hair help
i have unruly hair . has a mind of it own what products can i use to tame
When did you start tamoxifen...before or after rads
Hi all, Just curious when you started tamoxifen. I finished chemo 2/1/11. Had lumpectomy on 3/2/11. I'm going for rad consult tomorrow and will probably start that next week. My oncologist has given me the prescription for tamoxifen already and said I can start as soon as I get it. I thought I would start it after the…
Is it back?????
Thursday i go in for more tests to see if i have cancer again....scary thought! Some of you might remember not long ago i was talking about being allergic to the tamoxifen and one of the side effects was these gross dark brown veiny looking things on my lower legs. Well they started blistering and wont heal and they are…
FYI... The Dalai Lama is speaking at USC on Tuesday, May 3rd
A special share for those who are interested... The Dalai Lama is speaking at USC on Tuesday, May 3rd. There are two discussions being offered. They are as follows: At 9:30 AM at the Galen Center the Dalai Lama will present a public lecture entitled, “Secular Ethics, Human Values and Society”. At 1:45 PM a moderated…
port (ohhhh yeah it is a go after todays trouble)helppppppp
I had to have a heart scan today to make sure my heart is OK for the chemo treatment and it took 3 people before they could get blood out so the can add stuff to it and then put it back in me well the first guy blew out a vein in my hand oh my gosh the biggest bubble ever on the top of my whole hand. If I was undecided…
Hi All. Got some good news on Monday...my sentinal node biopsy showed no spread to the lymph nodes...which is great news. But, this was strange to me since the reason I was diagnosed was due to an enlarged lymph node...it lead to an ultrasound, then biopsy...etc. So, I asked what about the lymph node to my surgeon. He said…
Revision, revision, revision... How common is this???
Since my double mastectomy 6/09 I have had 4 revision surgeries. Making the life saving decision to have a mastectomy was hard enough, now to still be dealing with complications afterwards can be overwhelming. I am one week post-op of my 4th. I am very happy with the results, but in the back of my mind I'm still wondering…
Cost of Femara
OMG- When I went on Femara last Fall I didn't have to pay anything for the Rx since I had max'd out my deductibles and out of pocket for the year. Imagine my shock when I got my Rx automatically refilled for a 3 month supply and was charged $931 on my charge card!!! Just to add insult to injury, my Onc may be switching my…
Disability Questions
Hi All-- As some of you may already know, I am getting ready to go through chemo (next couple of weeks) soon. I know some people work through this treatment and some don't. Others work some days and they stay home when not feeling well. My question is - what was your experience and what do you suggest I do? My job pays 4…
All Aboard for GrandmaX3..... WHIIIIIIIISSSTLEEE!!!
Yeah, the turn up has been very large lately. So this time we are taking a train. Relaaaax, it has a dining cart and really comfortable seats. Sorry I know you just got back but Grandmax3 needs us for her MRI Biopsy and CT scan. So just grab those tote bags and whatever else necessary for the trip. Victoria, I know it's…
What inspires you?
I have a quote about Peace that has helped me more often than not during this journey. it is derived from this story: There once was a king who offered a prize to the artist who would paint the best picture of peace. Many artists tried but there were only two that the king really liked. One picture was of a calm lake. The…
Was wondering
I am a 20 month survivor. I have always wondered why other survivors wear t-shirts stating they are breast cancer survivors. I guess I don't really understand this because I feel it is very personal and pretty much advertising your medical history to strangers. I mean people with diabetes don't walk around wearing t-shirts…
~Shout Out To Marsha Mulvey~
I've been thinking of you Marsha, and, haven't seen a post from you lately. So, how are you doing?
Good news/Bad news
I spoke with my mother-in-law this weekend. She completed her rads on Friday! Yay! and she did fine, except for a little soreness from a necklace she wore on Friday to her celebration dinner. She's taking a break for a while, then she has her exchange surgery coming. The bad news...my sister-in-law (also in treatment for…
post mastectomy
Hi, I'm new to the group. I just had a mastectomy done on Monday and had a question. Is it normal to have terrible pain when trying to get out of bed? I feel like my whole right side is going to cave in. My husband has to lift me up so I can get up. thanks for the help.
