Mother just diagnosed with stage iv peritoneal cancer - Seeking advice
Hello, My mother was just diagnosed with stage iv peritoneal cancer. Pathology came back as serous papillary carcinoma of Mullerian origin, but they are considering this primary peritoneal cancer. During her first surgey they were unable to remove the cancer (due to bleeding), they basically closed her back up, said the…
URGENT Cancer Treatment
Hi Everyone, I have joined to seek some help. My mom is currently visiting me from India. She is on her Visitor Visa so she doesn't have US Insurance. Last week, she felt some pain so i took her to hospital and after couple of scans and biopsy. Doctors told us it's a Peritoneal cancer. We don't have anyone in India. I…
appendiceal cancer
I have a friend whose husband was just diagnosed with this cancer. He is in his 40's. Was complaining of abdominal pain and went to an out of town doctor. They said he probably had appendicitis and he drove a couple of more hours to get home to his hospital. They perfomed an appendectomy and said his appendix did no…
Husband diagnosed with retroperitoneal liposarcoma
My husband was diagnosed with retroperitoneal liposarcoma September 2016. It came back June of 2017. He is now going through chemo and radiation. Something suspicious has shown up on his MRI. There is an accumulation of water but also a 1 inch or so diameter growth that the doctors are trying to figure out. He has an…
Peritoneal Cancer most likely recurrent metastatic prostate carcinoma
HI, my FIL just recieved his CT scan results back and the impression (w/out biopsy) is peritoneal Cancer most likely recurrent metastaic prostate carcinoma. I am told this is extremely, extremely rare. Apparently this is so as I cannot find any information of this form on the internet anywhere. We are waiting for the…
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis~Helpful Info 4 "Blue24" & others who may have this diagnosis~lengthy but w
Hello “Blue24” Although you have directed your question to Alicia, if you click on the blue box on the left hand side of her post, you will see that she has only posted once. “About Alicia_BO - Joined on Sunday, March 24 2013 - Last online - Thursday, April 04 2013”. Sometimes people come on only once and never return.…
"Fatema.tk"~U wrote on the OC forum but I'm answering U where Peritoneal Cancer patients can answer
Hello "Fatema.tk" - I've chosen to put your posting of August 2, 2017 under this Peritoneal Cancer forum. I feel like more people will be able to share their experiences with you. I have written you quite a long reply, but hopefully it will be of some help. So here is your letter originally posted under the Ovarian Cancer…
Crohns to Small Bowel Cancer to Cancer In The Peritoneum - Help If Any
Hello, am new. My wonderful son in law had Crohns since a child and 2 years ago had a bowel resection and they tested and they found it he had small bowel cancer. He was treated with Chemo and was fine until now. He just had another surgery because of a blockage and we thought they had to do another bowel resection because…
carcinomatosis of peritoneal cavity
My cancer disease has changed or progressed from ovarian cancer to carcinomatosis of peritoneal cavity. Have others experience this progression and should I drop the referral of my cancer to just the peritoneal cancer? My RN daughter believes if it begins as ovarian it remains that as the primary cancer. In the larger…
Keeping Positive & Happy
Peritoneal Metastasis Through Colorectal
Hi - I have my relative diagonsed as stage 4 colorectal due peritoneal metastasis, he has his surgery done but the post surgery oncology suggestions is to have HIPEC treatment. We are considering MD Mercy with Dr. Armando Sardi. We would like to know if anyone had a treatment at MD Mercy specially with Dr. Armando. Also,…
This letter is written to answer one of the post in the Peritoneal Cancer forum. However, since so many have asked the question in the past, "What is HIPEC?", I thought that if I entered this info on a separate topic line, it could more easily be found for others to read as well. These references relate to the UPMC program…
how long from primary to stage 4
hi my mam was diagnosed with cancer of the peritoneam 3 weeks ago , after all this time all we have been told is what was on the CT scan , were still waiting on a biopsy to be taken , my family and i are going insane waiting for the oncology team to take a biopsy , my question is how long does she have to go from primary…
Ascities Pain Management
i was originally diagnosed with stage 3 **** cancer in 2015, the necessary surgery was performed followed by 6 months of chemo from which i was told i was now clear. However this year cancer has returned in the form of peritoneal mastasis. together with this i have ascities fluid build up with the first drain on the 20th…
New Diagnosis
Hello All... hope this message finds everyone well. My family member has been recently diagnosed with peritoneal carcinomatosis. They need assistance in finding a hospital, preferably in the SE United States, that will provide therapy given the fact that the family member does not have insurance. I have researched some…
