Long Journey Ahead
I lost my mom when I was sixteen, the morning after Christmas...and even though now I am twenty, it hurts. I'm sorry if this is too much information for anyone out there, but...it's hard to talk about how I feel, what goes on because it's an alien topic to others. I don't want to burden my friends with this or my family. I…
Finally started rads today
Today was the first of 30 rad treatments. I was beginning to wonder if I would ever begin - it seems like it has taken forever since my surgery was 6 weeks ago. I've got my aquaphor and tshirts so I'm ready to get this part of the journey going and over with. I'm hoping I don't burn, but I'm pretty white so I won't be…
Meena - Tell us all about the beach
How was your much deserved vacation? And how are you holding up in general? Also I had the pleasure of talking to Meena. She called me at a time when I was knee deep in things that needed to pack and I was running low in energy and flashes of me taking everything to the dumpster were becoming very real in my mind. Can I…
You can see this one coming, but we haven't been posting groaner jokes in a long, long time!
Have you ever been guilty of looking at others your own age and thinking, surely I can't look that old. Well, you'll love this one.... I was sitting in the waiting room for my first appointment with a new dentist. I noticed his diploma, which had his full name. Suddenly, I remembered a tall, handsome, dark-haired boy with…
Vision cleared, nausea gone, slept thru the night....
So, I guess I'm on the 'good side' of my head knocking!!! I still have a headache, but I'm taking Ibuprophen for it, and it seems to hold it at bay! I was observed by a physician all the time since my 'accident' (my beau is a doc...lol), so I am very lucky that I didn't need the ER (I don't like that place, after how much…
Update and sorry for being MIA
Hello fellow Kindred Spirits, it has been way too long since I've posted. A lot is going on in my world but I want you all to know that I pray for all my Kindred Spirits and their loved ones every single morning. My beautiful daughter is getting married Friday and I'm so excited, big wedding, 250 or so attending. I'm so…
I Rang the Bell Today!!!!
Today was my 18th and last Herceptin infusion!!!!! Hope to have my port removed in the next week or so. xoxo, Jean
oncotype DX
I just came from my oncologist and she talked to me about a new test called the oncotype DX. This test accesses the likelhood of a breast cancer recurrence within 10 years. The results of this test can determine what type of treatment I would most benefit from. Whether I should start chemo now or just take a hormone…
Happy Father's Day
I know this is off topic, but Happy Father's Day to all the dads and the moms playing both roles out there. So many of the fathers out there are not only dads but caregivers to someone with cancer. Their compassion, caring, love and support is so appreciated! The dual role of dad and caregiver is very taxing. Especially to…
Your Father smoked -
while your Mom was carrying you so you go through early menopause. I heard a story on TV that said that a study had been done that showed that women whose Father had smoked while their Mom was carrying them would go through an early menopause. Any thoughts? I went through natural menopause at 44. Mom had gone through an…
Help me find her....she posted a pic of a FLEXITOUCH (machine that does mannual dranage) of lyphodem
I was looking thru some comments a few months ago. Someone on this site had just recieved a FLEXITOUCH wrap that will do the mannual drainage for lyphodema. I need to chat with her. Please help me find her. My email is JRHARRIS@AOL.COM
Thankful to find this site, and you all...
Hi, I was diagnosed with IDC in July 2009. I had two lumpectomies in July 2009, chemo in fall 2009, radiation (35 tx) in spring 2010. I wish, wish, wish I had known about this site then. Still, I find a great deal of comfort and a sense of belonging now that I have found this site. I recently had a scare (another lump) and…
Breast Cancer in Men
Its been a while since I've been on, but I've been hanging around the fringes reading whats been going on. I am sad to see so many new names have appeared, but so happy you found this wonderful site with these wonderful pink ladies. I found this article on AOL this morning and thought it was very interesting. We hardly…
Hysterectomy Info please
Hi All. I have decided to have a hysterectomy - it's scheduled for Aug 9th...it will be laprascopy (sp?). I have a large persistant cyst, thickened uterine lining...(been on tamox for 1.5 mths - not sure if related) And a family history of endometrial ca. So, I decided to just remove everything... Anyway, I want to get…
Bone mets....never had pain before am I just doing too much?
