Taxol/Gemzar - side effects, how quickly hair loss?
Hi, Tina has already said that Gemzar is new and hold promise as a treatment. I'm not worrying at this stage. I'm not worried either about losing my hair but I'd like to be prepared not to find it coming out suddenly all over my face like it happened last time (on Carbo/Taxol). I'd rather have it cut off before then. I…
Feet problems..
Hi all! Mums got her feet badly soare.. Her oncologist says it might be permanent. What are you experiences from this side effect from carbo/taxol? She has hard time walking and falls over now and then. Mum is a fit woman (besides the cancer) and 61 so this is totally new to her. She had 7 rounds now waiting for scan next…
Recurrance symptoms??
Hi Ladies.. This may seem a lame question but would the recurrance symptoms for PPC be the same as for original diagnosis? I had few and minor symptoms really through all of 2010 and was diagnosed this time last year (virtually to the day!). I am just so tired at the moment, I have no energy and I feel a bit "sad"...which…
Mom diagnosis
Hello all- I just found this resource so I would love to ask all of you some questions. My mom has had quite the last 15 months. Aug 9, 2010, she was diagnosed with stage 2 colon cancer. In the same scan, they discovered breast cancer. It was stage 3 with the Her2 nue/ positive gene. The breast cancer was worse so they…
How do you know if a cough might be ascites?
Hi, with my last CA125 count having gone up to 125, we are now just waiting for symptoms of the cancer before starting my second chemo. The last couple of days, I've had what appears to be asthma. I've had bursts of this years ago, but not for a long time. The cough doesn't pleay up all day but when it does, it doesn't go…
Latest CT scan and CA-125
I just had my latest CT scan, X-ray and labs. My CA-125 was up from 63 to somewhere in the nineties. He said my tumors are growing and he is especially worried about one that is near my colon and intestines. So now I have to change chemos again since it isn't working for me. He is giving me the option of which regime we…
Still hanging in there :)
Hi, I'm back again. Sorry folks this Topotecan regime kinda wipes me out for the whole week and Imhave just finished my 3rd round. They tried new anti-sick meds and they worked a treat :) I also had a porta-cath fitted which means I get the drugs direct to my central line. I call it my "docking station" ha ha. For those of…
Mom's follow-up at 9am.
Today we find out what her next step is going to be. Hoping he said the last chemo did it's job and he schedules the catscans. Wanting to know whether the cancer stuck to just her spleen or disappeared off there all together. The woman needs a break. She gets better everyday but she still looks so much older than she is.…
chemo working
Had my husbands scan results 27th, he with the naked eye can not see any more ascites build up, after 5 rounds of chemo. His oncologist want him to have 3 more then maybe a chemo break, then go on from there. Anyone been in a similar position?
Time for my next scan..... Update!
Getting myself psyched for my first major MSK appointment in almost a year; first CT scan in 18 months. I'm expecting everything to be fine, but I also know that if we were certain everything was good, I wouldn't need to have scans to confirm it. I was supposed to be on annual scans, but my last scan was delayed for a…
Mom's cancer seems to be doing well. They are using her as a discussion topic at HUP. I guess that is a good thing. Her CA125 went from a 86000 pre chemo and surgery to as of Wednesday a 3. Ha! Isn't that magnificent. I don't wanna be too excited cuz we all know there will be something around the corner.
Morning, have apt today with oncologist for scan results, abdo, chest and pelvis. My husband does seem to be doing well on the chemo, he has had 5 rounds so far, second line treatment. We are both praying for good news. Wishes to all
Off chemo!
Hi all, Just wanted to share this great news to you that my mum is off chemo on the 2nd of nov if everything goes well after her 7th round of chemo carbo/taxol that she had yesterday. That would be a blessing! As she is stage 4, they will monitor her every 3 month to se if progression.. She is so happy and so am I! What a…
Anyone know how Tina is going?
I'm following behind Tina and always take an interest in how she is going. I've been off Carbo/Taxol now for about two or three months (my memory is shot since near the end of chemo) and the CA125 is up to 250 now. Just waiting for evident symptoms before starting on a different chemo. I mentioned Avastin .. "No, horses…
The Tale of the Octopus - How I survived IP Chemo
I posted this on the colo-rectal forum, and on Expressions as well, but I thought that since we're the ones that have the most IP chemo, it fits here the best: ************************************************************************************* The Tale of the Octopus Once upon a time…. Okay, let’s make that in September,…
surface papillary primary peritoneal cancer
Ok guys... I had my results today and was told that I had a good response to carboplatin treatment. I know from what I've read that some centres don't give the treatment to low grade primary peritoneal carcinoma, but I have to be proof that it can work. There was no sign of the ascites I've had and the lymph nodes don't…
Anxious and Nervous!
