Treatment Completed, Next Steps
I finished my 6 weeks of treatment recently. Things weren't really too bad until the end of the third week; however, that did not compare to how I would feel the 4 weeks after treatment had ended. It was horrible!! As I'm sure you are all familar with. They told me, after treatment, it would get worse before it got better,…
Mom entering week 5 of treatment....worried.
First I would like to say that is board has been so helpful. I started reading and gathering information when my mom was diagnosed in August. Mom is currently entering her 5th week of treatment for stage 2 anal cancer. She did well through her first three weeks. Week 4 has hit her very hard however. Her skin is broken down…
Feeling anxious for follow-up
I am fairly new to this site. Diagnosed with anal cancer 3/23/2017 from a biopsy done on a colonoscopy. I found the mass myself after struggling for several weeks feeling like I had a "poop in the shoot" but couldn't actually poop. In retrospect, I realize that I was struggling for several months with my bowel movements.…
Anyone experience a bowel obstruction during treatment
My mom has developed a mechanical bowel obstruction. She was heading into week 5 of her Nigro protocol when treatment was delayed after being hospitalized last weekend due to severe dehydration from diarrhea plus lack of nutrition. While hospitalized, she developed severe abdominal pain and distention without vomiting. She…
Any tips on how to get through the chemoradiation 28 days deal?
I got diagnosed with stage 2 anal cancer two weeks ago and am starting chemo and radiation next week . Am getting a little anxious about what to expect. The list of side-effects is sooooo long. Anybody got some good advice? Am also struggling to hold back tears every now and then. They seem to hit me randomly. Having port…
What is normal vaginal drainage after rad?
I would be interested to know how radiation affected vaginal discharge or drainage in ladies treated for AC. I am hoping to gauge if what I have is normal or coming from a rectovaginal fistula. I am 5 months out from treatment. Prior to starting treatment I had a temporary colostomy placed due to the fistula. Going back a…
Starting oral chemo and radiation treatment this week for rectal cancer.
Good afternoon everyone, i am 47 years old and was diagnosed with rectal cancer July of this year. I am all set to start my oral chemo and radiation therapy this week. I am nervous especially about the pain from radiation therapy. I was addicted to pain medication and have been clean since 2011 so of course I am worried…
Ouch! GYN Appt.
I will start by saying this ahead of time, sorry for the frankness of this post! What a shock! I just had my annual GYN appointment this past week and to be honest, it was the most painful exam I have experienced...of ay kind! I have never even had any mild discomfort during this type of exam or for the Pap test. My Dr.…
Heart attack after anal cancer treatment
I had a massive heart attack a year and a half after fininshing treatment. I was wondering if anyone else has had a similar experience. My heart was good before I received treatment. I also developed a heart murmur first, had a normal echocardiogram and then 6 months later had the widowmaker. I dont believe the…
Help with bills
Does anyone know of any anal cancer funds out there to help people with bills? I have paid ny total out of pocket of $6000 but now have no money for other bills. The hospital wants your payment prior to doing procedure, so I had no choice. Now I'm having a hard time paying my house payment. I have to take days off of work…
A nervous wreck again
Haven't posted for a while but have surfed this forum to see if anyone here post anal cancer treatment post follow ups ever have anything like this pop up. I am 7 mos. out from treatments. I had a Pet-scan shortly after I completed treatments and the results were good, also had a MRI at my second follow up exam and that…
First Colonoscopy
I'm 50 and had my first colonoscopy today. Dr. told me he removed 15 polyps and sent three for a biopsy. From reading previous posts, I think 15 is a lot for my age. Should I be concerned? What happens if they find the three cancerous or pre-cancerous.
Next Steps
I had a colonoscopy last week and a small tumor at the rectum was discovered, the gastroenterologist was able to feel it during the initial exam prior to actually beginning the scope procedure. He took a biopsy and I was told on Monday that it was cancer. He did not actually tell me it was anal cancer, I am assuming this…
Are there alternatives if chemoradiation doesn't work as well as planned?
Hi there, i'm 6 months out of treatment and my original 4 * 4.5 cm mass has shrunk to about 1 * 2 cm. There's no longer any suspicious lymph node involvement. I had a sigmoidoscopy this past week and my husband says that the monitor showed scar tissue in a different color than the area that concerns the surgeon currently.…
Urinary Incontenance
In October of this year (2017) I'll be 4-years NED from anal cancer. My Hemotologist says I'm doing fine and he believes I am cured. But he doesn't address the issue of leaking urine. His response has always been, "Well you were radiated pretty good down there." Before treatment for cancer, I never had a problem with…
Anyone have an anal fissure?
