Did anyone hear fom Westie. love P
I have a diagnosis - Shingles
Wow that was a surprise. Gout and infection were high on the list of suspects but Shingles it is. Cheers, Julie
On my second bout of chemo.
Hi all I have been reading your posts for awhile now. It is nice to hear from others with this dreaded disease. Good and bad. I was diagnosed just over two years ago. I was told I had ovarian cancer, and that they where going to do a total hysterectomy. Excuse my spelling. The operation was Oct 21 2011. (Also my birthday).…
CA 125 is inching up. Should I worry?
My CA 125 has gone from a low point of 15 in July & Aug of this year to 17 in Sept, then 21 in Oct & now 26 as of this week. Haven't seen the oncologist since this latest result; I'm quite sure he'd say, "Don't worry, it's still in the normal range." But my CA 125 had been on a steady downward course, from 2,800 on…
I have a question.
My cancer was discovered by taking the contents of one of fluid filled sacs, which where basically in my upper tummy area. The test showed I had ovarian cancer. From there they where going to do a total hysterrectomy. It was when they opened me up that they discovered that I had peritoneal ovarian cancer. They where unable…
Book: My beautiful life - a ovarian cancer survivor (stage 5) by eating habits as a non-traditional
Hi all, I got a question on the board about finding the book I was talking about and which me and my mum followed and took some advice from. We used it as complimentary to the traditional regimens and my mum thought it helped a lot and we got two beautiful years together after her initial diagnosis of primary peritoneal…
My mom was just diagnosed with stage 4 peritoneal cancer
Needless to say the entire family is in shock. There's no history of cancer in our family so there were no genetic tests done. So we are all still trying to just absorb what we've been told and trying to figure out how to come to terms with it. The doctors are being really vague about her chances of survival. I've tried to…
Mixed Bag - CA125 up but CT pretty good
Hi all Sorry I haven't been on for a while. I have been lurking and reading but not quite ready to post. Last week more results and my second cycle of Etopocide. Unfortunately my CA125 went up again from 534 to 650. However chest abdo and pelvic CT pretty good. Lungs showed two areas of concern which we may attack with…
Another Peritoneal NED
Tho mine wasn't PPC, but rather metastatic appendix cancer with extensive peritoneal mets, I'm happy to say that my scan this week continues to show me as NED. That's 6 years post-op and treatment; 6 1/2 years post diagnosis. As a result of my peritoneal mets, I lost my omentum, all "female" parts, part of my peritoneum,…
Hi Everybody, I just wanted to update you on my latest. As you already know my cancer is back. I have been busy the last few weeks with appts. I went to Duke University in Durham, NC for a second opionion and see if there were any clinical trials available. The doctor I saw there was very thorough and said that other than…
Gem Carbo Chemotherapy & Avastin Experiences Anyone
Hello everyone. Ive been follwing this forum for the last 12 months since my wife (70yr) was diagnosed with PPC. She had 6 Chemotherapy sessions which ended in Feb this year 2013 and after a routine scan we have founf that the cancer is back but not in any of the organs. After seeing the specialists today he has told us…
N.E.D.! Whoopee!
No evidence of disease: how long I've waited to hear that. Saw the surgeon for follow-up today. He was talking around that designation, so I asked what it takes to be NED. "You have no clinical evidence of disease," he said. "In my notes I'll be describing you as NED." The benchmark CA125 cancer tumor marker has gone up a…
New to website
HI. I am so thankful to have found this site!!! Julie, Carole and everyone's posts have been so helpful. I have finished 6 rounds of Taxol/Carbo/Avastin for a quite advanced cancer. I am a 15 year breast cancer survivor stage 3 treated on a clinical trial in 1998. This new cancer is not bc, but having a difficult time…
Results of PET Scan
Hi Everyone, I got the results of my PET scan yesterday. It wasn't the best news. I have developed some new cancer in the abdominal area. One being a tumor about an inch long which is in my incision hernia. Also there are several enlarged lymph nodes. At least it is all contained in the abdominal area so that was a plus. I…
Hi everyone, Sorry I haven't posted for a while. I have been in hospital for 12 days, home this morning, as I was neutropenic and had an MRSA (golden staph) infection which was in my blood. All good now thankfully after IV antibiotics and wonderful care from my medical team. Some good news too - my latest CA125 has dropped…
CA125 up again!!
