end of treatment celebration
Just curious if others like myself treated themselves to anything special when treatments were over????! I planned my first "GIRLS ONLY" trip to Disney World! As you can tell from my sign in I LOVE DISNEY...soon as all my BC started I planned this trip (LONG OVER due with friend) Each day I was at radiation I would lay and…
Pets are therapy.
I wanted to add a post for anyone who wants to share a pet story to lift our spirits. So, all you pet lovers out there....you are all better writers than me.... To begin, I have a poodle and 3 cats. One cat is my daughter's and will move to live with her, but I actually believe that my pets have been therapy to me. They…
Bone Scan Results
Had a bone scan done on Monday, and just got a call from the oncologist saying there were no signs of cancer. Yippee! Now, off to see the orthopedic surgeon to see what is causing the pain in my hip. This will be like the last time....hoping for a hip replacement instead of cancer (before it was hoping for a bone spur…
Anyone else with a child who is very quiet about it?
DH and I have 3 children, ages 23, 20 and 11, all still at home. The night I was diagnosed (1/13/11)we talked with the boys (2 oldest) who responded with some questions and have continued to at least once in awhile ask questions or make comments. However our 11 y/o DD says nothing at all unless she is asked. And even when…
Here's a new one, sciatic nerve pain
I have had sciatic nerve pain in the back of my leg for 2 months now. Has anyone had this problem, if so how do you treat it? I have went to chiropractor. Exercise, massage hasn't helped. I need relief
monday am
Visit to oncologist for reg check up...it used to be every three months and this one if 4 mths...so slowly stretching out...april 3 will be "3" years since my surgery! I even got to put of Mammo a bit...(will have to go after this appt) Denise...
Tamoxifen & putting on weight
It's been a real long time since I've posted here. As some of you know, I come back to the boards and read once in a while. Plus being a single mom and working full time doesn't leave me with much time. Anyway, I'm wondering what to do about being FAT! I have a whirlwind of things going on. I put on 20 lbs from chemo but…
Paxil experience?
What is anyone's experience with Paxil? Was it helpful? Side effects?
Blurry vision
Does anyone experience blurry vision? I started Tax/Cyt on 1 March and my eyes do not focus well enough to read for long. Does this side effect get worse with each treatment? Reading was my refuge; not any more.
Thanks to all who came with me today
I got through the bone scan with a little help from my friends! I told the nurse who administered the test and she said, "Boy are you spoiled!" I love it. Thanks again and I'll let you know results when I hear. Love & Hugs, Wanda
Exercises after bilateral mastectomy w/reconstruction
I know this has probably been asked before and I just did not find post... I would like to know what exercises I should NOT be doing after bilateral mastectomy w/reconstruction. It has been a year since I have finished my reconstruction. I have been walking and things like that, but not much upper body exercises. I have…
How long did it take you to get the feeling back in your arm?
For those that had lymphnodes removed, i was wondering how long does it take to get the feeling back in your arm or if you ever did! I had mine removed in Nov 2010 and i still have no feeling from my elbow up...huummm! Good news is that im making great progress with the frozen shoulder...WOOOO HOOOO...im going to be able…
Could This Be a New Miracle Invention?
Hi my lovely ladies! My sister, who spends a lot of her time doing research online, found this great link I wanted to share with all of you. Some of you have probably already heard of this, but for those who haven't, here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3gH2zjTfojo I think it's a step forward. What do you think? If…
side effects of Taxol vs FEC
Has anyone here had Taxol and FEC treatment, either for inflammatory breast cancer or any other type? I'm on week 6 of 12 weeks of Taxol and doing OK so far, but getting a bit anxious about the next phase, the FEC, which is coming on starting April 1 (April's Fools Day no less- seems like kind of dark humor about starting…
Omg! Lefty has fallen, again
You can find me in the fetal position, in the corner. I'm four weeks post op from reconstruction revision surgery. It was a very tough one, not sure why. I have been living 24/7 in nike sports bras and it still fell. Gah! I have a backup PS, recommendation, if necessary. My PS' nurse just told me that he did not have…
Anyone here with PCOS and need hormone therapy?
I am new here. My name is Nancy and I was diagnosed 2 months ago with IDC. I am glad to have found this board. Reading through some of the posts it is obvious that this is a very supportive group of BC survivors! I will be seeing my medical oncologist in a week or two for the first time. With a ER/PR+ tumor and being…
Questions about implants!
