What a rockin pink party bus!!!
Man you guys can get wild and cause alot of trouble on the pink party bus...with all the loud music and dancing and singing and drinking...luckly none of us went to jail on that trip...LOL! I guess we had alot to celebrate...doc said she didnt think it was skin cancer...WOOO HOOO! Yet i had all the doctors in that practice…
I haven't disappeared
I haven't quit the MB, just in a long stretch of working. Worked yesterday and work again tomorrow. I'll try to check in when I can, but I start a second job on Monday. I'm not leaving the unit that I love just going to work a little extra at my last hospital on an as needed basis (because they begged me). Anyway,…
new microcalcification found on mammogram,
was called for a recall, tech showed me the spot, i have implants, they took two more views of Rt breast and then told me to wait in the room, radiologist appeared and said you need to be biopsied. I asked why and he said because it is a new spot on mammo. I asked the nurse what happens now, I am scheduled for sterotatic…
I start treatment today but was not given a pretreatment do and don't list. I fear that drinking wine or taking vitamins up until yesterday could be a problem after I googled information. Anyone know?
I've been told that I may need to go on Herceptin since bc was HER2+. I know this has probably been discussed many times on the board, but I was wondering how my sisters out there faired taking it. Oncologist said that I would be on it for a year-once every 3 weeks. Asked if I needed a port-he said it was my…
follow up with surgeons
I thought once I had surgery post check up that was it. When I went back (3 yrs ago this month) I was told "HE" was leaving the area. I was referred to another Dr Office-I saw that dr one time and never told to go back etc. HOW many see surgeon afterwards? Like oncologist appts? just curious
Joke for Today
This is the true story of George Phillips of Meridian, Mississippi, who was going to bed when his wife told him that he'd left the light on in the shed. George opened the door to go turn off the light but saw there were people in the shed in the process of stealing things. He immediately phoned the police, who asked "Is…
Port out????
Please give me your opinion because I don't know what to do. As I had stated in a prior post my wbc is low (2.5) but dr. said my port could come out this month. I will be getting another blood test next week to check to see if wbc goes up at all. I'm worried about having the surgery, because of the risk of infection due to…
I found out yesterday that I am HER 2 positive. So I now know I will be going for chemo. For those of you who have been HER 2 positive, did you have other chemo besides Herceptin? I know if you have chemo your hair ususlly falls out. I was not sure if this was true for Herceptin. I kind of suspect I will be having more…
Curious how many here used general surgeopn vs breast surgeon? I didn't know such thing (breast)until after my surgery- I was just referred to general surgeon!
green: Who is wearing GREEN today?
Corn beef a cooking?
i got an answer
I saw my PS about my implants falling and he said that it happens sometimes, the fold in the breast in difficult to get sometimes. It can also depend on your skin. He said my implants were the correct size, they just fell. On Wednesday, I will be having the very painful surgery. They will go in through the scar and remove…
Get pet scans RESULTS in the am.... left out an important word!!!
Ya'll hop on the bus appointment at 10am Ü ♥
Thanks for condolences for my dog
As those of you who are on Facebook know, we had our dear dog Bodhi euthanized yesterday. Your messages on here helped us to know that the time had come to end any suffering before he was in too much pain or before he lost control of his body. So I really want to thank all of you for your helpful words here and for all of…
I've been touch by an 'Angel' .. her name is Jean 0609
I received a wonderful gift in the mail today - sent to me from Jean. It is a beautiful pink paper cross, with our breast cancer logo - prayer inside. How perfect! I really needed a lift today .. currently, coping with pain associated with 'kidney stones'. Perfect timing ... Thank you .. Thank you.. Jean. Vicki Sam
my dog has cancer
Just found out today that our 9-year-old yellow lab, Bodhi, has extensive and aggressive cancer in his stomach and lungs. Vet is recommending that we euthanize him before it gets much worse. He doesn't seem to be in too much pain yet, but vet is afraid he will go into seizures and it could get ugly. He is not eating, is…
Adriamycin,Cytoxan, Taxol Treatment to begin next week
Hello all: As others, within a short period of time, I've had a few issues with this world wind we are going through. Today, I received additional info about the large mass on the one ovary I still have. It must be removed - the big question was will it be before or after chemo. The gyne onc doesn't think it's malignant,…
getting nervious my port to be put in tomorrow
Wow I am nervous I will be getting my port put in in the morning I hope they can find a vein they sure blew the one and only one I had left in my hand. I have such bad veins I think this port will not only help me with my chemo it will help me with blood draws that they say I will need the next day to check my white blood…
Just venting...
