Thinking of you all
Hi beautiful ladies and men....I see a lot of new names here...this forum has been a blessing to me ...it has helped me greatly through my journey..there are lot of women here who I totally adore and look up to.... even though I'm not on here as much, I wanted you to know that everyday you are always in my thoughts and…
Lynne Logan
Has anyone heard how Lynne Logan is doing? I know she's gotten some bad news. Haven't seen a post from her in a while.
I know I should be happy but i cant stop thinking what if
I had a PET scan last week and got my results yesterday. I have a new Dr ( whom I like very much) and have been having some problems, swelling to the point I have gained 10 lbs in a month and incressed pain in my joints. my labs have also been low for the last few months. so my Dr decided to do a PET scan. the results im…
Arimidex question
Hi everyone... It's been awhile since I have been on here. I hate that I forget to pull this site up and look at it more often. Lately have felt the need for support more now that when I was diagnosed last year. At any rate - I started Arimidex in January after having a complete hysterectomy in Dec 2011. I had been on…
A wonderful story to share
Yesterday, on the sixth day of staying with my sister in the hospital, I ventured out for my dinner. The hospital is a block from Syracuse University and, therefore has endless eateries. I chose Chipotle - I love Mexican, and it smelled incredible when I opened the door. I had never been to this chain before and wasn't…
GOOD NEWS!!!! I have a brain and according to the MRI it is normal and FREE OF DISEASE!!! Dr. is putting me on new daily meds for the migraines which may make me sleepy and a side effect is I COULD LOSE WEIGHT!!! Thanks so much for hoping on the Pink Bus with me and surrounding me with all your love and support! Love you…
Herceptin Help
Hi, I'm new. Just finished my first round of chemo and the 2nd week Herceptin IV. Was hoping for some tips on the Herceptin only days. It really wired me and I could not sleep at all last night. Very hyper and uneasy feeling inside, not nausea, but a raw feeling. I am looking for any tips on what to eat/drink on Herceptin…
tissue expanders
Finished my chemo April 12th and had a bilateral mastectomy May 1st. Sentinel node biopsy done and cancer found in one on the right, so 14 nodes removed on the right and 3 on the left. I elected to do the nipple sparing procedure. My drains were in for 3 weeks. I've developed a seroma in the right armpit that has been…
Today is MyTurnNow's Birthday!
Happy, Happy Birthday! Hope you have a wonderful day! CELEBRATE BIG! -Jenny
For those of you now with bone mets -- what symptoms caused you to check it out?
Hello. I finished my chemo and radiation in August of 2008. I am now experiencing sharp pain in my feet and my ankle can't support my weight first thing in the morning. I am overweight for my size but only weigh 128 so I don't think that is the cause. My CA had spread to 7 lymph nodes so I'm prone to being concerned about…
Going thru my radiation now.......mild blisters under my arm.....i know it will get worse before it gets better....should i be worried? i have 10 more left and then 3 boosters. anything i can take to make it feel better? using Aquafor now and aloe from my plant but that's it. Gosh i can't wait til it's done.
Prayers/Thoughts for those in fire and flood areas!
There are many in the areas flooded and in the fire areas that we need to think about. I am a Native Floridian where there are record floods going on now. I'm in the 'West' now. There are major fires burning (some of our crews have been sent to) and is a fire burning not too far from here that if the winds co-operate…
PET scan results. Wish I had better news.
I'm still trying to digest everything but apparently I have more going on than just a lung nodule. There is something on T3 & L3 & my sternum. Also two issues in my upper right chest above the mastectomy site maybe both above and below the chest wall? The PET mentions two foci in the right lung (I don't know if that means…
Tamoxifen Side Effects
Ladies, I am in my six month of taking Tamoxifen and third month of the Lupron Depot shot. Although I have not experienced a lot of hot flashes or night sweats, I feel bloated and have gained a few pounds. I considered myself pretty active before my diagnosis and watch my diet closely but still can't seem to drop the…
follow up visit fears
I was diagnosed in may of 2010 my follow up visit is next week. I am always nervous about follow up visits.So, keep me in your prayers. Thanks for the support.