I was shattered to hear this week that my CA125 has jumped another 102 points to 525 (my 6th consecutive rise!). I am continuing on with Topotecan but my Oncologist wants to add Avastin so that is planned for tomorrow. Has anyone else had this combination? Another complication - this week at chemo discovered my portocath…
My father has ppc... Chance of operation?
Hi there! My father has recently been diagnosed with ppc. This was after a several week long process with doctors who did not know (and still doesnt) anything about this disease. The doctors are in the process of deciding wheter he is a candidate for the hipec operation. But they are not giving us much information on his…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
One year today.
It was a year ago today that I heard it, over the phone: "Carcinoma." Took a few more days before they settled on PPC, & a few more days after that to get set on a treatment course with the oncologist. Then, I wondered if I'd be here in a year. Today, I'm grateful for positive results overall & for all the support I've…
A better result for me!
I am thrilled to be able to tell you that finally, after 7 consecutive rises in my CA125, I have had a drop!! Just a small one of 28 points but at least it is now heading in the right direction! This week I had my 6th cycle of Topotecan over three days and my 4th infusion of Avastin. I believe the addition of Avastin has…
Peritoneal Mesothelioma/Anybody else with this?
Anybody else out there with Peritoneal Mesothelioma? I was diagnosed after a hysterectomy 3 months ago. I am only 40 and have 3 kids. Would love to chat with someone else with this terrible disease. Elissa
Spot on PET scan
Hi everyone, I found this site searching Peritoneal cancer. I am needing advice as to the kind of biopsy to have and if anyone else had this. I was diagnosed with FNHL in the ileum last year and had a small bowel resection. They consider it gone after surgery but still watch with CT's and PET scan. A week ago PET showed a…
Axillary lymph nodes...
Hello... Dx with PPC 111c in Oct 10. Usual treatment. Almost a 2 year remission then recurrence occurred in the axillary lymph nodes under my left arm. Surgery and more chemo but now CT scan is showing more enlarged lymph nodes. .. Have oncology appt for Weds but anyone else had this kind of metastasis? But distant don't…
pleural effusion and ascites!
I am assuming if my mothers numbers went up and they now notice fluid in the lungd and ascites that the cancer is spreading. she's back on carbo but they didn't add in the taxol this time. i'm working so i am not there to talk to doctor which is a necessity cuz she asks no questions. They told her that its not that much so…
"New surgical knife can instantly detect cancer"
I guess this is a good thing. http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2013/07/17/health/ap-eu-med-cancer-knife.html?hp&pagewanted=print
Peritioneal canciroma secondary to colon cancer.
My boyfriend was diagnosed with colon cancer 3 months ago and the doctor said it already spread to peritoneal activity. I searched on the internet and the prognosis is very poor. I am very worried my boyfriend is only 30 and i want him to have a long healthy life. Can someone please share similar stories . Is this type of…
CA125 Result
Hi All Reporting in with my recent results. Disappointingly my CA125 test this time has risen from 423 to 449 so about 6%. Not great but better than previous three which have risen by 25-30% each. My Oncologist says to take this as a positive so that I am doing! I am continuing the same chemo regime (topotecan Days 1, 2 &…
My father was diagnosed with peritoneal cancer in March. He is 84 years old and going to see a doctor about hipec. Just wondering if anyone who has had hipec has any input about this. I am very worried about his age and recovery.
Signet ring cell cancer...please help
My father was diagnosed with signet ring cell cancer stage 4 in March and it has spread to the abdominal walls. They said surgery is not possible. Started chemo with Oxciliplatin (is supposed to be the strongest) in March. Had the 5th cycle on Wednesday and a check up soon. He is in his late 60s. His state of mind is very…
I'm curious to know if any of you suffer from lymphedema. About six months ago my legs and feet became very swollen, to the point where walking and climbing stairs became almost impossible. My oncologist referred me to a vascular specialist, who diagnosed it as lymphedema, caused primarily by my cancer. My lymphnodes are…