I don't even want to complain...but I need to get this off my chest (haha)...after my 3rd chemo treatment we moved from TX to KY. I had to find all new doctors. Now it looks like we are heading to IA. I had just scheduled my reconstruction and will have to start all over finding a new plastic surgeon (and an onc). OK, I'm…
Gotta laugh sometimes
I got a letter from insurance, they couldn't process my claim for a wig because the invoice and prescription didn't state if this was an inpatient service. I called my insurance company, took 3 transfers 30 minutes of explaining that I did not go to a hospital or emergency room to purchase a wig. Finally the claims rep had…
Lupron Question
I have had Lupron treatments for over a year now. I have tiredness and feel sluggish but never become ill. this last shot made me very sick. Pain all over my body....like the Taxol did me years ago. short of breath and dizziness.....Has anyone had a bad treatment with Lupron. Could I be taking to many? My ONC wants me on…
sick children in the house
One child has a fever and cough, which means all my kids will get it from school. Any advice on living with sick children through the long weeks of chemo. My WBC is normal again, thank goodness. However, 4, 5 day incubation period puts me at risk of the virus at my next treatment. I am trying not to freak and my children…
Kids logic joke.
At the end of the day, a policeman parked his van in front of the station. As he was gathering his equipment, his dog started barking. The policeman looked up to see a puzzled looking little boy. "Is that a dog you have back there?" "Yes, it is," said the policeman. "What'd he do?"
Hair color
I know I have seen this on here before.I looked some but did not find anything to recent. When is it ok to color hair after chemo? I am 8 1/2 months out of chemo. My hair is almost the same color as before and I always had highlights. I was thinking of going lighter all over and was not sure when it was safe. Thanks. God…
Treasure Swap - AKA 'Junk Swap'
First I must apologize to sbmly for not posting earlier today (or last night). We get our mail at one of those banks of locked boxes and Sandy brought it home last night - I hadn't checked since Sat. The foals made it fine - they are 'living' in the middle of my Trail of the Painted Ponies on the entertainment center. you…
Today is Gagee's Birthday!
Wishing you a great Birthday! ... and a year filled with health and happiness! love, Jenny
Did you have a gene assay/Oncotype DX ?
After about 10 months of only seeing a NP, I finally see the oncologist and one of the things I asked was if there was an Oncotype DX or other gene assay done. He very arrogantly told me no. When I inquired as to why not he said, and I quote: "Because we already know how to treat cancer." I think I was more stunned by his…
Surgery date
I will be going in for my lumectomy on 3/22/11. My first HER2 test was inconclusive so they had to send off for a FISH test to Mayo Clinic. We suspect the answer to this will be back prior to the surgery date. The good news is that all the imaging tests seem to indicate that the tumor is about 2 1/2 cm. So if it is HER2 we…
Happy St. Patrick's Day to all... here is a little Irish Blessing for us all
May God grant you many years to live, For sure He must be knowing The earth has angels all too few And heaven is overflowing. :) Carol
Cat scan today, bone scan Wednesday
Hi My Pink Sisters, Just wanted to share. Had my annual CT to watch some chest nodes. Haven't gotten the full report yet but my Onc. was kind enough to read it on his computer and doesn't see any change. Great news. I have had a lot of lower back pain so now the bone scan. I'm glad he's being thorough just have close space…