BRIAN from the North~Things I learned during my chemo treatments~Hope it will B helpful 2 U & Mom~Wi
Hello again Brian, This letter is an answer to what I promised you earlier about things I found helpful during my chemo sessions. I decided to put it in a separate topic so that others might find the information useful as well. Hopefully this will help you to understand what your Mom may experience during her chemo…
Mom's first Chemo
Hello All, I went in with my mother for her first chemo treatment and she responded very well with no allergic reactions. The anti-nausea drugs have been a huge help for her I think. I saw her bloodwork for the first time (I work away for 14 days at a time) and in a two week period prior to her chemo her CA125 number went…
My mother In law
my mother in law is a breast cancer survivor but diagnosed with peritoneal cancer. Her surgery was yesterday. They removed the womb,ovaries, etc. a small part of her colon and a lot of cancer from the fatty apron, abdomen, a little from her bladder. The surgery went well but she is in the icu because her kidneys are not…
Peritoneal Mesothelioma
I am Krow, Dave's partner and am writing with him here as he is in recovery right now, with not a lot of energy to spare. Dave was diagnosed with this horrific disease after a surgeon found a small nodule during a hernia operation in September. He decided to send it off for a biopsy, ‘just in case’. We are so glad he did!…
Scary news
Hi there My name is James. I live in the UK. I have been reading a range of inspirational stories on this forum and marvelling at the support you show for each other. My wife's mum was diagnosed with stage 3 PPC last week and is understandably frightened. Our boys, her grandchildren, are her world. We want to do all we can…
Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
No sign of recurrence for 10 years
My mum has been very fortunate. She had two experiences of peritineal cancer, despite having had a hysterectomy. The first was very serious and a tumour had ruptured. She looked pregnant. When it was removed she was told it was the size of a small football. She was in hospital for some time and required chemo afterwards as…
The time is here. After 3 yrs of struggle, today I entered hospice when nothing has stopped the advance of my primary peritoneal cancer. Thank you to everyone for your support. You can read about my story at www.CaringBridge.org/visit/caroleSeaton
Nadine Flinchum
Hello Everyone: It is with great sadness that I am writing to let you all know that Nadine last her battle with cancer on July 31st, 2015. This is her sister Annette. She left me a letter and her user name and password so that I could let you all know what happened with her. Nadine did get to attend her grandbabies dance…
Primary peritoneal cancer after prophylactic hysterectomy
My mom has almost certainly been diagnosed with primary peritoneal cancer.. Still waiting on all the specifics as we sit in her hospital room but had a question. My mon had a prophalactic hysterectomy 1 year ago due to 2 sisters developing ovarian cancer. Now one year after surgery we have almost a certain diagnosis of the…
Recent Stage3C PPC Diagnosis
My mom was diagnosed with Peritoneal Cancer last month and we are now speaking to specialists to figure out our next steps. Back in March they thought she had ovarian cancer and gave her 9 weeks of Chemo before her debulking surgery. When they went in to operate they were unable to do so because of the amount of cancer…
Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma Antibody Study Drug
Hi, my name is Cessily, I am age 68 with Stage 3C Primary Peritoneal Carcinoma. I have been in a study for a new Antibody Drug: Farletuzumab by Morphotec, Inc. Open slots are available, now. I qualified for the study by having C-125 below 100 and tolurated chemotherapy well in the past. I was given a standard treatment of…
My mom was diagnosed with Primary Peritoneal Cancer in May 2014. She had debulking surgery and chemo and her CA 125 was down to 5 by March 2015. At her last check up (May 2015) we learned that her CA 125 is up to 70. She starts Avistan today. Does anyone else have any experience with this new drug? Would love to hear all…
Did this procedure cause my cancer?
