Anal Fissure
I used the search but didn't come up with much. I am 3 years NED (yea!). I have had endless bowel issues and rarely have a solid bowel movement. I woke up this morning and plop, plop as usual but unusual was all of the bright red blood that accompanied it. I am in severe pain. I have a call into the colo-rectal surgeon who…
Hi Everyone
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with stage 3 anal cancer 3 weeks ago. The treatment regimine they have me on is 6 weeks of radiation with 2 weeks with a 5FU pump thru a PICC line. I have just completed 1 weeks of the 5FU and 2 weeks of radiation but seemed to have severe radiation burn already. I have tried using Aloe Vera…
Villous Adenoma found in my Anal Canal at the Verge and Mid-Rectum
Hello everybody. I posted my situation on another site but nobody seems to know anything about it. So I read a few postings here and thought I would give this forum a try. On May 1, 2017, I received the following diagnosis (verbally and in writing) from my Doctor (Gastroenteroloy) including biopsy pathology report. 1) At…
Has anyone else had herpes outbreaks during radiation therapy? I'm getting outbreak after outbreak. Is it because my immune system is compromised, or is the radiation to the pelvis triggering the outbreak?
Hi, new here, I start chemo and radiation monday
I am a 65 year old woman. Geez that makes me feel old! I was diagnosed with squamouS cell anal cancer after a colonoscopy and they found a polyp. April 4th. The dr called me 2 days later and said he needed me to come back in the next day. I knew something was wrong. I have been through every test they can come up with. I…
Anemia caused by radiotherapy and chemo
3 weeks ago I finished chemo. 1 week ago I finished Radiotherapy, My last hgb was 11.0 on June 15th ish. I'm having shortness of breath and dizziness that is getting worse and worse. Can't even prepare dinner without having to take a break. Chemo Doc is on vacation. Rad Doc refers back to chemo Dr. Guess its Urgent Care…
New To Site And Looking For Information On Help with Side Effects and Diet
I am so glad I found this site! Trying to find as much info as I can to pass on to my sister-in-law who was diagnosed with Stage 2 anal cancer. She started chemo today with RT starting tomorrow. I have been reading the site and see good info. While I download my brain, here are a few things I have taken away from reading,…
did anyone have pain in anal area before treatment started
I really need some HELP
I am an Anal Cancer Survivor. Short history - I was diagnosed in Feb 2006 with Stage 3b Anal Cancer with a fistual through my vaginal cavity, which was inoperable. Treatments included chemo and radiation. Unfortunately, If there was a side effect - i.e. infection, alergy to medications, etc. I got it. Spent most of 2 years…
Dizzy and weak, hands tingling
while I was waiting in line at WM pharmacy today. I got really dizzy and my hands started tingling. I had to hold on to the buggy because I thought I was going to fall in the floor. I just had my radiation treatment right before that. Plus I have a picc line with 5FU chemo in it until next Monday. On my second week. I sat…
CEA count rising, getting results of CT Scan & thinking of declining treatments
Thanks for adding me to the group. I'm a 48yrs old male and have managed to keep working during this nightmare. I did radiation and chemotherapy prior to surgery where they removed part of my rectum and a tumor. We had a short time of no stress. I have rectal cancer and was told by two cancer centers that I was stage 3. I…
If you had anal pain what pain Meds worked for you?
Hello all, very new to this forum. I have not been diagnosed with anal cancer but was diagnosed with High Grade Intrepitheleal Anal Lesion. It was found during a colonoscopy. I have suffered for two years with anal pain. I will be evaluated at the end of this week at UCSF anal dysplasia clinic. I am told I will have…
Did you suffer from Anal Dysplasia before Anal Cancer diagnosis?
Hello all, I am new to this forum and am being seen later this week for a High grade epithelial anal lesion. I was wonderfing if anyone here was being treated for anal dysplasia before you're anal cancer diagnosis? If so did you have any anal symptoms with the dysplasia? I was told by the GI who did the colonoscopy and…
My mom just completed her treatment last week...
Hello, My mother was diagnosed with stage II anal cancer back in April. She completed 2 rounds on chemo and 5 weeks of radiation. Her last radiation treatment was last Tuesday. She ended up in the hospital twice during treatment with high fevers and low blood cell counts. She's home now, but still feeling horrible. She…
Research anal cancer, dysplasia .... A place to learn and thought provoking
http://www.ucsfhealth.org/joel.palefsky see link here re; UCSF physician renowned in area of anal dysplasia and infectious disease ... See his long list of publications ... i found this interesting. He deals with a "high risk" group ... So risk factors are real and to be considered. Ucsf deals with dysplasia ... In men an…
Any body have bad dreams
I had a bad dream last night that something or somebody was chasing me and other people and killing them. My husband woke me up and said I was wimpering crying so loud that it woke him up. I don't remember all the details of it though. That is probably a good thing!
