Anyone had genetic testing done?
Hi all. It's Jackie. I've been seriously considering having genetic testing done. I have a 13 year old daughter, and I'm very worried about her chances of getting breast cancer. Also, about a month ago, One of my cousins (who is 2 years younger than me) was diagnosed with BC. She was told she needed a mastectomy, and she…
Medic-Alert jewelry
Ladies - do any of you wear a Medic-Alert bracelet or necklance to alert medical personnel in the case of emergency not to use a particular arm for bp or iv due to lymphedema? Do you think it is necessary? Do you prefer a necklace or bracelet? Thanks, Linda
Bus Trip scheduled for Wednesday 7/20, in support of Cypress Cynthia (C.C.)
I've gassed up our Bus, hosed down the entire interior of our bus, sooooo messy from our trip yesterday, in support of our ChenHeart -- You WARRIORS really know how to party! So rest up today, and let's prepare for another whimsical trip in support of our DEAR C.C. Coffee, water for hydration, and another batch of apple…
Would you say a prayer for me please?
I go for my mammo and ultrasound tomorrow and I confess that I am scared. I know we all get scared before these darn tests, but, I know I would feel so much better with my pink sisters all praying for me. They will give me the good or bad news after the tech has a chance to look at them. I thought I have noticed a new…
Shout out to Mruczko or anyone else that can shed light on my problem
M and other ladies, I saw your post the other day regarding your terrible bout with diarrahea due to 400mg of magnesium. I have been suffering with this diarrhea and had cramping since wed. night after I took magnesium before going to bed. I Had just read that it is a good sleep inducer...well within 15 minutes I was in…
Kindred Spirits Gathering, In a New York State of Mind: Saturday - June 12, 2011
For more info - see photo and description within my "Expressions" section. Kind regards, Susan
Sentinel Lymph Node vs. Axillary Lymph Node
I was looking at my pathology report from my BMX from 1/11/11. After reading these boards all these months, I sure have gained more knowledge and could understand it better. HOWEVER, my surgeon had told me that she did sentinel lymph nodes only, but after reading the pathology report, three axillary lymph nodes were…
MRI was a surprise sort of....
Today I had an MRI of both breasts. It is my first MRI. I knew the principles and knew I would be put into a cylinder. But, I didn't think about contrast-so I had an IV going the whole time, with dye injected. I found myself face down (with my forehead/face in a support device, breathing into some cloth--not too close to…
Mammolady asked this question in another post...
...and I'm curious about what others are experiencing too. "Do you happen to know the difference in the reading [blood pressure] between the arm and the calf? Mine is higher but I don't know if it is the leg or the chemo or what that has made it higher. I want to try a test but I am a chicken..... I don't want to risk the…
asking for the power of the kindreds...
Almost a month ago my father-in-law went to the hospital, he was put in ICU because of acute pneumonia. He was in ICU for a little over a week, in that time he was diagnosed with sarcoidosis. He has been staying in the hospital to complete physical therapy for his legs, he was a runner in his youth and somehow (I don't…
Amazing fortune cookie after mastectomy !
Ok I am truly not making this up, it's a true story. I'm sitting in the hospital the evening of my mastectomy and my husband brings me Chinese food. At the end of the meal I open the fortune cookie and read it. It says "turn your scars into stars!" I've kept it to remind myself of the many amazing messages I keep receiving…
Off Topic~ Is anyone doing any canning??
This past week I put up 16 jars of strawberry jam. The Puyallup Valley grows some of the juiciest, and reddest berries ever, and so sweet! This week starts the "green bean scene"...today I did 7 quarts of "pickled green beans" and in the next day or so will do the usual canned (in a pressure canner) green beans. I am…
Some bad news
Well, not bad...just "iffy" and if anyone has time, I would like a little info please. Over the last few months I have had bone pain that became more and more unbearable. Doctors did not really seem to pay much attention until a chiropractor demanded that I have some tests done. The first MRI of the spine showed that my…
Hello to all Sisters
Hello everyone. I have been out for like 2 years now. After the surgery and chemo, I went back out there and try to live the "normal Life". I went back to work and a lot of good things happenned. I'm on my 3rd year as a survivor, no changes on my MRI a few motnhs ago. So I just want to share this to everyone. Though my…
Friend with breast cancer....main caregiver
Hi...I'm new here and new to the experience of cancer in my daily life... My best friend was diagnosed on June 9th with breast cancer. She went to the MD for back pain to discover she has stage 4 breast cancer. I am single, waiting for Mr. Right and we are like 2 middle school girls who are best friends; when not working…
Two cancers in one breast.....overwhelmed and scared.