Hi all - I have CRC with liver mets - have had many chemo treatments and have developed a fissure or tear. I go from constipation to diarrhea every chemo treatment and I think the irritation has caused this tear. Having extremely painful bm's. Using anusol (suppositories are very painful to insert). Taking 2-3 baths each…
Stage 4 anal cancer
I was diagnosed in June with anal cancer, and after a pet scan labeled as Stage 4, i had 2 small masses in each lobe of lung, that was too small to test and 3 small masses on my liver, 2 on one lobe and 1 on the other, both had fdg uptake. In July I started treatment of chemo with folfox (oxaliplatin and 5 fu) I have done…
Any Stage IV Remission Stories? I need positive vibes for my dad
Hello, My dad was diagnosed with Stage IV Colon Cancer in June. He was complaining of indigestion and pain in his stomach till we dragged him to the ER. After a CAT Scan, they saw a mass in his colon (the tie between the small and large colon-I'm not very good with medicine stuff). They also saw some "spots" in his liver.…
Possible fissure
Has anyone have skin tear like on lateral side of anal canal. It's not bleeding or anything but it's very un? Can this be cancer?
I think I have colon cancer?
Hi, everyone~ I'm so sorry to bug you all but I'd really apprecjate some advice. I have been having a lot of symptoms that look like anal cancer (blood when I wipe, inconsistent stools, mucous in my stools, severe constipation, diarrhea sometimes, terrible stomach pain, loss of appetite, unintentional weight loss, nausea,…
Amal cancer vs hemorrhoids
Been having rectalcancer pressure tingling sensation for the past 2 week. gi doctor did a DRE and anoscopy which he said no masses or tumors. However the discomfort still there , I was wondering how long does it take for internal hemorrhoids to go away. I'm able to feel it. It feels tingling with discomfor. No bleeding the…
Female Age 23. Hemorrhoids, Colon Cancer or Something Else?
Hello All, This message may be a little long because there is a lot of back story so I apologize but bear with me here. So, I noticed a few months ago that I had bright red blood on the toilet paper and in my stool (a long streak along one side of the stool) but didn't pay very much attention to it for whatever reason. Up…
Anoscopy tomorrow and I'm terrified
And depressed! It's after 3 in the afternoon and I'm still in bed. I know Worrying doesn't help and I'd probably feel better if I got up and did something but I just want to lie here and cry. It's my second exam post treatment. I'll be sedated so I have to have someone take me and the person who was supposed to take me now…
6 months
Hi Everyone! It has been a little while since I have posted, but I'm still here lurking and occasionally chime in when I think I can give advice or tips to those more recently diagnosed with this terrible disease and going through treatment for it. I hope everyone who reads this is doing well and I pray for everyone here…
Good afternoon everyone, just finished my second week of oral chemo and radiation. Is it normal to be so fatigued at this stage of treatment? Feel like I can't walk for 5 minutes before I am exhausted! other than that, treatment is going well
Nine Years
Hi everyone. I don't do a new post very often, as there really isn't much to report on a frequent basis. However, today I saw my colorectal doctor for my yearly follow-up, which included DRE and anoscope. I'm happy to say that there was nothing of concern felt or seen, so I remain NED. On September 9th. I will celebrate 9…
Stage IV rectal cancer + very little energy during and after chemo treatments
My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV rectal cancer which has spread to his liver, both lungs, lymph nodes, and his femur. He is currently taking chemo treatments to help him with "quality of life". My question is this: Is it normal to be exhausted all the time. He has had to quit working and has very little energy to do…
shortness of breath
Hi everyone, hope everyone is doing well, I'm writting today because I have been experiencing shortness of breath, and I dont know if it is one of those long term effects from the chemo or what, I seem to recall from later posts that I read there were a few of you who were experiencing this also, I am quite curious to know…
It can stop any time now...really.
First, let me apologize for the length of this post. It's not a novel, but a short story: I am so done. With all of this. I'm tired. So damn tired. 4 months post CA tx and 3 days post back surgery. I'm so, so ready to have it all just stop and be finished with. I'm sitting here in my bed bawling my eyes out for probably no…
http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/875634 good article on scan anxiety Drs finally realizing what all cancer patients and others have known for a very long time!!