Today is Terri805's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR TERRI HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing you all the best on your special day & throughout the year! Have a great weekend! ♥ Cat
Has anyone taken yoga classes while having your port in? I'm checking with my doctors tomorrow but I was just wondering if anyone has tried it.
Does hair grow back in a uniform manner?
I had my last round of chemo 5 weeks ago today. I'm sure like most people, I am watching my scalp for any sign of hair regrowth. I have been pleased to find some peach fuzz, but just noticed today there are patches around my face where my scalp is still completely bare. Is this normal? Just wondering if it all grows back…
lymphodema in breast any suggestions
Hi all, I am experienceing lymphodema in my breast, I had a lumpectomy along with chemo and rads~all my lymphnodes were removed on the one side, 5 presented with cancer~my RO said it sometimes happens in large breasted women, but didn't have any solutions to relieve the discomfort....anyone out there find a solution? I am…
So Grateful
Hi girls! I cannot even begin to explain how much I appreciate all of the words you write on here. I learn so much from each and every one of you through your posts and comments. I am completely overwhelmed with the outpouring of love, support, and prayers you all have been so kind to give me. I had a long life chat with…
Anyone used/using anti-depressant, Lexapro?
I had a 4-month follow-up with my med. onc. today. Things are okay, although my WBC is low at 3.4. She continues to watch it, but doesn't seem too concerned. I had been on Zoloft since diagnosis (early 2010) but had been weened off last month--my call. I told her what had happened to my friend passing away last week and…
I'm Gonna Love You Through It
In case anyone has missed seeing this I must post what I think is the greatest video ever. At least for us Pink Sisters. Copy this link onto your browser. http://www.cmt.com/videos/martina-mcbride/682633/im-gonna-love-you-through-it.jhtml?xrs=playershare_fb
not sure what to think, need input please
It has been 7 weeks since the end of my radiation, I had a lumpectomy...I have been having sharp pain in my breast and it is very spongy and appears to have little holes all over the nipple area and around it..is this a normal reaction after radiation ends? I have an appointment to see my rad onc, for follow up this coming…
Hi everyone. I had a simple Mastectomy (both breasts) on Aug 19. All margins clear and all lymp Nodes clear. (it was estrogen fed.) I'm not doing chemo only radiation. I had a hysterectomy in 98. I'm on the cluf on tamoxifen. I'm very sensitive to all med. Only take IBP when i have pain. What are the side effects to…
Can I dye my hair??
OOPS ! I put a lighting gel on my hair and it turned it grey!!!! YUCK! My last chemo was in May and my hair is about 1/2 inch long very thick and healthy. Someone PLEASE say I can dye it. ANYONE???? I feel so old! Thanks. Tami
Severe sore throat. white spot on epiglottis
I have a severe sore throat. Cant swollow let alone drink. Will go to urgent care tomorrow. Is there anything I can do over night to stop the pain? Is it ok to use the lysterine throat spray or throat lozages? I have taken some tylenol even though I am not suppose to. It is 10 pm and ER is not going to happen. Long story!
Some good news coming out of MD Anderson
Newly diagnosed but been there before with my 1st husband!
It is so uplifting to find a place to talk to people who know what you are going through. I was diagnosed after a routine mammogram the end of July. I had surgery (double mastectomy) on August 11. My invasive ductal carcinoma was Stage 2 (2 nosed involved) Grade 1, ER/PR+. The initial diagnosis caught me completely…
~~ How Has Having BC Affected Your Life, If You Would Like To Share It With Your Pink Sisters ~~
I know that having breast cancer affects all of our lives, some in good ways and some in bad ways. Would you like to share some part of how it has affected your life? Thanks! ♠♣ Love, Susie ♠♣
Do you have 'moons"?
