Question re tamoxafen and endometrial thickness

TKMomma Member Posts: 54
I have been on tomaxafen for three months. I am 51and it has stopped my periods although my recent bloodwork showed I was not in menopause yet. I have been having severe pelvic cramping but no bleeding. Yesterdsy I had a transvaginal pelvic sonogram and the results stated .... Retroverted uterus, hetergeneous echogenicity of the endometrium with endometrial thickness measuring 1.1 cm in thickness. Im not sure what that all means. I know the thickness is not real high but its only been three months on tamoxafrn. I have gyno apt on thursdsy to discuss. Im hoping to understsnd more before then as I am not a real fan of my gyno and dont want him pushing something on me that is not totally necessary. Any explanations of sonogram impression would be helpful. I just want to be prepared for apt. Currently looking for a new gyno. Thanks all.


  • grams2jc
    grams2jc Member Posts: 756
    No idea what it means
    Sorry. Was this your first ultrasound? I have been dealing with endometrial thickening, an ovarian cyst, and fibroids since my "baseline" pelvic ultrasound in August. I think I have finally decided to do nothing right now. I don't know about your specifics but was curious if you had an u/s before.

    Good luck with your qppt

  • New Flower
    New Flower Member Posts: 4,294 Member
    grams2jc said:

    No idea what it means
    Sorry. Was this your first ultrasound? I have been dealing with endometrial thickening, an ovarian cyst, and fibroids since my "baseline" pelvic ultrasound in August. I think I have finally decided to do nothing right now. I don't know about your specifics but was curious if you had an u/s before.

    Good luck with your qppt


    Sorry, some time reading ultrasound reports is not fun
    It could be scary to you because you do not know the terminology. I hope your gynecologist will help you to sort things out. Uterine lining thickening is a common side effect of Tamoxifen. Most likely that your doctor will recommend a biopsy to make sure that there is no any problems. If you do not like your gynecologist, find a new one who understand Tamoxifen and its side effect. Do not be nervous, please take a deep breath stay positive.
    Good luck with your visit
  • TKMomma
    TKMomma Member Posts: 54
    grams2jc said:

    No idea what it means
    Sorry. Was this your first ultrasound? I have been dealing with endometrial thickening, an ovarian cyst, and fibroids since my "baseline" pelvic ultrasound in August. I think I have finally decided to do nothing right now. I don't know about your specifics but was curious if you had an u/s before.

    Good luck with your qppt


    Second ultrasound.
    I had my first test in january and results came back normal .... Nothing found. My gyno in jan wanted to do the novasure procedure on me. I wasnt complaining about my periods .... Just answering his he ordered test which csme back normal. I definitely need to find a dr I like. I will go to apt on thur to hear what he recommends but im not agreeing to anything without doing my homework. When I saw him last week regarding my pelvic pain his remark was he never heard of tomaxafen causing pelvic pain. What an idiot.
  • Megan M
    Megan M Member Posts: 3,000
    TKMomma said:

    Second ultrasound.
    I had my first test in january and results came back normal .... Nothing found. My gyno in jan wanted to do the novasure procedure on me. I wasnt complaining about my periods .... Just answering his he ordered test which csme back normal. I definitely need to find a dr I like. I will go to apt on thur to hear what he recommends but im not agreeing to anything without doing my homework. When I saw him last week regarding my pelvic pain his remark was he never heard of tomaxafen causing pelvic pain. What an idiot.

    What did your doctor say
    What did your doctor say about this TKMomma?

    Hugs, Megan
  • disneyfan2008
    disneyfan2008 Member Posts: 6,583 Member
    I had thickening of uterus from Tamox
    I used to go every 3-6mths for internal ultra sound followed by D & C. About 3 yrs into it I started bleeding (after about 4 yrs post meno-at the age of 51 yrs old) I was takne off tamox for 3mths help...then in Myay 2011 I had total hysterctomy! Back on Tamox as soon as went back to the dr!

    I had to have larger cut due to the size of uterus!