10 Year Anniversary
I am celebrating my 10th year anal cancer survivor anniversary! It is a blessing everyday. So far the only side effects left are vaginal stenosis, messing myself every once in while, and sore hips. My dog and I go walking almost everyday for about a mile. We also go hiking on the trails around Grand Junction Colo. I read…
Mom update
My mom is 4 weeks out of apr colostomy for recurrent anal cnaver, she's doing ok have had a few issues with the incision in her leg (inner thigh) with healing they used the muscle to (sew her closed) so to speak. Also all lymph nodes were tested and all were negative! So no chemo!
New Here & Looking for Info, Concerned
Hello, I found this website after doing a google search about Hemorrhoids. I am a 49/F and have had Hemrrhoids just about all of my life but never really had severe issues until about 10 years ago, I was having some pain, more then normal and started going to the Dr about them. My insurance at the time wouldn't allow me to…
Finally started treatment
Hi everybody - not just lurking around the edges anymore. I'm in. I've had 3 rads and received the MMC and 5FU pump on Friday. I get unhooked tomorrow afternoon. I haven't nausea to speak of but I've been tired. And since yesterday my mouth and all the lower mucous membrane places all feel swollen, hot, icky. Sitting isn't…
Hi Everyone, I posted earlier in the week asking if any of you ever heard of your Dr. ordering a MRI after your Pet-scan was good. Well I had the MRI yesterday, it went well considering my clostrophbia and the help of a sedative to get me through it. My Dr. told me to call him in three days to ensure he would have the…
Changes all the time
I feel like I can't trust my body. The side effects change daily it seems. I've gone from the horrendous screaming BM's of last week to BM's that just decide to occur with no warning, no pain and no real feeling at all. 10+ times per day. Back to wearing pads 24/7. I'm SO gassy too. No appetite still, but not really nausea…
rectual cancer: tumor removed after radiation and chemo treatments. then reattachment made then more chemo. After first surgery took out tumor amd all lemp nodes 1 node had a speck they called it stage 3. now on chemo again. Doctor says do not have cancer the chemo is precautionary. chemo 2 kinds and very strong everyother…
Feeling worse instead of better
I'm just a couple days shy of one month post treatment and I feel awful! My blood counts are still low and falling. There's been so much attention to my low platelets that I don't even know what my WBC's and RBC's are. They are low, I know that much. Last check they were at 19k. For the last few weeks I've been having a…
post treatment confusion
Hi everyone, hope you all are well, I'm posting today in hopes of some answers as to the best way to follow up and monitor this type of cancer, I have read many conflicting information which makes it very confusing as to the right thing to do. I finished treatment in Dec. I was staged as 3b anal cancer with lymph node…
Hello all, I hope this message finds you well. I'm just checking in. I had my first post tx PET scan on Saturday and I am waiting for the results. I'm so scared and nervous! I just keep praying it is it clear. How do I keep my mind off of the waiting....?! I feel like I am going crazy. Thanks all! -Amy
I joined yesterday
I'm sorry this is so long, but it's complicated. As a result of a July 2014 colonoscopy biopsy, I found out that my hemorrhoid was actually squamous cell carcinoma of the anal canal - HPV driven. My surgeon/gastroenterologist recommended removing it with a transanal procedure which was done ten later. At my first…
Comparison of 5-FU vs capecitabine in combination with mitomycin
Comparison of 5-FU vs capecitabine in combination with mito Abstract of a study to be presented at ASCO annual meeting June 3.mycin Comparison of 5-FU vs capecitabine in combination with mitomycin or cisplatin in the treatment of anal cancer. Citation: J Clin Oncol 35, 2017 (suppl; abstr 3576) Author(s): Irene Yu, Winson…
have anybody just had surgery to remove the cancer instead of doing the treatment for so long
Port/Picc Line?
Hi again, everyone, I hope this message finds you all as well as possible. With the official news of stage 1 squamous cell carcinoma, I will be getting a chemo port/Picc line placed this Friday. I'm scared, but realize this is part of the treatment process that will hopefully free me from this terrible disease. Is anyone…