Apparently the warnings have been around for some time, but this is the first I've heard of it. When I had a hysterectomy 6 yrs ago, it was laparoscopic & robotic. If this particular technique--power morcellation--was used, I didn't know it. But it sounds like it was possble. And now I learn it can cause cancer.…
Graviola for Cure
Hi All, My mother 62 years young has been diagnoed with malignancy and possibly the cancer will be a PPC . The PET CT is scheduled tomorrow and will tell more details on the cancer. I need all your advice and support in my support to help her fight this disease. We haven't told her and she will come to know soon. But - i…
Stage 3c peritoneal cancer
Hi everyone I just joined you all today and need someone to talk to!
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
11 mm peritoneal soft tissue nodule, ??? Help Please
I am so glad I found this site...hello all....I have a question I have been sick with awful lower abdominal pain and now right flank pain also. Lost of loose stools and Yellow..(sorry its graphic) I have not felt well for a long time...I do have MS....which they want to blame everything on...but its not the MS this time.…
DNA sequencing
Met with the gyn/onc surgeon yesterday to discuss what comes next, after I had a bad reaction to Doxil, new tumors were discovered, & my CA125 was not going down much. So Gemzar is next for me. The whole story is here: http://CaringBridge.org/visit/CaroleSeaton But what I wanted to know is this: have any of you had your…
Sad, but there is laughter too…..
Hello to all my friends who have offered kind words and made me smile over the last 3+ years. I am sad tonight to say that my mom, Barbara - a wonderful mother, grandmother and great-grandmother passed away on January 20th aftr a 3+ year battle with peritoneal cancer which began as gallbladder cancer 5+ Years ago. I can…
Dealing with leukopenia - Low White Blood Cell Counts and Treatment
My mother in-law has been fighting this cancer for over 1 1/2 yrs now and is nearing the end of her second round of Chemo. She had a short seven month remission before she was told that she needed to attack the beast again. She is 84 years young and just returned from a two week trip to the Middle East when her symptoms…
Discussion Board and Chat Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of discussion board and chat spamming. If you…
What if my new doctor hates me?
I posted the following on my Caring Bridge blog a few days ago, so a few of you may have seen this already. But I was just wondering if anyone else ever dealt with a situation where you felt your doctor somehow got alienated. Does it matter? Feeling very low…wishing I could find the spirit in others that enables them to…
3rd recurrence; Doxil next . . . .
The past few weeks have confirmed another recurrence of my primary peritoneal cancer, first diagnosed in July 2012. After a 3-month "chemo holiday," CA 125 was over 300, so in April 2014 I started Carboplatin only. CA 125 went down until summer, but never got to normal as it had in 2013. The lowest it got in 2014 was about…
Anyone! Please help me! I am alone!
Hi ladies. I'm so sorry for each of your diagnosis! I am sick to my stomach with worry and am just dreading the worst. Last year i went to my gyn complaining something was just not right. Dull constant aches in my left side, extreme tiredness, loss of weight, terrible pain during I-C. He did a pelvic MRI ( I am allergic to…
Need effective treatment options ASAP!!!
My husband Matt was diagnosed with bile duct cancer in January 2014. He underwent chemo with cisplatin, with no positive results. Cancer has now spread to liver, bone and peritoneal cavity. His last chemo was June 2014. He has bile duct stens that need replacing every 4 weeks, which sets back his chemo schedule. Doctors…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If you received a message from rita44556 prompting you for money,…
I am SO lucky . . . .
Have managed mostly to forget about PPC for more than a week, among people who don't have a clue I'm "sick." Daily walking tours are a bit more than I bargained for, but I'm managing. It's back to chemo a week from today, but meanwhile am enjoying a fabulous trip with my husband. I wish the same for all my sisters &…
How does it all start?
On June 30 I had a CT scan to check the current condition of my carcinoid disease. While the carcinoid is still under control the report did mention something that has me concerned. To quote the report, "I have seven enhancing peritoneal and abdominal wall nodules". The largest of these measures 19 x 16 mm and it was 12 x…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Some of you know that we have had previous problems with a particularly tenacious scammer named sarah, and unfortunately she has struck again. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of private message spamming. If…