We are looking for experience w/painful cancerous breast lumps. Please read on..
My name is Jane, and Pauline is one of my oldest and dearest friends. Two years ago, Pauline was diagnosed with uterine cancer and underwent a hysterectomy. She also received both radiation and chemo-therapies. She has now been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is expecting at least a single mastectomy, and is considering…
3rd Mamo After Finishing Treatment.
Yesterday I had my 3rd mamo since completing treatment and all is well. It was also time for all of my annual stuff, pap, pelvic ultra-sound and bone density(SP) and those were all good as well. I have to have one more of just the lefty in Mar and then I can go back to just doing annual mamos. Yeah You know what kills me.…
Short notice but can anyone come......
Some of you might remember that my fear of closed spaces made me ask for help for my last bone scan. I got through it with the help of all of you. I was scheduled for a nuclear medicine scan of my parathyroid and had to walk out because I couldn't do it. I am embarrassed about it, but what can I do? So tomorrow at 1 pm I…
What is politically correct??
Okay ladies, this could be a tough question because we all have different opinions. What is the proper way to greet someone with cancer, who has been through hell and back? I know the cliche responses "You look fantastic" or "You are such a trooper" rile some feathers in this group. But putting myself in the shoes of my…
Not sure what I want......
My devotional today said not to sweat small things, letting the little worries upset/bother you. Save it for the big stuff. I guess that would be cancer. But I am super pissy today. I feel like such a total "b" writing this but I am SO sick of people and their "concern". I am sick of getting greeting cards in the mail that…
Today is JuJuBeez Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JULIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Hope your day is extra special & may all your wishes come true! ♥ Cat **P.S. I'm sorry I was so late ladies. (I'm normally never this late!) Today is our Community Yard Sale. I was selling & shopping :-)
One chemo down 3 more to go!!!
I had my first chemo today of taxotere and cytoxan. I was fortunate to not have any reastions during the treatment. I am feeling a little tired and my stomach is a bit rumbly but no nausea whatsoever. I plan on taking my anti-nausea every 6 hours whether I need it or not at least for the first 3-4 days. I also got the…
had surgery Friday 9-16-11
Had a lump removed and two lymph nodes that had grown together. The surgeon told my sister the prelimanary tests showed cleared margains, waiting for biopsy? Is this good or does it usually go bad?
Metformin - Clinical Trial Phase III
Is anybody on a clinical trial with metformin as a preventative for mets? My oncologist wants to start me on the Phase 3 trial. Any information would be greatly appreciated. I would still stay on Arimidex. Cindy ******* If anyone is interested, you have to start the trial with in 1 year of initial diagnosis. This is a…
Susan Christmas Girl how are you doing?
Susan, We are thinking about you and have not heard from you for two weeks. Please know that we do care. Hugs New Flower
Papilla Breast Cancer
My SIL was just diagnosed, I do not see much info about this type of breast cancer. Any info you can share would be appreciated! Thanks
I made a post a few days ago about not being able to see after my surgery. Well heres the DUH part...nobody told me they put a nausea patch behind my ear until i discovered it myself and called my sister to ask her what the heck is this...she laughed and said shes sorry she forgot to tell me about it and the doc said it…
what to say!
My daughter now works at local Imagining Center (xrays, mammos etc) where I go and have been long before she worked there. Anyhow, she said to group other night at small party-" I have had 3-4 woman come crying on my shoulder when they get the news, what do I say to them?" MIND you she didnt' ask me-that night or even when…
When is your birthday?
