slightly humorous story
Disneyfan, I haven't had nearly the problems you've experienced, but here's a good one for you: I was having my second hysteroscopic polypectomy in less than a year when the scissor finger of the polyp clipper broke off, inside my uterus. I was asleep, but the doc told me afterward. She had to explain why the back of my…
2 weeks post hysterectomy bad Weekend...set back
I had posted sometime back about my surgery and how well I was doing...pretty quick recovery...but since then I was totally impacted (sp?) from the pain killers..I think i would rather deal with surgery pain then enemas (not trying to over share)and manually de-impacted by dr..most painfull thing every if my life...like…
Campbell Relay for Life 7/9/11
Any one in the area? Will you be there? Let me know if you want to meet up. You can send an email or post here. Cindy
I'll be "out of pocket" for a while
Just wanted to tell everyone that I will be visiting my mom in upstate NY for two weeks starting tomorrow. Mom still lives in the 50's (bless her heart) so there is no internet access at her house and the Barnes and Noble is a ways away. Never fear, though, you are all in my prayers every single night. Sending all positive…
Bruins win Stanley Cup
thats it!
excercise routine
Ok, so I go to my radiation oncolgist check up appointment and she does a breast exam and says that she feels cysts on one of my breasts. She said that she isn't overly concerned, but to ask them about it on my next mamogram......To my knowledge I have never had cysts before. I am presuming that, because she didn't send me…
That frozen shoulder is going down cuz im kickin its butt...
Hi ladies...finally a little good news in my neck of things. Me and my therapist were dancing in her office last week cuz with a little pain and discomfort we finally got my arm raised above my head....WOOOO HOOOO! Before long i might be normal again...lol! (normal, what is that?) Its funny how being able to just reach up…
I can't sleep...busy day today.
I saw an eye doc this morning (I'm trying to get all the doc stuff done before I have to go back to work)...and I feel even older since I definitely need bifocals. After reviewing all my options I decided to try contacts again and use readers...sigh. And oh yea, my BP was high again...sigh. I was told my hair was really…
MyTurnNow/Debbie - How are you doing?
I hadn't seen an update from your trip to Mayo and wondered how your appointment went. Praying for you, Kylez
Well I got a call from my ONC's office today and they want me to come in on Monday the 20th. They have my oncotype back. The Dr. had said that if it was low he would let me know and then just phone in a prescrip for the med he wanted me on and then would see me 30 days after I stared the med. I asked the nurse if she could…
Finished with treatment but feeling like 1/2 the person I used to be
Finally finished with all treatments except Tamoxifen. 8 rounds of chemo, lumpectomy to remove a still 3 cm tumor, clean margins, but 2 lymph nodes still positive and 33 rads. I feel drained. Tired, pelvic pain, some nausea off and on, low energy, back ache, neck pain... I'm trying to get to the gym but I'm so tired it's…
How Are You Doing Marsha Mulvey?
Praying that you are feeling better physically and mentally. Post an update when you have a chance. Sue :)
THANK YOU, CHENHEART!!! Your surprise gift was over whelming ....
After having my 2nd cup of coffee debating on whether to take a walk, I remembered that it was trash day .. I forgot to take them out to the curb last night, .. so I venture out doors with my hair standing straight up (I am so grateful to have hair - so if it stands straight up, oh well) --mis matched sweat get up, flip…
Reiki anyone?
I was at my weekly support group at the Wellness Community and a few of the gals were talking about using Reiki as a healing tool. They were talking about the wonderful sense of well-being and relaxation they achieved through Reiki therapy. We were running short on time, so I couldn't ask a lot of questions although it…
Can't sleep...biopsy today
I'm having a biopsy today at 1:00 on the "lump" above my clavicle....we already know from the scans that it is cancer....again. This is to just confirm the scans and find the type...My oncologist said he's 99% sure it will show triple negative bc which is what I had...by some small miracle he said if it would be HR…
Scans, Biopsy, MRI..yuk
I saw my oncologist yesterday for my CAT and PET scan results...yes, my cancer is back...tumor above my right clavicle...He said this is a fairly common place for a recurrence of triple negative...The good news...it is no where else in my body...I was terrified it had spread elsewhere.. my oncologist said..... " Nancy,…
Its coming.....