"Moons" as in the lighter area at the base of your nails - do you have them? I never have had any. Today I was at the fabric store looking at some material when a woman told me that I should see a Dr as I have cancer. My first thought was why are you saying this - my hair is back and my pros. looks great under clothes so…
Here I am at MD Anderson
Arrived promptly at the Mays Cancer Center (a small part of MD Anderson but huger than most hospitals) at 7 AM. My first impressions: very, very huge place with very futuristic look; many bubbly zen-like fountains and scuptures; many saltwater aquariums; everything pristine. That is my photo in front of one of the bubbly…
The Pink Bus Is Needed Today Too For Greeneyed Girl/Melanie
Ok Melanie, the bus is gassed up and the pinkies are ready to rock n roll! Melanie is having her ultrasound today and blood work, so, let's go! Sue :)
Today is JaninMn-SoHardbnMe &Survgal's Birthday!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JAN(& TWIN BRO) RACHEL, & SG HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! AND MANY MORE...!!! Wishing each of you a blessed day and a year filled with dreams coming true! *We haven't heard from any of you in a while. How are you? If you see this please update us on how you are…
All foods taste BAD
Five days ago I had my first treatment of taxotere and cytoxan, now everything taste bad. I am having to force food down. Will this pass or continue through the remainder of my treatments? Even water is bad.
pain meds
Thanks for all your responses to my pain med questions. My onc. asked me to try tramadol, which I did for the past 2 nights. So far so good. His script called for 2 at bedtime, but I could only handle 1. Has anyone else had luck with this? I am always worried about side effects. Thanks
OT - FYI - cork for a cause
This is NOT meant to be an ad or an endorsement of any kind!!!!! Just passing along some info I found. Some time ago there was a post about wine for sale with a pink ribbon on the label. Many of us felt that there should be a contribution to bc research or free care before the pink ribbon should be displayed. Some…
Exactly who makes the medical diagnoses of lymphedema?
Exactly who makes the official medical diagnoses of lympedema? Does it need to be a doctor or lympedemiologist?
Has anyone taken this??? i had my first shot today it's for osteoporosis i don't have osteoporosis i have osteopenia but my oncologist thought it would be good for me.
Upcoming mastectomy
Hi, I'm having a double mastectomy on 9-15 and it seems the closer the surgery date the more anxious I get, having trouble sleeping, grouchy with everyone, having a hard time keeping everything on an even keel for the kids (6 & 9); guess I'm just not ready to say goodbye to my girls yet. I know most of you have already…
Just Diagnosed with Breast Cancer:-(
I am a colorectal cancer survivor and now I had just been diagnosed with breast cancer, so I am on this forum now. I have already lost two aunts and two cousins to breast cancer, and one aunt and my younger sister are also being treated for this. So, I decided for mastectomy because I understand my genes put me at greater…
Radiation burns
I have had 33 radiation treatments so far. Was going to get my last 6 booster treatments when the skin under my arm started peeling off. The rad oncologist halted treatments for a week so I can heal up before the last 6. Has anybody else burned badly from radiation treatments? I am very fair skinned and I was told that is…
Having a hard time today
Wow was not prepared for this 3rd chemo kicking my behind. I feel so wiped out today. this has been the worse one so far....and I'm at work trying to struggle through. I'm hot, nauseous, dizzy....WOO....just not feeling great at all :( Think I'm going to have to go hit the infusion room for some fluids!!
Being Deported next Wednesday!
Saw my MO yesterday and I am all done with my Herceptin treatments! He said I can get the port removed now, so I have an appointment for next Wednesday, Sept. 14th, to be deported. He also said I am now in complete remission! Yahoooo!!!! Bonnie
Just had followup after tests...
Dr. Says overall my mets are about as stable as they will get with the severity of the involvement. Unfortunately the pain continues. He said we will not worry about the liver until I start turning yellow or my liver functions are bad, and we will keep a watch on it, as it may be cancer. I will only have 3 more chemos,…
Home from surgery today
The hospital was being inspected today...I'm sure the inspectors were wondering about the pink bus parked out front. I'm betting the silly string, food and beverages, and crazy rubber band shooting women didn't help them pass. Everything went as expected with the surgery. I am home now...groggy, sleepy, and my husband and…