Diagnosed in May PPC
Hi - I was diag in May with ppc IV and had a major hysteretomy and debulking followed by plurodesis (splg?) on my left lung a wk later, then the right lung was in July. Chemo was started in Aug. I tend to be a nervous and cronic worrier so reading all of your posts has been a big help. Chemo is every 3rd wk. After the 3rd…
Seizure Disorder and Stage IV Primary Peritoneal Cancer...
Hi, First post, and loaded. My mom, Becky, amazing, vivacious, loves life and retirement... struck down just over a year ago with "unspecified" abdominal cancer. Six rounds of chemo after debulking found her in remission. Two and a half months ago her CA-125 went from 9.6 to over 1600 in less than 3 months and CAT scan…
Mum not with us anymore
Hi all! Especially you that have been on the list for a while and know about my journey with my mum and her PPC stag IV. Mum passed away last sunday with all her family around her at hospital after an infection and intestines not working anymore probably due to lying in bed for the last month. Mum hade a very brave battle…
Doxil - my first round
Well I have now completed my first round of Doxil (Caelyx in Australia) and had my second treatment today. Having had 3 x CA125 tests increase 21 to 209 to 360 to 459 (the last being 6 days after my first infusion!!!) - 5th to 24th September - I was delighted that my result this week, at the end of the 4 weeks from…
Doxil - my first round
Well I have now completed my first round of Doxil (Caelyx in Australia) and had my second treatment today. Having had 3 x CA125 tests increase 21 to 209 to 360 to 459 (the last being 6 days after my first infusion!!!) - 5th to 24th September - I was delighted that my result this week, at the end of the 4 weeks from…
I found this leaflet incredibly useful... http://ovariancanada.org/OCC-PDFs/RECURRENCE_FINAL
So so angry!!!
Well my remission has lasted only 2 months!!!! How can this happen. Six months carbo/taxol and 2 surgeries and today my CA125 has jumped from 21 to 209. I am devastated - expected to get at least a year before I had to face this again. My oncologist putting me on Caelyx starting this week. Does anyone have experience of…
Perineum cancer vs Peritoneal Cancer are Theses the same ? what are treatments and survival rate
Today I found out that my 31 year old daughter inlaw has Perneum cancer, last week she had a 7 & 4 inch tumors removed, as you know this is devestating to our family, Ive been trying to look up information and wanted to know if Perineum cancer is the same as Peritoneal cancer as they seem to be mentioned the same, also…
80 year old Mom with PPC
My 80-year-old Mom was diagnosed with primary peritoneal cancer last October. After treatments with Carboplatin and Taxiteer she had a successful partial hysterectomy laparoscopically. Her fallopian tubes and ovaries were removed but her uterus was partially fused to her bladder. More treatments after that and CA-125 was…
Perineum cancer vs Peritoneal Cancer are Theses the same ? what are treatments and survival rate
Today I found out that my 31 year old daughter inlaw has Perneum cancer, last week she had a 7 & 4 inch tumors removed, as you know this is devestating to our family, Ive been trying to look up information and wanted to know if Perineum cancer is the same as Peritoneal cancer as they seem to be mentioned the same, also…
Newly diagnosed
I was diagnosed with primary peritoneal carcinomatosis in July 2012 & began chemotherapy on taxol & carboplatin immediately. I didn't have surgery, I think because the disease was too extensive although my oncologist didn't say that explicitly. My CA 125 marker has gone from about 2700 on diagnosis, to 2400 a few weeks…
Any info on Doxil?
Mom's numbers are up and they couldn't put her back on carbo/taxol cuz a bad reaction her last chemo. She's made it 9 months. So now doc is starting Doxil. Any info on this one? Did anyone take it? Did it work for anyone? I keep reading how it basically just is palliative and doesn't increase survival time. What should i…
Weight loss and can't gain it back....
Has anyone lost a lot of weight and not been able to put it back on? I've lost 34 pounds (went from 136 to 102 this summer battling ascities and Peri Cancer and all that that entails. The first two chemos I was on was not getting the results we wanted and now I've been on 4 rounds of Gemzar in the last 6 weeks (another…
Ups and Downs!
