Anybody in remission and still feeling BLAH?
I completed Avastin maintenance Oct 27th. I have bowel issues, but yet feel blah. I don't have to nap everyday, that is better...but just feel down...and sad... Anyone feel this way?
Seems like alot is going downhill on here lately. Of course it is at Christmas. Not very happy that "God" still feels the need to throw more at us. Really discouraging. Mom will be getting her test results on Wednesday to find out about her next step. Hopefully the bloodwork won't show any extreme changes. Really don't…
Are these mouth ulcers?
Hi, sorry I haven't long to stay online tonight. Tired all the time. I've become aware for a few weeks at least of, at first, a little sore just inside my bottom lip which I've kept fom drying out by constantly applying "Oralife" peppermind lip treatment to it (which is supposed to be medicated). It has now become three…
Taking just Gemzar - what side effects?
Hi all, Any of you taking only Gemzar? What are the side effects you can espect from it? Love, Sophie
topo not working......christ I am in pieces
I am in bits. I missed the chance to go and see the consultant today. I then received a phone call from my sister saying that basically we are at the end of the road with mum , and that they would now only offer palliative care. My god , I new this was in the post but , but hearing it for real is sick. I cannot believe…
Anyone taking just AVASTIN, having side affects?
I am on Avastin, maintenance since last December, last infusion was Oct 27th, 2011. Since June, 2011 I have had diaherra episodes, my doctor is not concerned, but I am. I take a probiotic and yogurt everyday and nothing helps. I am tired of it! anyone have suggestions or have you felt this way....it is causing anxiety...I…
So worried
I have been doing as much research as possible online and it is so frustrating. My mother-in-law has been diagnosed with PPC. She had debulking done last week. Her omentum was 2 inches thick with cells, they had to take her spleen, appendics, an ovary, they did a resection of her colon & liver, as well as taking 40% of her…
Mom's Diagnosis
I'm new to this forum but from what I've read, there are lots of people to talk to here and that's exactly what I need. My mom was diagnosed in May 2010 with PPC. She went through 6 rounds of chemo, had her debulking surgery, and then had either 4 or 6 (can't remember), more rounds of chemo. The first few rounds of chemo…
Pseudomyxoma survivor support network
Hi all I am new to this forum so I hope to get to know some of you better and get to read your stories. I am posting as I was diagnosed with pseudomyxoma peritonei in 2008 and wrongly given less than 3 months to live. I would love to hear from anyone touched by this cancer. x
Can ascites build up in abdomen within days?
Hi, having had my CA125 go up to 6,000 and having started a bad cough, I would have sworn that I had ascited built up in my abdomen. My onc. referred me for a CT scans of chest, abdomen and pelvis and could not see any fluid except a very little in the pelvis. I start my new chemo this Wednesday. About 5 days after having…
Update on my brother Mike
Well, after 4 months of keeping the cancer at bay, a scan (and recent vomiting/pain) revealed that Mike's cancer was no longer responding to the FOLFOX regimen. We figured, since Mike started having a reaction during the administration of the platinum based drug being used. After being hospitalized for dehydration for a…
Has anybody had C diff? I was just diagnosed with it..... I was given flagyl....any alarming side affects???? Did you get sick from flagyl? rash? HELP
Well Christmas is on its way. Mom has been sooooo into the holiday spirit. I can see why. We did not think she would be make it. So, she can celebrate as much as her little heart desires. Or in her case, her huge heart! I am relatively happy everyday and try to remember what she went through and that she has made it so…
Resistance to carbo/taxol
Hi all! Mum is now resistant to carbo/taxol after 8 rounds.. and is stable on her lower CA125 which is good. But when it comes back, are there more substances than Gemzar, Topotecan and Avastin? Just to know what the next step can be. For the moment she is given hormones and are up and about. Thank you, Sophie
Yay , we got the steroids for mum today!
Yay , we managed to get some more steroids for mum today , so we are hoping that they will boost her up. She is eating next to nothing and is being sick alot, so hopefully they will make her feel better and give her some fight back , because at the moment she is loosing badly, she is not ready to loose and nor are we , no…
New Diagnosis
I am a 70 year old, went in to the hospital on Nov. 5 as I was having a hard time breathing and pain in my left side, found clots in my lungs, did blood work and found cancer when they did CA-125 test. Did cat scan of the pelvic area, at first diagnose as ovarian cancer. Went to the Seattle Cancer Center and was diagnosed…
Medical support when in remission?
