Pain from radiation burns - any recommendations?
First, I am so thankful for this site. I have been lurking here since my mother's diagnosis in December. Mom has made it through her chemo - radiation - chemo cycle and now has severe pain from the radiation burns. She had her last rad. treatment a week ago tomorrow. She has open areas from the blisters and swelling. My…
looking for a success story someone who's recovering or recovered from anal cancer and colostomy
I'am looking for someone who is recovering or recovered from anal cancer and after going through treatment of radiation and chemo then a reacurrence of the cancer so then a colostomy.My mum has been going through this for 12 months now 5 weeks ago she had the colostomy done we are waiting to go back to the specialist next…
I'm scheduled to see the surgeon for follow up on July 6th. It will be slightly over two months after last treatment. I'm very nervous about this visit because I'm not sure what to expect, and just the thought of someone putting anything in my bottom scares me because of the pain factor that I'm anticipating. My rad onc…
Newly Diagnosed
Hi Everyone, I am sad (and glad) to be posting here. I received a positive test result from a biopsy 2 weeks ago and was told by the doctor that it was early stage. The visable tumor is only a few mm in size but I think it may be further along because of the pain, pressure and burning I feel in the biopsy site, around my…
post radiation side effects
Hi fellow anal cancer people. I finished my 6 week course of chemoradiation about 6 weeks ago. Just in the past couple of weeks I have started to experience a feeling of extreme heaviness in my legs, blating in my belly. some swelling of ankles. Anyone elase have this experience? I also feel extremely winded when I try to…
New Breakthrough in Anal Cancer Treatment
I am an anal cancer survivor since 2009. I subscribe to an additional Anal Cancer website-The HPV Anal Cancer Foundation. I just received the article from them below and thought I would share with you all. Mike In March 2017, for the first time in decades, treatment options for anal cancer patients cancers leapt forward.…
Yeah!! 1 more radiation treatment and I am done
I got my picc line out today and only have one radiation treatment left. I thought I had another week to go. Pleasant surprise. I am feeling pretty good, except being very tired. My WBC is 3.9 today, It was 7.9 before I started this on June 12. If I don't have any thing worse than I do now, I am happy.
Benign Squamous Cells
Hi Everyone, As usual I only come back here to ask questions. I guess it would be nice if I came back here to see how you are all doing, right? I started a new job in New Hope, PA at Bucks County Playhouse. I am very busy, like crazy busy, but I am hoping that all of you are doing well. I had a pap test two weeks ago and…
Vaginal stenosis
Hello! This seems to be a subject without a lot of discussion! I've seen only one woman who mentioned surgery for stenosis (I've messaged her...) but I wonder if anyone else has, and where. I am a year and 3 months out of treatment and still unable to "graduate" past the first (of 5) dilators. Is there anyone who had…
Bleeding from open skin - anal area
Hello all - Wondering if anyone can make a suggestion. I had anal cancer about 12 yrs ago, had radiation, chemo. Skin area was very burned from radiation, so remains irritated at times. Last yr was disgnosed with CRC with liver mets and having chemo every two weeks. I go through about a week of constipation and diarrhea,…
Hip Pain
Hi everyone! Hip pain is my most recent post tx side effect. The pain in my hips and lower back has been getting worse for the last couple of weeks. It's only been 2 months since tx ended and I really didn't expect this so soon. Every post I've read about it has said it is a late effect, so I'm wondering if it's because…
Zofran vs. Marijuana - feedback?
Anybody have any input on taking zofran vs. using marijuana for nausea during the chemo? Thanks!