More 'Life' stuff going on
Some of you know about my sister. For those who don't, she suffered a coronary blockage Monday. However, she was right next door to a fabulous hospital and a nurse immediately administered CPR. EMT's & ER did a fantastic job and the ICU (she's still there) is awesome. There is so much more to this event, but the most…
CT scan results
First some background in case you need it. I'm stage IV triple neg IBC, with mets to the lymph nodes between my lungs. I've had two separate local recurrences. The CT scan is pretty much what we expected...there has been some growth in those pesky lymph nodes. Not much, but again it was expected since I have been on a…
Pink bus for Jamie interventional biopsy
I guess we are going to be busy tomorrow. I hope Jamie is in a good spirit. Jamie, are you ready to kick this sneaky b****** a****? Sending positive thoughts and encouragement. New Flower
update on exchange surgery
Well I had my exchange surgery last Monday and boy am I glad that is over! It was a little more painful than I thought it would be, but still nothing like the original surgery. Since my left side was radiated, they could not use the original side incision and had to make a new incision at the bottom of my breast right…
Checking in...It has been a while!
Hi, Ladies, I know it has been a while since I have posted. Sorry...I hit a few bumps in the road. I even ended up in the ER with chest pain/breathing difficulties. Everything checked out, and all is fine now...especially thanks to some AMAZING friends who have become my family. Now to the good news...I have one more chemo…
Today is Jadie's Birthday!
Dear Jadie, Hope your day is filled with everything and everyone you love most! Best wishes for a great day and your year ahead filled with health & happiness! much love, Jenny
Doubts about radiation
I was reading some postings earlier about sisters not doing chemo, for whatever reason. My question is has anyone done chemo, but not radiation as recommended? I have 2 rounds of chemo to go after a bilateral mastectomy. It has not been nearly as bad as I had expected. But the thought of radiation, of the way it is…
Haven't seen Texasgirl10
I am so worried about her. Has anyone heard from Dawn?
I AM SO SCARED, PLEASE EVERYONE CAN YOU READ MY POST....STARTING CHEMO FIRST TIME TOMORROW! Hello Everyone, I have posted before, a few mths ago. I had breast cancer 10 yrs ago, it came back, i had to have a mastectomy. I have my surgeons 10 yrs, but i changed oncologist. I am 51, no kids, live with my mom, dad is passed.…
Shouting out to Pinkkari09, worrying about you
Kari, you haven't been on in so long. How are you doing? Hugs, Angie
Shout out to Chen!
Wanted to let you know I've been thinking about you...as I'm sure the other pink sisters have, too...if you feel up to it, we'd LOVE to hear from you! Big (((((hugs)))))) Nancy
Frustrated with my Doctors
Hello, I am newly diagnosed with Stage 1 Invasive Ductal Carcinoma, ER/PR +, Her2 -. Had a lumpectomy 4 weeks ago. Waiting for my oncotype score in order to determine need for chemo or not. Someone on my team screwed up and didn't send my sample to the lab right after surgery. So now I am in a holding pattern waiting weeks…
Lumpectomy-- Any advice?
Pink sisters, I've found such good and helpful advice from all you caring people here. Now, I'm looking for more. Just to recap, I was diagnosed the first of the year with Triple Negative IDC and have been on chemo from then and finished June 5. I'm scheduled for a lumpectomy June 28 with radiation to follow healing from…
Pink bus to Santa Monica for New Flower
Hello Everyone, We are leaving in 20 min for interventional bone biopsy. Hubby is driving everyone is welcome to come. While I will be in an operating room you can walk on the beach and enjoying yourself. The procedure is schedule for 1 PM. You can still fly-in. I'll see you soon New Flower
Hard Knot
My husband has just discovered he has a hard, "knot, lump" in the middle of his chest...it is about as big as a big marble and there is no pain? Could this be a type of Breast Cancer???