Hi all, what are your experiences from being in remission? Besides monitoring your overall wellbeing and CA125, are you given any hormones or other medical treatment to keep stability (i.e to prevent cancercells from growing)? Steroids? Other food restrictions? Thank you, Sophie
My mom does not have to go back to doc until January. She is a little worried. It is making me very anxious. She says she's having nausea again and burning in her stomach and she thinks the cancer is growing back. I know for a fact the doc is just giving her body a break. However, she never had a great digestive system. I…
Mother-in-law has PPC
My Mother-in-law was diagnosed with PPC in April and her numbers have been going up very quickly. She has had 6 rounds of chemo and this has been a scary situation watching her stomach area grow massively. She looks to be 7-8 months pregnant and because of her age 74 her doctor really hasn't given us much hope on her…
On the subject of abdominal distendedness
Hi, this is something I was aware of when I was first diagnosed in October last year, and it has become an issue again this time round. Others here may not have had this experience if it is more to do with having a combination of distendedness as well as being severely overweight to begin with. Although I have, as others…
Secondary Peritoneal Cancer Good Chemo Results
Hi all: For those with secondary peritoneal cancer, I just got the results of an MRI I had done last week and they were good - no new growth, nodules haven't increased in size at all, and some have shrunk in size. I only have 6 nodules. No other signs of cancer anywhere. So the oxaliplatin-irenotecan-5FU chemo (I had 12…
Happy thankgiving from Canada
Happy thanksgiving to all the Americans on this discussion board (ours was in October). Eat lots of turkey and take it easy! Cheryl
Diet after TX is done?
Just interested in knowing what is your diet after your chemo has been completed. I eat veg and fruits...but not so much fruit...I have a delicate stomach...and somethings I don't dare eat for fear of "results"....just curious what the rest of you eat....when in remission..... red meat? fish? chicken? pasta? We don't eat…
Amazing CA 125 results :)
Hiya just thought I would stop by and let you all know my amazing news. Been to see my Oncologist today for my CA 125 results. Last time the numbers were 991 and todsay it was 327 :) I could not believe it so my oncologist printed them out for me to see it in writing lol. This was my 3rd result and the numbers have dropped…
Ooops I posted a day or 2 ago and made a spelling error. Thanks for pointing it out to me ! :) I appreciate it. ..... I said I am NOT having a recurrence but I meant I am NOW having one. anyway, nobody responded yet regarding being on the ABT-888 study (parp) but with that , I am on Carbo & Gemzar. Has anybody been on this…
Hi all! Mum has some stability now being in remission and we are all happy about it! But she also has attacks of anxiety and as I have read here, that is not uncommon.. She is afraid that it is growing (CA125 up slowly)and she was devestated last CT because nothing had change for the better? But not worse either! But her…
16 chemo infusions, clear CT!
Just wanted to share with my "survivors" on ACS that I had my CT scan on Monday November 14th and my doctor reported to me yesterday that my CT scan was "clear"! I am so happy. I am on a clinical study. I was diagnosed June 2010, peritoneal cancer. At that time I had a full hysterectomy, followed by taxol/carbo/avastin. I…
Anyone know how many members are in our Peritoneum Cancer board?
Just wondering how our numbers pan out compared to other boards. I know that Peritoneum Cancer is said to be rare, but I wonder just how rare. Anyone done any reading on the subject? Thanks, AussieMaddie
@ Tina
Mums not doing very well on the topo, she has been really poorly, and keeps being sick despite different concoctions of anti sickness meds. And today we found out her platelets are to low for her third lot tomorrow However she has only has two treatments,from the first cycle, she has hers for 3 weeks then a week off. I…
Hi, I was dx with stage 4 primary peritoneal in june, 2009. I did IP chemo - taxol & cisplatin. I was in remission for almost 2 years and am not having a recurrence. I started the PARP trial a few weeks ago. I am on the ABT-888 trial. I get carbo & gemzar and will start taking the abt/parp pills very soon. Just wondering…