Shout out to Pinkterminator Yep, PINK TERMINATOR.... Welcome!
Yep, that's Pink-Terminator.... I want to introduce my dear friend to all of my "Kindred Spirits", and Pink Sisters.... Pink Terminator had her first chemo treatment today... I helped her sign up for this sight and am hopeing that she feels comfortable (even though I know she is struggeling) with jumping on this board....…
Hot flashes worse when you're sick?
Most of you know I've been on Tamoxifen for about 18 months -- the only side effect I seem to have from it is hot flashes, and, thankfully, I've been able to keep them very manageable by taking Vitamin E (with my doctors' blessing). Last Friday, I got hit with a nasty tummy bug/food poisoning thing, and was sick as a dog…
Port question
I had my port took out the beginning of June my problem is I'm having pain in that area is this normal? i know i lived with this thing in me for almost a year with that long tube in me I know because i have it,it's a long little tube connected to it. thanks MOLLYZ
Albinism & Radiation
I am an albino with breastcancer. I had a short time ago a successful lumpectomy and am now facing radiation. For that I have a choice between a low dose radiation for six weeks or a high dose radiation for five days. Is there somebody out in a similar situation? To hear from your experience would help me a lot.
This safe haven, 'the YOU' board
Thanks for the name Traci! I for one do not know how I would have managed without the safe harbor of the kindred spirits. Thank you all very much! Sue
retail therapy
Ok, for some reason, I have been in the shopping mood. I have been fairly good (mostly), we are not in debt yet. Is it just boredom? Some freaky chemo brain thing? Menopause? I need something to blame! On the upside, I got a great deal on my Christmas china and it is made in the USA! Cindy
Good News and Bad News
I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is my head CT scan results are in and there is no sign of brain metastasis, but I'm left with no answers as to cause of the weird headaches I've been having constantly since chemo. They are very different to any other headache I have ever had. I'll have to discuss the…
Shrinking Breast Size
Hi. My mom is a 10 year BC survivor treated with lumpectomy, rads and hormone therapy. She suddenly has noticed a shrinkage in the size of the treated breast. Anyone familiar with this? She had a normal mammo and cbe last week.
Hormone treatment
Could anyone give me some comments regards to my hormone treatment I take? 34 years old,I had surgery and chemo but no rad, and now starts hormone cure. The medicine I take is Tamoxifen for daily use and zoladex for monthly injection. Now I don't have my period coming anymore. And the doctor said it will increase the…
Stopping chemo early
For those of you who had to stop early can you share the reason?
Betty Ford's funeral
Maybe it is the fact that I work in the town where Betty Ford is being burried. However, her death was sad for me. I did not know how much she and I were alike in personality. but apparently she was quite outspoken. I knew she had bc and problems with addiction. At the time I thought it odd that she and her husband had…
New Drugs for me
This past Tues. I had my treatment with my new Chemo drugs the treatment went fine. Went to work on Wed had no problem Thurs morning during the night spike a fever of 101.4 called the Dr at 8:00 said that it was one of the side effect of the new drugs to take Adivl and push the fluids been wash out and tried. Feeling a…
Hi All. I have posted my story many times, but some days it all comes crashing down on you. I had my thryoid removed in 2009 for cancer. In Nov last year, my mammo showed something weird...found a lump and they thought it was not cancer, to just wait...said no I want a biopsy and they found cancer. Had lumpectomy, then…
Femera question ladies
I've been on femera for a month and half.I want to know should i have had or have a bone scan? do i need to be on any meds other than femera? my oncologist (a man )haven't said anything, so today i called my gynecologist (a lady)for an appointment.any advice will be helpful. MOLLYZ
ending tamoxifen
I just ended my five year tamoxifen run and it has been 16 days without it. I have had a slight headache almost everyday and feel very fatigued during the day but am having a hard time sleeping at night--torture! I have aches in my bones especially in my legs. I had a lumpectomy, radiation and chemo five years ago. I was…
Great Resource!!