I was diagnosed with bone mets in Jan.10. Had rads, continued on herceptin, chemos, etc. I take vitamins, my bone enzemes are great. But about a month ago I tripped over my own shoe and fell but "caught" myself on that side where the mets are.....I have hurt there ever since and it seems to be getting worse. I am in the…
Invasive Lobular Breast CA pre menopausal PET SCAN quetsion
So i'm realizing i'm very lucky. I'm young, 47, Premenopausal, W Invasive Loblular CA had 3 masses spreading away from the original one all in my breast. Estrogen and Progesterone positive; HER 2 Negative; Post Masectomy now 4 cenntinnel nodes all clean and margin to the chest wall good enough so no readiation. So went…
Spouse surprises me -not in good ways-anyone else?
Been through Breast cancer , radation and now hysterctomy due to tamoxifen! My husband of 25 yrs (26 next week) is so throwing me off wtih lack of compassion, concern and help. IT is kind of surprising but hurts. I was told by Dr to do no housework etc, take it easy etc..I am listening completely! When first home from…
finding things a little difficult - acupuncture update
Since my cancer journery began I have always said that parenting (at least parenting my daughter) is way more challenging than dealing with cancer. That said, she is almost 12 years old and can't understand the consequence of bad grades, that is summer school for 4 weeks, 4 hours a day so life has descended into chaos and…
How often blood work?
Hi, July is time for my second mammogram since diagnosis, which we are doing every six months. I have been seeing med. onc. every three months and will have six month check with rads onc. My confusion is I was told in April that my blood work would be done by the breast center where I get my mammo and sent over. However, I…
Need a laugh??
If you need a laugh, and who doesn't at this point, go to the following site: www.youtube.com and listen to Jeanne Robertson. (just type Jeanne Robertson in the search field when you get to youtube) She does a great story about Bungee Jumping in Canada. I then listened to some of her other topics, and I really got tickled.…
Biopsy over...WHEW!
It wasn't bad...my neck is a bit sore this morning..and was only in recovery for an hour as opposed to the 3 I was told to expect....Guess, I'm a tough "ole bird!"...lol. Oh and conscious sedation is a good " thang!" Now, even though the scans showed this tumor as cancerous, we wait for the results which I will get on…
Hoping everyone had a nice Father's Day!
I hope everyone had beautiful weather and a nice Father's Day! Leeza
VickiSam, how is your husband?
I'm hoping for some good news.... Hugs, Linda
Clean Scans
Pink sisters my reports today indicate: No Evidence of Metastatic Disease!! Halleujah!! I'm so happy this past week is over and done. Phew-- will get deported in the next few weeks. Of course the doctors apptms., mammos, blood draws will always be there, but now I just go in for routine visits not for treatment. I wish…
First mammogram tomorrow Update - I aced it!
I don't need the bus because I've got lots of errands to run after, but I'd sure like your collective vibes and prayers at 1:00 p.m. tomorrow PDT. I don't feel nervous about this at all. That may be because I already saw my bloodwork results and all was normal there. Nonetheless, sisters, I'd like you with me. I don't see…
Question about hair
My MO said I can color my hair anytime but it still needs to grow a bit longer. After chemo, my lashes grew back first and nice and thick. My eyebrows are ok but not great. However, I have a lot of facial hair on my cheeks. I guess it's not too noticeable but I know it's there. I'm 6 1/2 months post chemo and thought it…
Hi Everyone, I finished my 2nd chemo yesterday...so far so good, just some nausea and I'm very tire. However, I have found that I keep gaining weight. I could be a linebacker for a major league football team! I have been walking and watching my intake...(maybe not as diligently as I could be, but certainly not as much as I…
Details -- So. Cal luncheon -- June 18th -- Yard House in Long Beach
Details: 11:30 a.m. Saturday, June 18th - We have be meeting in the "Harbor Room" -- confirmation by Event Planner - Heather. Reservation under -- Vicki Sam --- Yardhouse at Shoreline Village in Long Beach, CA 401 Shoreline Drive Long Beach, CA 90802 (562) 628-0455 Here's the website for the Yardhouse in case you want to…
Hit my head, minor concussion...sigh...can't drive...
Which means I can't join you ladies Saturday for lunch. I am very sad, but also need to watch out for my health...and was told I shouldn't drive distances, it could be dangerous if I pass out... So, have a great lunch, all...I will be sending good thoughts.. Hugs, Kathi
Happy pills make me sick :(......
Resting and resting and resting.... not so much pain but my happy pills -percocet- make sick!!! I took my last pill at 10 pm and I haven't taken another one, 8:25 am now!! yaaay I think I will start taking only tylenol... any suggestion? does someone has felt this with percocet and change them? my dr. appointment is on…