Hi, all! Well, had my tissue expanders replaced yesterday with implants and I need some information concerning WHEN they start looking like boobs! Will it take a while for them to take shape?? The doc told me I would have "a small drain" on each side....SMALL???? The same size I had with the mastectomy!! The incision is…
Word game .. Phase 2, as requested
Word game .. Person 1: Dog Pound Person 2: Pound Cake Person 3: Cake Flour Person 4: Flour Sack So Let's Start with Flour Sack.
One week from today!!!!
...is the Northern CA CSN get together!!! I am so thrilled about the chance to meet some of the strongest, most inspiring women I know. And there are surprises in store!! If you can join us, please let me know so I can adjust the reservation. We are meeting at BJ's restaurant, Sacramento, at 11:30 on Sat March 26th. (I…
I need advise please
As I posted my wbc are 2.5. I read that oysters have alot of zinc and zinc is a tonic for our wbc. Has anyone ever eaten canned (crown king brand) oysters. I was going to have them tonight but I don't know what to do with them. Can't find much online. Please give me some ideas, I already opened them and I wanted to fix…
Radiation Treatments
Anyone gone through Radiation with side effects of hot flashes, night sweats and headaches, facial hair? Thought this was over with when the treatment ended. It has been a week since last treatment and having these problems in the evening. Makes it hard to sleep. Anyone else have this problem?
I think I have kidney stones, yet again! Ugh -- no health insurance
drinking cranberry juice, water and lemon water .. in an effort of flushing my kidneys .. so so so very painful. I've been in pain for a few days, and now the pain has escalated to an all time HIGH. I am so very thankful for the drugs that I have on hand from my many surgeries the past 13 months. Please send good thoughts…
I did it I shaved the head!!!!!
Hair was coming out in clumps so sat my neighbors girls set up with her hair stylist after they closed to shave me. She let anyone that wanted to come bring whatever they wanted to drink etc. My 6 year old granddaughter cut my hair and my oldest daughter shaved my head then Jen finished it up and cut my wig. I was so okay…
Hair falling out wig on back order
Any good websites to find hats etc my wig won't be in til end of March and hair is coming out in handfuls. Would be ok with shaving head if I had something to cover it =:) 2nd chemo today pray I don't get so sick like 1st one. Tired of docs saying they never had people get as sick as me find it hard to believe that I am…
Hi my lovely ladies: I have a friend who was diagnosed with BC last year. She was stage 2b. They removed her lymph nodes and she decided to remove the breasts too because she tested positive for the genes. She just finished her chemo a few weeks ago. Now going through rad, which she didn't need but wanted to do it anyway…
Prayers for my Sister-In-Law
Hi Pinks, I just wanted to ask for prayers for my Sister-In-Law, JULIE. She was diagnosed a couple weeks ago with DCIS Breast Cancer and is having a bilateral mastectomy today. She's pretty frail, tiny thing, 40 years old, and I worry about her. Thank you in advance for all your prayers. Miles of Love, ~Kari PS. Chemo is…
With a heavy heart..
I have posted in the past, asking for prayers for my closet friend who has fought brain cancer for 2 1/2 years...her journey ended this morning..and oh how ironic....she's Irish...born and raised in Ireland and dies on St.Patrick's day....back to her Irish roots...I hope she's doing an Irish gig in Heaven with her…
New Game
I don't know about anyone else, but I love to get my mind off things with the fun posts. Let's try just using the alphabet and writing a new word for each letter in succession. The answers tell us something about each other too. What do they say, write the first thing that comes to mind! It should be fun. Once we get to Z…
CHELATION therapy and Vitamin C/B super IV injections - After Chemo/radiation
Hello I had been doing a lots of research on line, but I was wondering if anybody have experience with "Supplementary" or "Natural" treatments that helps our body heal better DURING or AFTER Chemo & Radiation. Anybody have any experience with following? a) CHELATION Therapy - is used as a treatment for acute TOXIC METALS…
Insurance Help!
No problems with insurance through chemo or surgery. BUT I just got a notice in the mail from the insurance company that the first almost 3700 of radiation, for scanning, plotting radiation and even for the first office visit has been denied because it was for "services which are considered by_________to be investigative…