Prayers Sent/Candles Lit Ready for New List
Well gang, I am headed back to St. Louis this week. I will be making a stop at the Basillica Cathedral to light a candle for Moopy and Joe. While I am there, I would be happy to light candles and say prayers for anyone who would like me to. I know Mama G is going through some stuff....we have someone wrestling with the…
I had the good fortune today of
meeting a sister in pink. I told her about this board and gave her my phone number and told her she must use them both. I told her she wouldn't have to post, but she really needs to meet all of you - there's no one else like the wonderful ladies (& gents) of this board! Many greatful hugs, Sue
1 Year Anniversary On This Board
One year has past since I joined this board. I joined January 14, 2010 (my birthday). It is amazing how fast time travels. Last year in January I finished my radiation treatment for the recurrence. I was on a campaign to find sisters who had breast cancer. I found this board in January and in February 2010, I found two…
Gap between Surgery and Radiotherapy
What is the usual Gap between Surgery and Radiotherapy,as yesterday the surgeon removed the stitches and he told us to go for RT after a month and the other doctor is telling to getting it done with in 2 weeks, My mom underwent surgery on 2nd Jan Wats ur opinion guys
pain after masectomy
I have recently has a single masecetomy to remove two cancerious lesions. One ductual in situ and another, invasive. It spread to 4 of my lymph nodes. I am herp+ . I am scheduled to have herceptin, tax, radiation, AC chemo. I chose immediate reconstruction, but the skin graft did not take and I had to have further surgery…
Post reconstruction surgery after breast double mastectomy
I am trying to find out if anyone has experienced a very unrelenting and uncomfortable result following implant placement with alloderm. My PS has not suggested an answer except to say it is unusual. "It" feels like a very tight under wire bra is pushing in on my ribs at all times. This feeling began in Sept. following the…
end of chemo
Hi everybody, I have my last chemo treatment next Friday been doing this since the end of July well my question is how long after chemo do you get your pet/scan,I asked the chemo nurse and she said the Dr. likes to wait 3 weeks.do everyone wait that long?
Shout out to Boppy_of_ 3
Thank you thank you for the birthday card...how very thoughtful you are...! And such a lovely surprise to open the mailbox and find a card from a "sister.". Again, thank you...you truly have a generous spirit! With affection, Nancy
Pelvic ultrasound with Tamoxifen
I was just wondering how soon after starting tamoxifen you had the first pelvic ultrasound? and how often they do them. I just forgot to ask when I went to Onc. last time.I go back the first part of March and have been on Tam. for 5 1/2 months. Just curious no problems. God Bless (((Hugs))) Janice
I was able to sleep last night
The surgeon that did me does nt eccepts my insurance. The position i was in was very unnatural for my left arm. I asked about creams for burns and skin care got told you have nothing to worry about. where they had marked my was over my heart and lungs both sides. i asked questions and got treated like crap. attitude was…
WWP2 gene and cancer
Anybody seen/heard anything?
tomoxafin side effects
Does anyone have side effects other than the hot flashes from the tomaxifin? I am so naseaus that I vomit often and have terrible headaches. I am afraid to ask the dr to change the pill...I feel like if this is what they gave me its the best. My husband is worried and wants me to change. Does anyone else experience this.
Today is KayNYC's Birthday!
oops..Double the wishes!
When is Your Birthday? (Newbies & Goldies)
Hello & Welcome to all of you new here. I'm so sorry you had to join us all this way, but hopefully you have found that you couldn't be in a better place! As you've probably noticed, along with so many other things, we share in the joy of celebrating Birthdays. If you would like to be added to the list, post your birthday…
Surgeon's Advice
Well went to see my surgeon yesterday for a follow up after seeing my oncologist for a review of my PET and CT scans and he said just continue with hormone therapy and we will monitor you. I am stage 4 and did not take this well as I have been having pains and fractured three ribs and don't know how. My surgeon took the…
it's back again....... in my spinal fluid
After tons of testing coming back cancer CLEAR!I finally found out it's floating around in my spinal fluid. Heading to Moffitt for treatment..... any advice? anyone been there?
first nonmedical outing post bilateral mastectomy with no reconstruction
Hello all. i am 11 days post double mastectomy. i have been plagued by pain that has been almost unbearable. some of it is from the nerve the surgeon knicked doing the SNB.i did see the surgeon a few days ago to get drains removed. but yesterday i decided that i would like to get out and visit my bfs parents. they are fun,…
Gathering the courage to post.
Hi All, I have been reading posts here since last summer, joined in Oct. 2010 but have only posted a few times. Seems I am afraid to post, I feel like so many have it worse than me, that my problems and concerns pale in comparison. I am on here all the time reading advice and sharing both tears and laughter. Joyus with…
Failed Flap Reconstruction
I would like to know if anyone else out there has had failed Flap reconstruction. Mine did not take and the Dr waited too long to remove and I got a severe infection which left my stomach in worse shape than where they removed my breast,it is bad too. The Dr wants to do more surgery and I just don't know. I hate being so…
Football - The Bears Lost :(
I don't know what is wrong with Jay Cutler. Guess I need to look it up, but, we couldn't believe he left the game. It was the playoffs!!! Sad, the Bears lost.
Cure for Hot Flashes for BC patients
Hi again! After my hysterectomy, my hot flashes reached a boiling point! I was not sleeping AT ALL and was drenched in sweat most of the day and night. It was horrible!!! So I told my oncologist and she said that I should take Effexor. It's actually an anti-anxiety drug but oncologists are using it for breast cancer…
hardening on the nipple
during rads, i noticed hardening on the nipple, I spoke to Breast Dr. she said it is caused by the dye they use during surgery, anyone out there have this problem, she said it takes around 6 months to go away. thanks
Having a tough time need advise on Radiation please.
I started Rads on Dec 16Th I have had 20 so far am scheduled to have 28 then 5 boosters. I am very burned Dr said second and third degree burns. I have allot of pain in skin and on the inside muscle. I get nauseated on and off. And I cant do much without getting out of breath like walk to the mail box or carry anything. I…
Today is PPurdin's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR PAT HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
Bad PT Scan :(
Well, two spots on my spine lit up during the PT Scan. Onc says a small percentage can be false reads so she is doing an MRI on Tuesday morning. I'm SO scared. I'm Stage 3c Triple Negative all nodes including my inner mammery node and my supraclavicular node. Could it be they were able to clear that up for it to come back…
Today is Bella Luna's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR INES HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you a day filled with love, laughter, good food, & great presents & many more candles to come! ♥ Cat
Today is MAJW's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR NANCY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! 60 Today! What a milestone! Hope you have a wonderful day filled with all the things you love most! May you have many special blessings throughout the coming year! ♥ Cat
Doing what I do BEST .. Football! Go Bears , Pittsburg, Seahawks (CC) and Patriots!
Playoff games have started .. so I am unplugging for a day, and will return .. tomorrow. C.C. .. hate having to watch the playoff's with my brother in law, Eli and my inlaws === Ma and Pa Manning .. hehehehehe Mrs. Peyton Manning
Mom update...better news!
Thank you all for your good vibes and prayers! My mom was moved yesterday from the hospital to a nursing facility. Hans' son and my daughter visited her, and sent some pictures. She DOES look frail, but, to be honest, I have seen her looking almost as bad before... So, things are getting a bit better. They are still not…
Free Housecleaning for chemo Patients
"Cleaning for a Reason" this has been posted many times but I just received an email and thought I'd post here again. If you know any woman currently undergoing chemotherapy, please pass the word to her that there is a cleaning service that provides FREE housecleaning - once per month for 4 months while she is in…