and Pagets disease) 20th Dec and had a right masectomy 2 weeks ago today. Am due to start chemo in…
Get ready for the COLD - it's coming!
Those east and south of SW SD, get ready - it's coming! Right now it's a few minutes after 5 pm MST and we are already down to -13F (actual) with wind chill -44F. We didn't get much snow out of this one but my understanding is it's going to get going 'better' as it heads on. Supposed to get donw to -24F (actual) tonight.…
Chen, thinking of you today
I know waiting is so hard and I hope you hear about your PET scan soon. Please let us know. My thoughts and prayers are with you today. My candle is staying lit!
Another big Thank You
I received another package and i cannot tell you how beautiful the gifts are! My family is overwhelmed by your caring and generosity. They always see me on the computer "talking" to you guys, so they know how important you all are to me. I am working on the thank you cards, but there is nothing that i can say that can tell…
No oncology follow up following double mastectomy?
i was in the chat room and women were telling me that it sounds wrong that i will have no oncology follow up following for a double mastectomy. i had right breast dcis, stage o, grade o, but was widespread in the ducts along with two types of precancerous cells, the left side was dx with a suspicious lump with an mri that…
Lump after breast reduction
Please help! I have developed a golf size lump under my incision site two months after breast reduction. I had ILC breast cancer on the right breast but the lump is in the good breast (without the original cancer). I had a sonogram and radiologist wants a mammogram and biopsy. It never ends for me!! Besides cancer, what…
Radiation after DCIS after double mastectomy?
Hi all. I was suprised to have my radiation oncologist recommend 6 wks. of radiation on my right side after having a double mastectomy. His reasoning is: it was SO close to the chest wall (0.7 mm)and so large (6cm) and grade 3, but no invasive on this side. Does anyone have experience with DCIS so close to the chest wall?…
Shout out to Shortscake
It has been so long since you have posted. Praying for you! Hugs, Diane
Neutropenic after chemo
So, got rid of the heartburn and now I'm Neutropenic. The doc didn't think I would dip this low, so now I will receive the "shot" after chemo from now on. So aside from missing a good fresh salad, I developed a low grade fever this morn. 100.0. I took tylenol and thankfully it has come down. I am staying home all week and…
Good news, bad news...
GOOD NEWS - the severe muscular problems I was having while on Tamoxifen have subsided. Still some neuropathy in my feet and ankles, but every place else in my body is recuperating and life is returning to "pleasant." I can yawn without fear of a muscles spasm. I can laugh and bend over without fear of torso spasms. I can…
Update on MamaG
Hi ladies, I hate posting bad news, absolutely hate it!! As I have mentioned, I sent out a message to Lorraines daughter and have received the news that our MamaG is not doing very good at all. The family is with her and want to keep things private as we all know how that is. Per their request I'm going to just say please…
Booked my flight! Meeting up with CSN'ers in London....
A Brit 'Her Majesty's subject', and 2 displaced Americans...lol! Dutch hugs, Kathi
Bjmom1 Update
I have not been on site for awhile because I was in and out of the hospital. For months I had stomach pain and lost about 40lbs,because I could not eat without getting sick and then on top of that I had the stomach flu. In between being sick I lost my close friend to this disease that put me in a funk mold. I after several…
I talked with Momma G & her husband Ü
I pm'd her since she has the cancer in her spinal fluid like me to call or emal with any questions, she emailed back asking me to call her today, I did. She was unable to talk has almost totally lost her voice! I spoke with her husband for a few minutes and asked him to keep us posted he said he would. Lets all say a…
New implant has sunk, new to board and bc
Well, I had my exchange surgery on 12\29 and over the past week, one of my two implants has sunk. It was a somewhat slow process but as of today, where I had cleavage is now concave. I'm almost thinking that the implant has slid under my arm, but I'm not sure. It feels very strange, but the worst part is... I'm clueless!…
Breast/sex questions : warning: TMI
Hi guys: I am most likely going to be getting a double radical this summer with reconstruction from a tummy tuck. My first question is: will I feel anything in my breasts afterwards? Specifically, will my nipples feel like nipples or just skin? I understand that the nipples are only tatoos, is that correct? Can I have any…
~Asking for PRAYERS for pinkkari09 ~ Not good news ~ Biopsy today ~ Please pray and support her du
Kari is having an MRI tomorrow, and, I know she can use all of our prayers. UPDATE on Wednesday - Not good news - Kari is having a biopsy Thursday and really needs our support now. Hugs, Kylez
ELM3544 .. Come out, come out --- where ever you are.
We haven't hear from you in a while, just curious on how life is treating you. Let us know that everything is okay. Strength and Courage, Vicki Sam
I really, really, no REALLY hate to have to post this, but that's what we're here for, isn't it??? :
You know that horrid rollercoaster we get on? The one with no seatbelt, oil on the tracks and it's starting to rain? I am back on it...GRRRRRR I found a lump yestrday AM while showering..left lower armpit. I called my Dr who advised me to go in for labs this morning, which I did. I was supposed to have a PET scan in…
My EYES are driving me CRAZY!
So, last chemo was in July, then radiation, still getting Herceptin. About 3 weeks ago, my eyes (both) started getting itchy - sort of like allergies except I've never had allergies. It would stop, then start again, then stop again usually with anywhere from 24 to 72 hours between 'bouts'. Warm compresses would soothe them…
Do you ever have one of those "I just don't care dyas?"
Today I don't care that the president gave a speech, I don't care that the rich are being taxed less or more; depending on whom you're talking to. I don't care that some a$$hole is running for mayor. I don't want to happy for the guy that the just sold an antique that he bought at a yard sale for $5.00 made him a…