Spring Is Coming, So, What Is The Weather Like In Your Area Now?
It always so interesting to see the different weather for all of the pink sisters. So, what kind of weather are you having?
Chemo Cocktail type of side effects???????
They are suppose to start my treatments on april4 I hope I have this right hard to read there writing doxorubicin and cyclophosphamide for four treatments then Paclitaxel four times then herceptin for a year and hormone theropy amimidex it all sounds so scary.......
Just some more blonde jokes for laughs!
Since I used to be very Highlighted blonde and now am a baldie with a half way chemo brain, I still don't have a chance to not be a blonde. "Yam am what Yam" as Popeye says! DISNEYLAND Two blondes were going to Disneyland . They were driving on the Interstate when they saw the sign that said Disneyland LEFT. They started…
3rd Annual Cancer Survivors Conference~in my area
I know I don't post a discussion often, I participate in responding more to all your great posts you ladies give. But, I wanted to share my day with you all about this conference. This was my second year in attendance~I come away with such wonderful encouragement and information. They begin with a breakfast, then have 4…
A year later.....
Tomorrow will be 1 year since my bi lateral mastectomy. Diagnosed 2/23/10 IDC stage 1/grade 1, and feel blessed that chemo and radiation werent necessary. On the 5 year Femara plan....Now, a small stumble, after 2 years of abnormal paps, ultrasound found a tumor, and since I dont feel confident with biopsies, opted for a…
I decided to note what has happened so far, if anyone has had this done please let me know how it went for you. I choose to have a skin graft done above the pubic hair line to create the areola that surrounds the newly created nipple (which is created by snipping created breast skin and sewing it so it puckers). The…
Northern CA get together, update
Oh, I am so excited!!! March 26th is very close now...and there are surprises!! There is still time to join us if you can. Can't wait, Linda
And then the fight started...we've seen these before, but they still make me laugh! Hope you laugh a
/////// When I got home last night, my wife demanded that I take her someplace Expensive ... so, I took her to a gas station..... And then the fight started.... /////// After retiring, I went to the Social Security office to apply for Social Security. The woman behind the counter asked me for my driver's license to verify…
Today is Tgf's Birthday!
Teena, Best wishes for a GREAT day and a year filled with everything and everyone you love most!CELEBRATE!!! much love, -Jenny
Caring for Your Skin, Hair, and Nails During Chemotherapy--from WebMD
tips from WebMD--article is for ovarian cancer but tips are good for anyone going through chemo. http://www.webmd.com/ovarian-cancer/features/appearance-during-chemo?ecd=wnl_can_031511 Margo
Is second infusion better than first/ predictable?
I feel like everything that goes on with my body is going to end traumatically. If it is a symptom of my body to chemo, I over analyze. My neighbor is burning the "winter pile" today, and I worry that the smoke smell will enter my house and hurt me. I'm scared to go out. This first treatment has been very difficult for me.…
How Was Your Breast Cancer Found? With A Mammo, Self Exam or What?
I think this discussion has been posted before, but, I thought I would ask again how my pink sisters found out they had breast cancer. ♠♣ Susie ♠♣
New to this whole thing. HELP!
Hey, all. I was just diagnosed w/breast cancer in my left breast yesterday and it's pretty clear that at least that breast is going even though we aren't through with the presurgery diagnostics. So...wondering people's experiences with mastectomies and what the recovery process is like after. Also, specifically what on…
update on doctor appt
I have a blood clot in my chest, so my body is overcompensating by making all little tiny veins all over the place. Now, i have to give myself injections 2x a day in my belly, not fun at all. I hate it, after 2 days, my belly is so sore. i cannot belive that i have to do this, it was not actually as hard as i thought it…
Jennifer1961: Hug-O-Rama after your exchange surgery?
Jennifer, I don't think we heard how your exchange surgery went a couple of weeks ago -- how are you doing? I so hope you're feeling good, that you're happy with the results, and hugging everybody you know without pain or feeling self-conscious! Hug-O-Rama! :-) Traci