remission over
Was Diagonosed last year in August. Went to M.D. Anderson in HOuston. Got protocol for chemo to be taken nearer home in Atlanta. Took 9 weeks of Carboplatin and Taxol. Back to Houston for major tumor reduction of omentum. Then, home for 9 more weeks of chemo. Ca125 was 39,795 in beginning. Went down to 8.0 after treatment…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
Adénocarcinome endometriale stage4 with nodules in peritoneum
Bonjour Mon nom est sandrine, je suis français. En France est Informations trouvent difficile sur ce cancer. J'ai cancer de l'endomètre avec des nodules dans le péritoine. (Intestins diaphragme) J'ai eu en premier cisplatine chimio /doxoburine/endoxan.The tumeurs sont plus petites, mais impossible pour la chirurgie en…
Gunnerbean2~U R on the wrong forum~however my husband is 14-yr survivor of Gastric Cancer~hope my in
Dear Gunnerboat (aka) “Rainbow” Would that you could see a rainbow through your tears! While you say you “stumbled upon this site”, could it have been “divine providence!” Most likely! So after I say a few “opening remarks”, I will copy the letter I wrote to another person on the Esophageal Cancer site. So just click on…
Peritoneal Cancer in Men
Hello everyone. I am new here and stumbled across this page whilst surfing the net for info on PC in men. I have been diagnosed with PC and being male it is extremely hard to find other men to talk to about this horrible disease. I have, hopefully, just finished chemo but still have a small cell mass in my abdomen and am…
SWENZKE~Have chosen 2 answer your ltr here so other Peritoneal cancer patients can benefit by it as
(Note: Referencing "Swenzke" entry, http://csn.cancer.org/comment/1557289#comment-1557289, I would like to place my answer here so more people can gain help from this rare cancer known as Peritoneal Carcinoma. You may see her original letter there."…
Need Diet plan during chemotherapy for Peritoneum Cancer, CA125 with 4500
Hi, My mom, aged 49 is diagnosed with Primary Peritoneum cancer on 17th Sept'2016. Her CA125 is around 4500. To reduce the CA 125 levels, she will be treated first with chemotherapy As part of treatment,she will be given three chemotherapy sessions thrice a week, followed by major surgery and then three chemotherapy…
Chat rooms
I cant seem to get into a chat room anyone else have trouble?
Not riding the chemo train again
Even though I post a lot on the ovarian cancer board, I thought I would post my update here as there seem to be more people who share my situation on this board. The situation is where you watch your elevated CA-125 without going on chemo right away. Basically, my MRI looks stable without lymph node involvement (no…
Welcome to everyone
Yipeee, after a few weeks of lobbying for this new cancer discussion board we finally have it. I am so pleased :) Welcome to anyone who has been diagnosed with either Primary Peritoneal Cancer (PPC) or Secondary Peritoneal Cancer. It isn't the most ideal forum to meet new people and forge friends, but we have all been…
Peritoneal cancer detected after radical bladder cancer removal
Hi, My sister underwent radical bladder removal surgery in April. Her uterus, ovaries , fallopian tubes and part of vagina were removed. She took six chemo sessions before and six after the surgery. Twenty days after her last chemo, she had again been detected as having secondary abdominal or peritoneal cancer. Doctors are…
Mom's Diagnosis
My mom was recently diagnosed with metastatic poorly differentiated carcinoma, Stage 4. The bulk of the disease is on the omentum, but it is also throughout the abdominal wall. Her left ovary is slightly "abnormal" but no biopsy was taken. They have not identified a source but it is most likely upper GI. Her main symptom…
Newbie questions and work after diagnosis and during treatment?
Hi. My is Michele. I'm 56, single, live alone, no kids or family closer than 3000 miles. I was diagnosed with primary peritoneal cancer 3/11/16. I had surgery within a week - full hysterectomy, removal of fatty tissue layer and appendix. Lots of fluid removed from abdomen and lungs. Spread to Lungs, diaphragm and lymph…
Peritoneum nodules and radiation
Hi all: I wonder if any one has had radiation applied to cancerous peritoneum nodules? I only have 5 or 6 little nodules and to me it makes sense that targetted radiation to them could work. My oncologist muttered something about the liver blah blah blah but to me it seems that as long as the nodules aren't on the liver…
My Mom Age-80 diagnosed Dec 2015-- Looking for Anyone w/Similar Story
I Have been searching for a similar story to mine- But have not found one yet: Here is the Breakdown: She is an ACTIVE lady- Age 80 Diagnosed in Dec/2015 -Stage 4 Primary Peritoneal Cancer CA125=9800 Since she had her ovaries removed a long time ago - Dr is doing Chemo ONLY to try to shrink it- He suggests with her age she…