Questions regarding lymphedema

TKMomma Member Posts: 54
Does lymphedema start gradually or does it just hit you. My arm pit has been sore lately but I don't really see any swelling but have not had that sore sensation before. Just curious is it is a gradual swelling or if it just happens quickly.


  • Dawne.Hope
    Dawne.Hope Member Posts: 823
    It can be both
    Dear TKMomma - Lymphedema can start both ways. I thought I had a problem last summer after a trip to Chicago to visit friends. We walked a lot outside and my fingers swelled up (which wasn't that unusual in the heat) but what WAS unusual was they didn't go down and they hurt badly!

    Neither my Onc, BS or PS thought it was a problem. They told me, "If you have LE it is minor." Grrrrrrr! Yeah, and gonna get worse! My PCP doc took my seriously but before he referred me to a certified LE therapist he wanted to do a doplar ultra sound of my arms to see if I had any blood clots. I didn't.

    Finding a GOOD LE therapist can be very difficult but I'm going to post a link to a website that a couple of women with LE started and it provides the best information I've been able to find. It will address your question above along with how to find a therapist. I hope you don't have it. But the earlier you can get treatment, the better. The link takes you to the homepage. You can search whatever links you think you might need.
  • Alexis F
    Alexis F Member Posts: 3,598
    I don't know a lot about
    I don't know a lot about Lymphedema, but, many here have it and post lots of info. I hope some of them will see this and add their own experience and help.

    Hugs, Lex
  • cavediver
    cavediver Member Posts: 607
    anything is possible!
    Oh,..lymphedema.... how different for all of us. It can start slowly or not.... it can happen quickly after lymphnodes are removed or compromised...or take years to start. It is just one of those unknowns many of us deal with. However, when it starts, it is best to get treatment to manage it asap to prevent it from getting worse. Mine started after surgery 3 months....just a little swelling in the fingers. And yes, one of my Oncs kind of blew it off and said to wait til after radiation finished to get treatment. Well, I was still in chemo at the time and rads had not started yet. From my reading on the Lymphedema Network website and other articles, I KNEW I wanted to seek out treatment quickly and so I did. Once again, we must be our own advoctes. Now, your lymphedema may never increase or it can change over time......... there is no absolutes with this. But do find a certified specialist who will be of help to you so you can manage it. Good luck, Hugs
  • mamolady
    mamolady Member Posts: 796 Member
    Check out "sudden swelling
    Check out "sudden swelling and pain" from july 4. Hers turned out to be an infection so you may want to have it checked out sooner than later.
    With side effects from this or that, surgery and just getting older, I have trouble figuring out what symptom is related to what. It is always good to have it checked out. If it is LE starting, it is good to see a PT that specializes in LE. Kaiser has a class given by the LE specialist for anyone that has had lymph nodes removed.
  • mruczko
    mruczko Member Posts: 110
    Questions regarding lymph edema
    I noticed a slight swelling on the upper arm, starting late afternoon. In the morning it's all gone. No swelling in the rest of the arm or the fingers. I am planning to make an appointment with my internist, I know he has some patients with lymph edema, see what he has to say and take it from there. I am in a Medicare HMO and have to go through him to get to a specialist. Haven't been able to find a massage therapist close by (live in West Houston. I am going to insist on having this thoroughly checked out!
  • Chickadee1955
    Chickadee1955 Member Posts: 356 Member
    mruczko said:

    Questions regarding lymph edema
    I noticed a slight swelling on the upper arm, starting late afternoon. In the morning it's all gone. No swelling in the rest of the arm or the fingers. I am planning to make an appointment with my internist, I know he has some patients with lymph edema, see what he has to say and take it from there. I am in a Medicare HMO and have to go through him to get to a specialist. Haven't been able to find a massage therapist close by (live in West Houston. I am going to insist on having this thoroughly checked out!

    About 6 months after my last
    About 6 months after my last chemo I realized my left arm was noticeably larger than my right. When I measured it was 1-1 1/2 " larger above my elbow. It hasn't gotten any larger and I don't have pain. I do have a problem wearing my wedding rings and watch, bit that's been about it. Don't like it, but I wear a compression sleeve if I fly and I'll adjust if this is as bad as it gets. As I've said before, BC is the gift that just keeps on giving....