Goodness, I feel like I am a human yoyo! Latest on mum...... I rang mums onc nurse to discuss depression and she decided to give antidepressants at the same time I told her that mum had abdominal pain, it is the same spot as usual but not cancer related and it gets bad at times, I wondered if there was some fluid build up…
Ascites & water pill
Does anyone take Spironolactone 50mg (water pill) for fluid build up in the abdomen? I've been taking it about a week and it has relieved the pressure I was feeling in my belly area. Was wondering what side effect you have if you take this? I have colon cancer with peritoneal mets. I usually post on the colorectal cancer…
My wife was just diagnosed with peritoneal carcinoma with ascides
my wife was just diagnosed with peritoneal carcinoma with ascides stage 3c she just took her first round of treatment on fri Taxol and Carboplatinum what can we expect we are both scared
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
My husband has completed 3 cycles of chemo and is planning to have hipec surgery mid October. I'd like to connect with others that are in the Seattle area with this diagnosis.
relief from bloat
Does anyone have a solution to help in reducing the bloating feeling that I'm experiencing with Peritoneal Cancer? I just started Gemzar last Thursday (8/24). I'm miserable. I have lost 25 pounds and can barely eat a thing because I feel so full all the time. Thank you. Any suggestions or advice would be greatly…
it's been awhile
Just popping in. Life seems to just roll on and on, ya know? Mom is still in remission. So that's 8 months. I have a question though. She has been nauseous constantly. She also has no energy. It is sad seeing as though she has been without chemo for so long. She still hasn't bounced all the way back. I am happy but it just…
Not Home Yet
Hi all: I have now been released from 3 months in the hospital after going to emergency with a perforated bowel. Almost died from it - on life support for 2 weeks and woke up paralyzed from the nose down. That was a shock. Apparently when you are on life support for as long as I was, your muscles shut down. But after a…
Update on mum and any advice welcome
I wanted to share mums recent months with you all, she is such an inspiration to me. She is not on any treatment now, the last chemo Gemzar/ carbo was too much for her, she had two treatments and ended up back in the hospice, she was so poorly, from there she went to hospital to have fluids and after a week went back to…
I was diagnosed with PPC stage IV in December of 2011. I had major surgery and just completed 9 cycles of chemo. My CT scan has came back with no reocurring cancer. I just saw my doctor today and the options he gave me were 3 more cycles of chemo, observation or take orally the drug tamoxifen 20 mg. He suggested to take…
Men with peritoneal mesothelioma
My husband was diagnosed with this awful cancer. It was an accidental finding from a hernia operation biopsy. He got it from 30 years ago serving in the Navy ingesting asbestos. Are there any men that have this cancer? Would like to know how you were treated for it. Thanks.
HIPEC surgery
My wife has peritoneal cancer and we are exploring the idea of HIPEC surgery. Has anybody underwent this type of surgery with Dr. Moller of Sylvester Cancer Institute from Miami FL.
my husband has been diagnosed w/peritoneal mesothelioma
We were given this news about a month ago and are still reeling from it. How are others being treated with this rare cancer?
Victory for Cisplatin
Well after my moaning about the side effects of Cisplatin I have had an amazing result. My CA125 was around 900 before and after only 1 treatment it has dropped to 342. I don't think its been as low as that for well over a year. Plus results from my recent CT scan shows all cells, soft tissue tumour and fluid have all…
Peritoneal Carcinomatosis from Breast Cancer
My wife has been undergoing chemo treatments following surgery last March. The surgery was orginally for an intestinal blockage which was later diagnosed as Peritoneal Carcinomatosis linked to her breast cancer which was treated back in 2002. Chemo started with Taxal and latest try has been Navalbene (sp?). Not getting…
An update from Sophie in Sweden
Hi all! I have changed my username from Sophie to Millie! Mums is still up and about some days and in bed some days. She has no more chemo since april due to low values on her kidneys and she has a painkiller pump inserted in her back so the pain is much more under control now. Though the downside is that her legs is…
MD Anderson - Worth the trip?
Hi All, Would appreciate any feedback on this posting. My mother, 68 years old, was diagnosed yesterday with stage IV ovarian cancer with mets to the peritoneum, omentum, and epicardial lymph nodes. We are headed to MD Anderson next week. Has anyone had any experience at MD Anderson? Please provide feedback - positive and…
I had my first infusion of this (evil) chemo 2 weeks ago and I can honestly say it is the worse chemo I have had so far. On the plus side I only have to have 2 more :) I appear to have had ALL the side effects which have lasted 2 weeks and counting. I have actually been vomitting along with feeling nauseous. However that…