I have been remiss. So sorry!

laughs_a_lot Member Posts: 1,368 Member
It has been nearly a month since I have been to this site. Let me first say that it was not a health problem that kept me away. Some of you may remember that I stated I was going to first shift at my job. This of course was much more desirable than my previous third shift position bur because we need to give our clients a lot of attention durring the day, I can no longer use the internet at work, (and rightly so). Once I got past my 10 days off after my lumpectomy I cut off internet at the home. It was the one luxury I could afford to eliminate as I had to reduce working to only one job. My lack of workaholism since bc has been the best gift I never really wanted.

I have not been to the library to get on the net because I am in preparation for my Son to come from Virginia with his wife and three kids in late June through the 7th of July. It is importatnt to get the house ready as the youngest two are one and three years old. So I have to kidddify the house. I went there last year in August by plane and bus and had a blast.

I have been doing fairly well health wise. My lymphedema is fairly well under control. I have just finished with occupational therapy so that I have learned some techniques to keep it in check. I just saw the medical oncologist this morning and my tumor marker is good. He also ordered a baseline MRI. Now I just have to get with the program and loose some more weight to deter the beast from another weak spot to attack me. I will be getting my baseline mamogram next week then seeing the surgeon about a week later to discuss what I fully expect to be good news.

I have missed you all and have frequently asked God to bless all those needing prayer despite the fact that I may not know the nature of the the problem for which the prayer is needed. I tend to think that God honors such requests. Once my mom mentioned to me when she was in the early stages of Alzheimers that she was afraid that she would forget how to pray before she died. I reminded her that the Holy Sprit would intercede for her and pray on her behalf if this should happen. I tend to beleive it works much the same when we pray for others not knowing the exact nature of the problem. So now I will finish this post so that I can read and catch up on what is happening in your lives.


    SIROD Member Posts: 2,194 Member
    Always enjoy your posts and miss them.
    I missed you and am glad that all is well. Looking forward to family's arrival is fun and hope you enjoy their stay with you.