I have been going through chemo for 16 months. The last 10 months I have been on Avastin for maintenance. The last CT I had was on March 31st, and it was clear! Now, in a couple weeks I will have another one to determine my cancer! I am scared! I have lots of side affects with all my chemos....now, my emotions are getting…
Tough Week
Hey gang, I'm not sure if it was because of my allergic reaction to Oxaliplatin last Friday, the ascites, or an impaction, but this last week really sucked. I was pretty miserable. I hadn't been able to eat for a long time and it got to the point where I couldn't even keep water down. My belly was swollen up like a…
Update after treatment in Mexico
I promised to post an update on my peritoneal cancer condition after I had some objective information. I have felt increasingly better and better since I finished chemo this past Spring (my surgery for ovarian cancer IIIc was in the Autumn of 2010). I was on a break from chemo over the summer but my CA-125 jumped up. When…
My mother was just diagnosed...
Greetings, all! What a relief it is to find this discussion board. I'm a college professor in Cincinnati, Ohio, and my mother was diagnosed with Stage IIIC PPC a few weeks ago. My mother's not one to ask a tremendous number of questions of her doctors, so I was hoping I could repeat here what the doctor said to her, and…
Mom is in hospital!
Well, my mom was having her final chemo and i got a call from my dad saying she was in the ER. She had coded during chemo. I was havin a good day and feeling so positive. I know this battle is like a rollercoaster but why can't he let people just have a little time when we can just live? She had a reaction to her carbo i…
Vertigo / dizziness
Hi Everybody -- my mother's been having a lot of trouble with vertigo in the past 3-4 weeks. She finished the cycles of Gemzar+platin at the end of September, so we were hoping that the vertigo would go away on its own, but it's actually gotten worse. She's fallen twice in two weeks, with stitches and a broken finger and…
Raised ca125!
To Catch you up....mom who's 62 had her debulking after three rounds chemo. Her ca125 was 86,000 when they found the cancer. It went from that to 10 after the chemo. Now, post surgery they did one chemo and did not give her the number.Than the following friday they gave her just the taxol instead of the carbo/taxol…
An update **Scan Results Added**
Hey gang, I haven't posted much recently and wanted to let y'all know that I am ok and what's been going on. After a few weeks of feeling like crap with a lot of throwing up and a fair amount of fatigue, pain and loss of appetite I have started to feel a lot better. I saw my onc yesterday and was supposed to get chemo…
Back pain
I have begun to get back pain, particularly when I try to carry things. Even things as light as a few breakfast bowels. Does anyone else have this here, and, if so, any suggestions to help prevent it or to treat it? Happy Thanksgiving to all. :)
peritoneal carcinomatosis from cholangiocarcinoma
My brother was diagnosed with cholangiocarcinoma in July 2010. He has been participating in a clinical trial at UPenn where he was being treated with 3 different types of chemotherapy drugs. His tumors responded very well to the chemotherapy and he became a candidate for a liver resection and radiofrequency ablation. When…
mom's chemo still seems to be working well
Just thought I would share that my mom is on her 6th treatment round with gemzar, cisplatin, and avastin and it still appears to be working. Her CA125 is down to close to 1600, which sounds like a lot to some of you, but it is the lowest it has been in quite some time. (I think her highest was around 3800.) Her pleural…
My mom was diagnosed with PPC in April. She has had 6 rounds of chemo and after the 5th round she started experiencing some significant side effects. Her legs ached (large bones), her swelling was highly abnormal (saw a cardiologists and everything is fine). Now after the 6th round - very fatigued, excessive nausea, no…
Tongue Sores
My mom was diagnosed with PPC stage 3 in April. She has had 6 rounds of chemo. After her 5th round she began experiencing some significant side effects - aches in her legs (large bones) and highly abnormal swelling (saw a cardiologists and all is fine), After the 6th round side effects are worse - excessive fatigue, no…