Hi all. What is happening to me has happened all in three weeks. Felt a lump which got bigger fast, called the doc who set up 'diagnostic mammo w/ultrasound' ..'atypical'.....hollow core needle biopsy 4 days later....again pathology 'atypical'.....lumpectomy 2 days later.....pathology 'atypical' showing invasive cancer on…
A Gentleman and a Robot Project
I gave the scrub hat to my gynecologic oncologist today. He absolutely loved it. The nurse loved it. The medical student loved it. He laughed so hard and gave me a big hug (none of this has ever happened before). He says he's going to wear it in the OR and he just might - he modeled it in the exam room. He appreciated both…
My partner has breast cancer -- it's all pretty overwhelming
I posted in the caregiver forum a few days ago, before my partner started chemo. She's a really brave two-time survivor who now has a 3cm lump on her breast. Her doc wanted to try and shrink the lump with chemo before surgery. She's being given two drugs--cytoxin and taxotere. She thought--and I hoped--that she would be…
Nicotine and breast reconstruction
I saw my plastic surgeon today. I had a lumpectomy nov.27, 2010.I wanted an immediate breast reconstruction after my mastectomy but now the plastic surgeon says because my boyfriend smokes (he smokes outside, occasionally i stand out there with him but not so much since october) she says if I have ANY nicotine in my system…
Today is Lighthouse_7's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR LH HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day is filled with love, laughter, lots of cake & great gifts! ♥ Cat
Hi all What kind of follow up tests do you have after therapy and how often? My oncologist recommended to have for the first 2 years a PET CT and once mammo and wonder if any of you having PET CT as a follow up. I'm afraid of the incerased radiation exposure and from the other hand wondering if it is ok to skip it and just…
I'l buy the gasoline~ hop on the Pink Bus tomorrow??
Today is my No Carbs, All Protein Day~in 24 hours I have a PET can to see where those pesky cancer cells are lurking. This is part of what my new and improved ( YAY!) oncologist has ordered to (sigh) get a more definitive answer to this months long cough my former Noncologist ignored for much too long. The test is early~ I…
This Might Sound Strange, But, Has Anything Good Come Out Of Your Having Breast Cancer? Maybe Just
I know having bc and going thru all of the treatments is horrible. But, I always believe that out of anything bad, something good must come. It could be something like you found strength you never had, or, you realized how much your husband or someone really loved you, or, you learned how each day is to be treasured. So,…
"Look Good - Feel Better"
I haven't seen anything mentioned recently about this great program so thought I'd bring it up again for all the newer ladies. "Look Good - Feel Better" is run by the ACS (The one I went to was at the CCI I went to). In the class you are taught about skin care, makeup, nail care and hair/wig care while on Chemo/Rads. You…
Stef aka Fauxma, How are you and Den doing? UPDATE: Stef posted a reply to us.
Just want you to know that I am praying for the two of you! ♥ Noel
Waiting for "the" call....
Should be getting dreaded call from the doctor from scans on Friday....trying to be positive but scared :( virtual hugs please!!
Sisters, help me decide! To chemo or not to chemo....
Hello sisters! Its been a while since I posted. Had bilateral segmental mast. with reconstruct in May. MD rec radiation with Tamoxifen. I had sent. node biopsies and they found 1 node with cancer plus I have 2 different cancers in BOTH breasts and am under 50. Should I have chemo in addition to radiation? I'm having rads…
OT - Fighting the angry
So, I have noticed since all of this journey has begun that I am angry more than ever before and at some point every day I find myself trying to calm down and ramp it back. I went to the dentist and was told I have 2 cavities, I haven't had a cavity in many, many years, and that they wanted to fix them both at the same…
Help - So Fatigued I just want to cry
I've had 7 RAD treatments so far and the fatigue is more than I can bare. I'm going to bed at night no later than 10pm, usually earlier, and I get up at 7am. I'm taking a nap during the day as well and still I feel like I haven't slept at all. I'm so past tired that all I want to do is cry. I asked the RT today if there is…
Tamoxifen and joint pain?
Hi, I've been taking tamoxifen for a little over a year now. Over the past few months I've had worsening joint pain. It's really bad in my shoulder and also present in my hip, knees and ankles. I have crappy insurance and a not so great doctor, so I'm not getting taken seriously. I never had chemo or radiation because they…