Does it ever get better
June 2013 started my journey as a Cancer Caregiver to my husband and in October 2013 he lost his battle with Small Cell Lung Cancer. If that wasn't bad enough 7 months later I began my journey with anal cancer. While I can say I'm a 3 year survivor of my own battle with cancer, a little over four years later I often wonder…
Had appt for High Grade Anal Dysplasia Lesion
Hi all, had my appt today at UCSF for the High Grade Anal Dysplasia Lesion. I can't say enough good things about this appt. I had Dr. Berry at UCSF, he was just as kind and professional as it get's. I read all good things about him and would agree, he was wonderful. I did have biopsies done and will have the results in…
Newly Diagnosed
Hi All My story seems to be similar to many of you here. For six months I thought I had internal hemorroids but of course I didnt. Last Tuesday after a colonoscopy my doctor informed me I had anal cancer and for the next 48 hours I went into a big spin unable to break myself free of the worst thoughts. I had thought Id had…
Hi folks. Sorry if i shouldnt post this here as I do not have a cancer diagnosis. My situation is, out of nowhere last Sunday I had a significant bleed when I used the toilet it didnt stop for some time kind of like a nosebleed. I am now terrified. My Dad got rectal cancer in his 60's and died with in 18 months. I am in…
Just diagnosed with high grade dysplasia
Hello everyone, and thank you for being here. I'm 53, male. Six weeks ago I had my first ever colonoscopy. Three polyps were found and removed, two of them were hyperplastic (?) so that's not a concern. The third turned out to be a condyloma, positive for HPV. I had a second procedure two weeks ago (flex sig) during which…
Question about "SUV max" level
I recently had a PET scan to rule out a recurrence of throat cancer. I am a 4-year survivor of base tongue/lymph node cancer who is experiencing radionecrosis in my jaw due to the heavy radiation. The PET scan was to rule out recurrence before we discussed other treatment options. The scan came back clear for my head and…
Back again for my 11th year NED anniversary
11 years today for me. T3,N0, M0 i feel amazing. Eating a strict keto diet and it cured my loose bowel issues in a week. I am lifting weights, riding my bike and living an amazing life. I might even be one of the longest NED ones here. You all can do this. Gabby
Just came home From Dr.-Found Mass in lower rectum!
I went to Dr this morning becuase I haev had blood in my stool like 7 out of 10 stools had bright red blood but I assumed it was was hemorroids so I just used creams etc, but over time I thought I should get this checked. I'm 51, great shape overall, eat great etc...he did a manual exam and was pushing real hard and…
Cyst or something on the inside of my left buttock next to my butthole
I am disabled Vietnam veteran exposed to agent orange.I had a Gleason score 9 for aggressive prostate cancer and I had surgery March six at the Wright Patterson Air Force Base Hospital and Lt colonel urologist Dr Shaw did open surgery and removed my prostate gland and pelvic lymph nodes and I had blood clots and fluid in…
Possible Anal or Perianal Cancer
My Mother recently went to her yearly physical on Wednesday and got a biopsy taken down in her perineum area closer to the edge of the anus because she had been complaining about itchiness and pain/burn while using the restroom for the last 2 weeks. She recently had been straining and trying to use toilet paper to push…
Anal Cancer - Loose BM's
I am 1 1/2 years post treatment for stage 2 anal cancer. I am looking for advice/suggestions on how to deal with loose BM's - or if anyone has experienced this problem. I can be completely fine, but then will have a day or two where my BM's is somewhat loose, but more important, constant throughout the day. Not diarrhea.…
Mitomycin C and 5FU (or capecitabine/xeloda)
Capecitabine Plus Mitomycin in Patients Undergoing Definitive Chemoradiation for Anal Squamous Cell Carcinoma http://www.redjournal.org/article/S0360-3016(14)00792-5/fulltext 5FU in pill form (capecitabine/Xeloda) is another approved protocol listed in the NCCN Guidelines. I was concerned about the inconvenience of a…
Fasting for Chemo Treatments
Has anyone heard about studies being done with fasting before and during chemo? In essence, I have read that fasting prepares the bad cells making them huungry and they soak up the chemo making it more effective. Has anyone heard or tried this?
TEM procedure
Has anyone had the TEM procedure for removal of rectal tumor? It appears not all surgeons are able to do it.
New to this colo-rectal cancer
My surgeon is scheduling surgery, a resection, possible ileostomy, and it's believed to be a T1 or T2 tumor. This whole thing has me freaked out. I"m active, never sick and now I'm scared of all the things I"m facing. :-( No lymph nodes involved. JHH
Cancer Owl
If you havent read this site called CancerOwl Its very funny. Written by a guy that went thru treatment for rectal cancer. I think you will get a kick out of it. And who doesnt need a laugh?
Having bad stomach pains
and diarrhea about every 30 minutes. Any suggestions? I have had 3 weeks of radiation and chemo. I got unhooked from the chemo picc line on Friday and have to hook it back up Thursday. I am taking lomotril