having port put in very nervous hate needles !!!!
what is it like to get a port? I have heard from very painful to no pain? When you do have it is getting it flushed out pain ful. I start my chemo june 28.
Grandmothers don't know everything--laugh
Tony was 9 years old and was staying with his grandmother for a few days. He'd been playing outside with the other kids, when he came into the house and asked her, 'Grandma, what's that called when two people sleep in the same bedroom and one is on top of the other?' She was a little taken aback, but she decided to tell…
Pinocchio, Snow White, and Superman...
Pinocchio, Snow White, and Superman... Pinocchio, Snow White, and Superman are out for a stroll in town one Day. As they walk, they come across a sign: "Beauty contest for the most beautiful woman in the world." "I am entering" said Snow White. After half an hour she comes out and they ask her, "Well, how'd ya do? " First…
Hairy Face After Chemo!
I found out that I had breast cancer one year ago to the date. I had 8mo. of chemotherapy, (all my hair fell out)then a mastectomy, then radiation everyday for 6weeks. My question is, can anybody tell me how to take care of my hairy face? My hair on my head is finally growing back, and with it is hair on my FACE! I look…
Off topic..job interviews
I've been on medical leave for so long I no longer have FMLA protection at work. That puts me in a position where I will be on a 90 day "job search leave". This is an unpaid leave, but benefits continue (whew!)and I am still considered an active employee. Basically I have to interview for jobs within my company. So by my…
Exercise while on chemo
Hi everyone, Just a quick question. I am now on Taxol, Herceptin and Lapatinib(sp?). I feel much better than when I was on AC. I have not really exercised (even walking the dog) since March. I would like to build up my stamina again by walking on a treadmill. How does exercise affect blood counts? Does it help fight the…
Weight loss during chemo?
Does chemo side effects take away appetite? Have any of you lost any weight? I'm a stress eater and have been eating non-stop. I start chemo on Monday and wondering if it will put a lid on my appetite.
Question: Anyone removed ovaries, pre-menopausal? Side Effects, please?
Hi my pink sisters -- Has anyone here removed their ovaries pre-menopausal? My friend - who I post for here too - recently removed her ovaries. She is 33. She is experiencing severe hot flashes! If you have gone through this, pre-menopausal, does side effect last long? Is there anything she can do to feel better? She…
laughs a lot's test is ok
Well ladies it was not a fibriod tumor nor any other abnormality when I went in for the pelvic ultrasound. Got the results late yesterday. Will be getting a new computer next week so I can get back on here and be on the pink bus and/or prayer duty for you all next week. Gotta go for now.
SoCal gathering in Long Beach, June 18th -- I love to be first!
I'm an only child, and I hate to share -- so I just love to be the first to post! :-) aisling8, New Flower, Bella Luna, my girlfriend Trace and I had a lovely lunch by the harbor in Long Beach today. Photo posted on my expressions page. While we appreciated the chance to talk about all of you behind your…
WBC issue again
I went to my onc. app. and he told me my WBC is down again (2.5). I am now 7 months post chemo and otherwise feeling great. 3 months ago it went up to 3.4 and now down to 2.5...Well so much for those oysters I was eating to raise it. Has this happened to any other sisters after chemo was over. I was so dissappointed when I…
Areola tattoo
Busy last two days. Last Herceptin infusion was yesterday. This morning I got my areola tattoo. My plastic surgeon did my nipple the same time that she did my exchange surgery back in December. I wanted to wait for the tattoo to make sure that my nip didn't flatten out. I haven't seen it yet because it's covered up, my…
A country wife came home just in time to find her husband in bed with another woman. With super-human strength, borne of fury, and cutting firewood, lifting sacks of feed, and bales of hay, she dragged him down the stairs, out the back door, and into the barn. She put his manhood in a vice and then secured it tightly and…
Treated self this am
Been on couch most of 4+ wks....so going back to work in week or so and a wedding tomorrow night...so got my hair dyed/highlighted trimmed and brows done too....I feel human again...ready for the outside world... feels good... Denise
Started my first CMF Treatment today. Thank you...
Thank you all for your guidance. After the surgery in April, weeks later I did get a bad infection. I got the okay for chemo on Friday and Today it was done. So far, I'm feeling okay. Karen
Radiation rash...spreading to other parts of body?!
