2nd Taxol Treatmet Nurse Messed up
Hi sisters -- I just had my second Taxol treatment last night. My nurse messed up the drip timing. I was supposed to get it in 3 hrs, but instead got it in 5hrs. the first 3 hrs it was going very slow - 99/hr - it was supposed to be 199/hr. After three hours, my boyfriend noticed and was upset so he brought it up to her…
URGENT Call to Circle The Pink Wagons for Kit Kat
Hello Everyone. Please see KitKat's post "After 1 year" I told her I would put the call out for prayers and words of encouragement for her. She really needs us to circle the pink wagons and lift her up and give her strength to push through the challenges she's facing with her cancer battle. Let her know she's not alone and…
MAJW (Nancy), how did things go today?
Dearest Nancy -- just wanted you to know we're still right beside you, walking with you -- can you feel us? (Well, of course you can -- Victoria and VickiSam and I are such loudmouths, I'm sure you can HEAR us! :-) How did your scans and tests go today? How are you holding up? Traci
After 1 year,
left leg went numb and tinglint toes all the way up tp but,well guess what after mri on back looks like My spine is riddled with tumors that are leaning on bones.How ca this happen in 2 months? and a nodule in lfet brest I had a double. with chemo hercepton and tamoxifen.Doc says they don't get it all and cancer can spread…
I feel a huge group hug coming on for everyone starting or finishing chemo or rads, everyone recovering from or facing surgery, everyone waiting for results of tests or scans, everyone dealing with or fearing recurrence, everyone who has lost a friend or loved one, for everyone dancing with NED, for all of us refusing to…
I'd go sky diving
So, I heard the song today...don't even know the title...it's about the guy that finds out he has terminal cancer and is dying..and what would you do...etc. I started to tear up as I listened to it. Now, it's not in a bad way...we've all had that moment where we said is this going to take me? And we've all said NO! We are…
8 weeks post surgery having pain
Hi, I am 8 weeks since surgery, stage 2A no node envolvement. waiting on oncotype test. Today I have had alot of pain in breast and back, I took some Ibprofin and it helped, better tonight, just wondered how long pain has lasted for others.
Cancer Cells Accelerate Aging, Inflammation--new research
Very interesting research re cancer and inflammation. I have, in recent past, read about the connection between cancer and inflammation. Because of it, Danny and I are trying to eat/drink more foods that lower inflammation. This research is showing that cells that are inflamed release substances that fuel our cancer, so…
So if travel plans and handling my mom's estate weren't enough.....more....
I just closed a condominium for my daughter yesterday!!!! We have been looking for 2 years, and this one had a huge price reduce 2 weeks ago. We put in an offer, and I now have the keys!!!!!! LOTS to do, but we have a month before we switch countries, so it should be time enough to get her moved in and settled. And, my…
Today is becmag69's Birthday!
Happy Birthday! Hope you have a beautiful day - filled with love all around you! -Jenny P.S. Praying all went well yesterday.
The other shoe has dropped...it's back
I'm losing it here....two years out with triple negative....and it's back....found an egg size lump right above my clavicle on Friday..seemed to appear over night...been having some breast pain and other issues for several months...saw my oncologist today...I was hoping it was a swollen clavicle lymph node from the oral…
Switched off of Femara
Hi everyone, well I finally figured out that all my joint pains had nothing to do with anything I have been doing during the day and I had enough, so I went to see my Oncologist. He said is was a side of effect of Femara so he told me to take a break for a week and he switched my to another med called Aromasin. Im going to…
Evidence that links breast cancer and melanoma
Understanding the Importance of Early Detection Through Routine Health Exams New York, NY (September 21, 2009) – Women with breast cancer have an increased risk of developing melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer, and women with melanoma are at a higher risk for developing breast cancer. According to a recent study…
Anyone Have Experience with Xeloda?
Hello, Please don't let my UserName mislead you. It has nothing to do with anyone's cancer diagnosis; it's just my automatic response when anyone asks how "my husband and" I are doing. I received my 2nd diagnosis of Stage 2 colon cancer in March of this year (the first was in June, 2009). After having my 2nd resection, my…
Some Good News
Hello Ladies. I met with my surgeon today to go over the pathology from the mastectomy surgery that I had on June 1st. The good news is that all margins are clear. So after a lumpectomy (Oct. 2010), chemo (Dec. 2010-Mar. 2011), re-excision surgery to clear margins (Apr. 2011) where residual cancer was found, then the…
Finished with chemo June 3 - lots of mixed feelings - can anyone relate?