I am having a mamogram on Wed. I am already feeling the stress rising up. Anyone have some good ideas on getting my mind off of it... I have been premedicating with chocolate already.... Thanks!!
some hair left on your head? + lotion in my eyes due to fewer eye lashes?
Hi everyone, I am two weeks out of my second treatment of Taxotere and Cytoxan. I did not buzz my hair, but did cut a pixie. Then I just let the hair come of as it pleased. Most of it did come off about 2-3 weeks after my first round. But I still have some hair left, and nothing additional seems to come out now after my…
I had surgery on June 10th & thank you all for the best wishes!
I had surgery June 10th & thank you all for the best wishes! It was as if I felt support from you! My surgery went well. Had a lumpecomy & 2 lymph nodes removed which were noncancerous. I had the best care from the nurses, doctors, surgeon, & staff. I've been ok. Taking Vicoden every 4hrs. I had been swollen & numb but…
Big Pink Bus trip for tomorrow in support of jessiesmom1
All Aboard.
Hootiegirl - How was the party??
I really would like to hear about it... yes curious minds wonder. I am sure you had a blast but I want to hear it from you, all of it.. lol And maybe a picture or two, whatever you can do. Hugs, Ayse
Mantra song
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKipMUbXPKo This song is my mantra! Hope you guys enjoy.
Thank you sisters!!! I am home now, only 24 hours in the hospital ;) ) I feel very well... relaxed and smiling with my happy pills hehehe;)) and new boobies I heard the pink bus outside... thank you, I tought about all of you who went through the same,God Bless you. All my nods were clean!!! yaaay except one they need to…
Help! Tamoxifen & leg cramps
I have been on tamoxifen for about 1 1/2 years and now all of a sudden I am getting cramps in my calf. I wouldn't be so worried but they are in the same place as the blood clot I had after my mastectomy. They don't last that long and I have been eating a ton of fruit too. Don't know what else to do. Any ideas? Helen
Lack of sleep is wearing me down.....help!
Ok rads done, waiting game on trial in SL and now it's time to taper off the steroids. All great, should be doing flips in the aisles...but how can I when I NEVER sleep? I've begun a drug cocktail of 11:30 pm benadryl/xanax....knock out....until 2am then wham awake so I pop the Ambien I leave bedside...maybe 30 minutes…
Stage 4 breast cancer - dealing with bone and muscle pain
Hello my fellow survivors! I have been re- diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer with mets to the bones. Fortunately no organ involvement. I am on Femara and have had radiation on both femurs, hips and my left arm. Since radiation it seems my thigh muscles are so stiff and sore they are sometimes debilitating. I have a lot…
Pet Scan info
Hello All, I need some information please. I have a friend that was DX with breast cancer, stage 2 aggressive.She had a lumpectomy She finished treatment with chemo and radiation. She is doing very well, just a bit tired at times. Otherwise she is very active. My question to all?? After you had surgery, chemo, and possibly…
Mammo's yearly not every 6 months?
Just went to see my surgeon today and he started me on tamoxifen, told me to see him in 6 months, and that I will get mammo's yearly? I thought standard procedure was every 6 months after having b.c? While he said HE will see me every 6 months for an exam, shouldn't I be getting mammo's every 6 months also? He is my main…
Made it through testing, yesterday
It was a long day....had the PET and CAT...no results yet...remember it was a Friday.....see my oncologist Tuesday morning..results and biopsy should be scheduled then....my kids, grands came last night and today..my brother in law and sister in law drove up from Florida to circle the wagons...I'm hanging in there.... Yes,…