Hi Ladies...I found a wonderful Group "Called Crickets Answer to Cancer" Crickett’s Answer for Cancer is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization* that was formed in memory of Crickett Julius, who passed away in October of 2006, only four months after being diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer at the age of 39. As…
Having bi-lateral mastectomy July 14, 2011
I was diagnosed with Infiltrating Lobular Carcinoma in right breast on June 11th. I have decided to have bi-lateral with expander for reconstruction surgery. I am having my good days and bad days. Is this normal? I know this is the best option for me, but I am still very scared. I am 64 and had breast reduction done in the…
Anyone Refused Nuelasta after the last treatment?
Hi beautiful ladies, I was wondering if anyone from here refused to take the nuelasta shot after last treatment. I did, because my Dr. gave me the option. My blood work has been looking OK through the entire chemo process - thank God, so she thought it wouldn't affect me if I didn't take it one time, after last treatment.…
Calling Pink-Terminator
Come in and join us! I've been down that "chemo" road. We always welcome a new pink sister. We're sorry you had to join us, but we are glad you found us. Hugs, Judy
I'm Going to MD Anderson...
OK, here is my news. I had my lab work done last week. I am still waiting on one tumor marker, but my CEA went up again. Danny and I decided that, even though I love my oncologist, I'd like to get a second opinion. And with MD Anderson being a day's drive from here, we have decided that there is where we are going. Still…
which dr. do you see for your lymphedema?
I got a compression sleeve last year fron my PT but this summer my arm has gotten worse and is bothering my more. My sleeve just isn't cutting it anymore, aspecially for the pain and my hand is swelling up also. So my question is who do I see my GP or my oncologist? Thanks for your help. Helen
# 2 Clinical trial chemo...with a slight glitch...
Hello sweet pink sisters..... Wednesday was a loooong day...ended up not getting the chemo.....I have been having some swelling and pain in my right arm with my fingers very swollen when I wake up along with some red/purplish veins appearing on the upper portion of the arm and even a few on my upper belly, not to mention…
Scans today....freaking out
I have to go in for a CT of my lungs/abdomen this afternoon as well as an Echo of my heart. It's all baseline testing for a clinical trial I am hoping to get into....I haven't had scans since March and I worry it has spread to my lungs or liver or both. My anxiety is through the roof. I keep telling myself this is for…
My hair
Today I bit the bullet and called my oncology nurse about my concerns regarding my hair regrowth (or lack thereof). It's been 7 mos since my last chemo. I do have hair and the follicles that are there are growing, but I have this male pattern baldness pattern and a very visible scalp, especially in the back. The hair…
# 2 Clinical trial chemo tomorrow.....Here I go !!!!!!!
Okay...tomorrow is # 2 of this clinical trial oral chemo......Labs first, if all is well with that, my oncologist is going to UP ^ the dosage....oh boy, let the games begin.....! I pretty much sailed through the one 3 weeks ago...hoping for the same with even more shrinkage of the tumor above my clavicle... For those of…
Nerve block?
I am suffering chronic pain from lymph node removal under the left arm. There seem to be 2 types - one a burning sensation, like someone lit a blow torch under my armpit, and another pain radiating down the truck and towards the left. Surgery was May 2010. I saw a pain management guy who increased my dosage of Gabapentin…
I'm so sure this is simple . . . but?????
How do you send a private message to someone? I can reply to one, but I don't know how to initiate it???? Judy PS: Thanks ahead of time...
Other Patients at the Cancer Care Center...?
I just went for my first infusion and I was wondering if you all have found that the people there at your cancer care centers are rude and unfriendly? The nurses were great. But.... the patients were not at all friendly, so to speak. I went in with a positive attitude, dang, it ain't like I ain't in the same boat as…
Puzzled... I think >:
I am not sure what to make of this. My new oncologist is telling me that my cancer was Estrogen and Progesterone positive. And he's suggesting that I take Tamoxifen for 5 years. 5 YEARS... in my head I was just screaming silently " NOOOOOO but I am DONE!!". I saw 2 oncologists in AZ and both of them said I was only Her2…
Insomnia - Rads or Tamoxifen?
Ok ladies, what do you think? I finished rads last Friday 07/08 and have been on Tamoxifen since May 21 of this year. I have been having trouble sleeping a full night for the last 4 weeks or so. I get anywhere from 4 to 6 hours and I am done, I am usually a 7 to 7 1/2 hour gal. I have no trouble falling asleep just don't…