Hi all: I just finished chemo last Friday. After a week of feeling utterly lousy, I am back to "normal", more or less. But I thought I would feel happy, relieved, overjoyed....but in reality I feel scared, waiting for the other shoe to drop. I keep wondering "is it really over? am I going to have a reoccurance and have to…
end of the school year luncheon---interesting experience
I had the opportunity to hold a ten-day old baby of one of my young co-workers today. She put her in my arms and I held her close, she is beautiful. And then....the tears started rolling down my face and I am not even sure why. Is it because I am ready for grandchildren, and do not have any yet? Is it because I wonder if I…
Like this board but very much need help with the privacy settings....
I am thrilled I found this board, love looking at it, journaling and getting responses but this also to me is "private", my thoughts, my questions. I log in/out for a reason. Come to find out EVERYTHING I read look at is saved in my history on my computer with just click and anyone can read it and yesterday hubby did a…
Anyone stop Tamoxifen, then have recurrence?
Hi ladies. I started Tamoxifen very reluctantly after lumpectomy and radiation for one spot of DCIS that was grade 3 (aggressive). Oncologist said to try it and stop if I didn't 'like' it. Radiation oncologist said don't bother with it as it would cut recurrence from only 14% to 7% . My new gynecologist took pity on me and…
just received diagnosis
I found out today that a lump that was removed last week which was very vascular and nothing to worry about, turned out to be an invasive and In Situ Ductal Carcinoma at 1.5 cm. I'm still in shock...my doctor was in shock and my husband (who is dealing with his mother's cancer situation in Europe)is worried beyond belief.…
Hi Pink Sisters, I am ready to leave to the hospital... bilateral mastectomy urghhhhhhhh :( I know is too late to get the pink bus, has been a busy and messy time... anyway, please pray for me and I'll do the same!!! Vicki
Started tamoxifen 3 days ago
I started tamoxifen 3 days ago and is it possible to have side effects so soon? I experienced leg cramps last night. I haven't had them since they were a side effect of another medication 6 months ago! I hate, hate, hate leg cramps in the middle of the night! Is there anything I can do to help not get them? Is this the…
Mastectomy, now what?
I'm new to the forum. I had a bilateral mastectomy in November for lobular and ductal carcinoma-in-situ. I'm going to have reconstruction done, but would like input on pros and cons of different procedures, i.e., TRAM flap, implants, etc. I'm 38.
This has been around but is true, at least for some of us
MY NEW BOYFRIENDS!!! I am seeing 5 gentlemen (give or take) every day!. As soon as I wake up, Will Power helps me get out of bed. Then I go to see John. Then Charlie Horse comes along, & when he's here, he takes up a lot of my time & attention. When he leaves, Arthur Ritis shows up & stays the rest of the day. He doesn't…
watery eyes! Taxotere
Anyone have watery eyes being on taxotere? Any suggestions? They are driving me CRAZY! Thanks, Candu
Today is Enamei's anniversary!
Happy Anniversary! Best wishes for a great day and many, many more! -Jenny
cancer- not who we are
Let's post who we are - Mom Grandma (mimi) Wife Sister Co-worker (mammo tech) Gardener Hiker Daughter Labrador lover Semi-Hippie Susan Komen Race for the Cure walker Student of life
I just finished chemo and had my mastectomy a while ago. My radiation oncologist is recommending radiation and I'm a little apprehensive. Can anyone tell me what side effects I should expect if I have radiation? thanks
Biopsies for metastasis are useful since cancer cells undergo mutations. New article
very interesting. Cancer cells undergo mutations and develop resistance. That is why metastatic tumors could have variations from primary. Please watch explanation: http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/741103 Ding L, Ellis MJ, Shunqiang L, et al. Genome remodelling in a basal-like breast cancer metastasis and xenograft.…
Today is Jean0609's Birthday!
Best Wishes for a wonderful day! And a year full of happiness, health and love all around you! Celebrate BIG time! much love, -Jenny -I'm eating a fantastic chocolate muffin on my way to work in your honor ;o)