I am a newbie here so bear with me if this has been asked before...I have read many posts regarding the dreaded "radiation rash" that some women report during/after treatments. I am currently about half-way through my treatments. Up until Friday the only side effect I had experienced was the fatigue and some muscle…
Lack of sleep/General complaining
I know I shouldn't complain but...I don't know how anyone goes without sleep for very long! I have been taking 10mil of Ambien since I started chemo in December, So many thoughts, emotions, chemo side effects, dry nose, dry mouth, runny nose, itchy, bone pain,all the crap in the cocktails etc...All very doable but still a…
I was eating lunch on the 20th of February with my 5-year-old granddaughter and I asked her, "What day is tomorrow?" She said "It's President's Day!" She is a smart kid. So, I asked "What does President's Day mean?" I was waiting for something about Washington or Lincoln ... etc. She replied, "President's Day is when…
Feeling Free Today
Yippee! I'm feeling free today!!! I was able to have my surgical drain removed from my body this morning and I couldn't be happier! If you have never had to have one, I hope you never will need one. They are so very uncomfortable, cumbersome to get around with and high maintenance to take care of. I was reminded this…
Rumor has it that Anthony Weiner is going to run for president. He has chosen attorney general Eric Holder as his running mate. Get your Weiner-Holder bumper stickers early before they are all gone.
"50 pounds and what do I get......
My hands are all rosy, and a freezer you BET!" We helped a green grocer friend of ours out yesterday by buying 50 pounds (!) of fresh cherries that had been too long in the heat... Many were throwaways, but we picked thru alot, and I will make preserves and jam, and freezing much of it...anyone have a favorite cherry…
teresa41 - how are you doing?
Teresa, I remember your post about a month ago when you had decided to "take the bull by the horns," as my grandmother would say, and ask your doctor for something for depression. You were also on a waiting list for some counseling, I think? So how are you doing these days? Your "peeps" want to hear how you are, and what…
First Taxol/Herceptin combo yesterday
All in all it didn't go too bad. I think I thought about it more than I needed to. After 4 bags of pre meds, then Taxol and the double dose of Herceptin I thought I would be down for the count. It's now the day after and I feel pretty good with the exception of some swelling still. I'm hopeful with 11 more of these chemo…
Legs and feet
Just had last chemo 6/9 yeah!!!!! waiting to start radiation did anyone suffer from leg pain? My legs still just ache all the time and my feel burn also seems like my legs swell easily? Also another great step towards recovery getting my port taken out wed!!!!!
Yellow one! I'm worried that we haven't heard from you in awhile -- hoping you're just off enjoying your summer vacation? I still see your smiling face nearly every day cruising by me on the sides of buses in the ad for your cancer center....Just so's you know, my girlfriend Trace actually put on deodorant and a bra just…
A little happy news: scientists find molecule involved in breast metastasis
I think this is very promising research. Dr. Pollard and associates focused on sites where cancer had spread, and were able to detect a molecule that stimulates metastasis. If researchers can now find a way to block this molecule...well, you can see how great this could be for all of us! I know it may be a long way off,…
Saw medical oncologist today and
he said all is good! Yes, I can now say I'm cancer free! I'm finally let it sink in....... I see him again in 3 months. I so appreciate all the support and love from you pink sisters. Even when I felt down, there was always someone having the same treatments, dx, or yet a recurrence. I can't wait to meet some of my pink…
Sunscreens rated by EWG...food for thought
I thought this site was very interesting re toxicity and ineffectiveness of many popular sunscreens. I am not sure how valid all of their information is, but I have switched to a less toxic sunscreen. I am using Devita for a moisturizer/sunscreen and I love its silky feel. I have ordered the Livestrong thinksport for the…
breast angiosarcoma
i am a 9 yr. survivor of breast cancer. but in march i found a sm. lump with a blue bruise. i went to my surgeon and oncologist and was told it was a hematoma. here it is oct. and i have a secondary angiosarcoma. misdiagnosed..... this cancer is caused by radiation therapy. usually around 8-10 yrs. later... i have had a…
~~~~~ This Is A HA HA! Girl's Night Out ! Did You Laugh? ~~~~~
Girls night out Two women friends had gone out for a Girls Night Out, and had been decidedly over-enthusiastic on the cocktails. Incredibly drunk and walking home they suddenly realized they both needed to pee. They were very near a graveyard and one of them suggested they do their business behind a headstone or something.…