Hello & Welcome to the Newbies, I'm sorry for the reason you are here. You couldn't have found a better place to be while on this journey though! One of the many things we share here are our birthdays. Myself & JennyTwist have a list compiled of birthdays. If you would like to be added to the list, please post the date.…
Tamoxifen - starting to get a little fearful of taking this
I had 6 rounds of chemo and am 1/3 of the way through radiation. Next on tap, my doctor wants to put me on Tamoxifen for 5 years. I have avoided doing much research on this until now because I could only handle one thing at a time, if you know what I mean. I've spent the past two days reading online about this and I keep…
vision & tamoxifen
I went for an eye exam and the Dr asked if still on tamoxifen. I said yes for another 18 mths or so. HE DID a very long exam with the BRIGHT LIGHT very close to my head (head to head) Afterwards he said Tsmoxifen can damage a certain nerve ending in eye! I am a okday but wondering if anyone else has heard this? Denise
Think Before You Pink
I read this article which was recommended on another website. The article is well worth reading. Especially as October approaches when we see everything "pink", in all the grocery stores, the mall, catalogs and etc. Where does that money really go? It might answer some of your questions. The title is: The Big Business of…
Roll call for all currently in chemo, how are you managing?
When I found this board 2 months ago, I just began my journey with chemo. I know a lot of us are currently doing chemo/still in treatment. I was wondering how each of you are doing? Managing the side effects? Coping with the issues? Are you whipping cancers butt! hugs to all, Debbie
is massage bad for cancer patients?
I went for my monthly massage and when i told her i had just been diagnoist with breast cancer and she told me it might make my cancer spread more?
Finishing radiation this Thursday, what's next?
Hi all: Haven;t updated in awhile so wanted to let you all know that I am finishing my radiation plus Xeloda in just two days. After that, Tamoxifin and maybe more Xeloda. I see Dr. Cristafanelli, my oncologist/IBC specialist next Tuesday. Not sure how getting back to "normal" life is going to be....glad to be finishing…
Today is CindyAnn's Birthday!
Join Us at Panera Bread and Help Us Spread the Word --- Southern California Region
In case anyone in California is interested .. ==================================== Panera Bread has selected the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation (DSLRF) as its exclusive cause marketing partner in the Southern California region for the month of October as they honor breast cancer awareness month. In addition to…
Start chemo Wednesday-scared of the unknown
Hi everyone. Thank you for the warm welcome and the pink bus! Well for those of you that read my original post, I was supposed to have an mri of my liver Thursday evening to check out 2 areas that the radiologist said appeared to be small hemangiomas (oncologist wanted to use an mri to be sure). Well I got to the mri and…
One for the 'Girls' .. Joke ..
One for the girls Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my shape to keep. Please no wrinkles, Please no bags And please lift my butt before it sags. Please no age spots, Please no gray And as for my belly, Please take it away. Please keep me healthy, Please keep me young, And thank you Dear Lord, For all that you've…
abdominal bulge from DIEP flap - anyone had this?
I had DIEP flap about a year and a half ago and have developed, or it kind comes and goes, that is an abdominal bulge mostly on the right side. The plastic surgeon at one point thought it was a hernia but then blamed it on my fibroid which at the time was huge. The fibroid of its own accord has since gotten significantly…
It's All Too Much to Bare...How much more...
Hi there. How much more trauma and tragedy can our family bare? Cancer is a relentless adversary. I had my last RAD on Aug. 15th. Back in July, my husband's uncle (on his mother's side) was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer of Unknown Primary - no cure. He's undergoing chemo as a palliative measure to slow the cancer down. His…
You ladies are awesome, thank you for the advice on my upcoming mastectomy! It's comforting to be able to discuss this with people that have 'been there, done that', as opposed to people that haven't. Thanks so much!!
Biology determines everything
Now, let's see if I can get this right - and I'm going to ramble: I attended an advanced training course for peer navigators yesterday. A medical oncologist spoke to us about all things breast cancer. The thing that stood out most to me was his statement: "biology determines everything" - getting cancer, response to…
Double Post- ignore please
A friend introduced me to this show. This guy was so humble and handsome. So sad he had to go so early in his life. Leaving a family behind. :( These were his last words to his kids: "I am going to go to sleep now as my body won't work any more. I am like a butterfly with broken wings. I will always be with you and will…
Anyone watched 'Spartacus'? star Andy Whitfield dies
A friend introduced me to this show. This guy was so humble and handsome. So sad he had to go so early in his life. Leaving a family behind. :( http://www.freep.com/article/20110913/ENT07/109130325/-Spartacus-star-Andy-Whitfield-dies