Gemzar and Carboplatin
This is what mum is going to have now, she has had 9 weekly sessions of Carbo/Taxol and has just had her scan results, they show a tiny improvement and a drop in her CA125 from 59 to 49, her Ascites has not gone down at all so her onc wants to try 2 lots of Gemzar/carboplatin 3 weekly and then scan to see if there are any…
Are there new techniques for peritoneum cancer treatment?
Hi all: As far as I can tell from this board and others out there, the two standard treatments for either primary or secondary peritoneal cancer are: (1) chemotherapy (the chemicals used depend on whether the cancer is primary or secondary, e.g. primary peritoneal cancer and that arising from ovarian cancer usually use…
Bowel obstructions - again
Hi all, Mum still of chemo, only the hormones until next check-up in may 15 (diagnosed in feb '11, stage IV - 8 rounds of carbo/taxol). But the bowel obstructions suck. Pain and womiting all the time. We are told this is very common but anyway, have are you all dealing with this? Is it common? She is on a "cancer patient…
Cancer, Carcinomatosis of Peritoneal Cavity
My friend got diagnose with this type of cancer, Carcinomatosis of Peritoneal she had major surgery couples of months ago, removing her whole stomach,uterus and more parts of her insides.can someone please help and explain how will she do with Chemo. Will she get better? The cancer was stage 4. Please help?
Back aching
Hi all, I'm usually over on the colon board, but I thought that someone here might be able to help me with this question. Quick background, my Rick has several peritoneal tumors, as well as in the liver and pelvis. His lower back has been aching quite a bit, especially when he lies on his back to sleep. It aches near his…
Cancer triggers
This subject is a particular interest to me. I am utterly convinced that unrelated factors which happened to me triggered off my cancer. 1. A year before my diagnosis I suffered a breakdown. My mum died and a relationship I was having (he can only be described as the love of my life and my soul mate) ended quite abruptly.…
Remission or NED while still some "seeds"?
Hi all, Went with mum on her every second month check-up with good results on CA125 and cancer cells/noodles staying stable on the hormpne treatment (after 8 rounds of carbo/taxol). We discussed why not surgery and the specialist explained that surgery is not to be considered as the cells are to be found in her lungs i.e…
I know there is currently a shortage of Doxil (USA) Caelyx (UK) so when my oncologist prescribed Caelyx for me last week (How can he not know it had been discontinued - doh) his team managed to substitute it for a different Chemo - Doxorubicin. I was told that it is similar to Doxil/Caelyx but doesn't have the coating on…
Another shot at Caelyx
I have been struggling just recently with symptoms of my cancer - ascites, bloating and constipation. My onc has decided to offer me a second line chemo eventhough it will be my 5th chemo since being diagnosed. I am cautiously optimistic and hoping it will bring my numbers down. My numbers are up in the 1,000's and I will…
Time to share good news
I just learned that my CT scan 10 days ago to find cause of abdominal pain found nothing - no evidence of tumor regrowth, no evidence of a new hernia, nothing amiss. Basically, everything looks great, normal and healthy. Abdominal pain is likely due to ongoing adhesions and the fact that the mesh holding my belly together…
Chemo and blood clots - a vicious cycle
Hi all, Very frustrated tonight. Mom back in the hospital tonight for the second time in three weeks. She successfully completed 6 rounds of Gemcitibine and Cisplatin. First scan showed a slight decrease in the cancer in the peritoneum with no distant metastasis. Good news right? Dr. Decided that since the only slight side…
Report from my dr on my most recent CT scan
I thought you’d enjoy the email I received today from my surgeon. Ah, the joys of being boring! Alice ------ Forwarded Message From: "Philip Paty, M.D." Date: Tue, 3 Apr 2012 16:52:39 -0400 To: Alice Subject: thank you alice: Nice talking to you yesterday about your normal CT scan. You are boring the radiologists to tears,…
My Debulking Surgery
I had my surgery on March 19th and returned home this Wednesday after 10 days in hospital. The gynae/onc who did the surgery was extremely pleased with what he found, or didn't find! He said the chemo I have been on (4 rounds of carboplatin and paxitaxol - 2 rounds still to go) had left no visible signs of live cancer!! He…
Hormones seems to work
Hi all, I promised a person on the board to come back with news on mums treatment with hormones. She is having the same kind of hormones as women are given when in going into menopause. This seems to work for mum and she has been in remission and even been better off than with chemos since december 2011 on the hormones. We…
Ng suction
My mom was diagnosed nearly 3 years ago with stage 4 ppc. She has been on chemo ever since. Lately she has been having trouble with severe bloating and intestinal problems. Yesterday she was admitted to the hospital b/c she was vomiting every hour and was having severe pain as well. No blockage has shown up on the xrays…
New to this
I was diagnosed in October when cancer was found in fluid from a pleural effusion. I've had debulking surgery that removed the ovaries and fallopian tubes, a third of the colon, my spleen and all the omentum (uterus was already gone). At first they called it ovarian cancer, but after surgery the pathology report came back…
port infection
Has anyone had a port infection? My mom has a little fluid filled bump near her port and I am afraid she could have an infection.
Survival Rates
Hi my mother in law was diagnosed with PPC 2 years ago, she has undergone 2 courses of chemo and now is on her third which is a smaller weekly dose. Its hard to get any details from her so I can research on the internet as she is just so terrified she wont even ask her own doctor. She had been told it hadn't spread but was…
Message from Ray aka daBeachBum
Hey gang, Thought I would give you a quick update. I am settled in comfortably in the first floor condo. I am on hospice care and have been taking far fewer pills and infusions. I haven't eaten real food in weeks and am pencil thin. I prolly won't make it through the month, but am happy and content. Luckily there's no pain…
Just an update
Have been having some abdominal discomfort for a few weeks now. Last CT and bloodwork done 3 mos. ago was good. This CT showed 3 new nodules and ca125 was up to 109 from the teens. Needless to say I will start chemo again this week . Will be taking Doxil. They say another company is making it and they can get it. I feel…
Sharing my good news
Thrilled to be told yesterday that my breasts are cancer free. One less area to deal with! Oncologist also advised that the thoracic surgeon saw no signs of cancer nodules on the outside of my lung when he did the surgery to attach the lung to the lining (pleurodesis) which is wonderful. Also following that no further…
My cancer seems very aggressive
Had my appointment today for CA125 and scan results. Not good. CA125 is up from 485 to 1,305 and scan shows disease progression. My oncologist began by telling me it was not good news. Only finished Topotecan 6 weeks ago so this is quite a blow. My onc has put me on an oral chemo called Leukeran (Chlorambucil). Has anyone…
Hi, hello!
Hey everyone! Have taken a little break.Just thought today, oh my, have not been to see how everyone is doing.Quite a few new members,happy to happy to have them here, yet not happy this is why!!!! My mom's still hangin in. Her next ca125 is next week i think. She looks wonderful. She looks healthy. She's eating great.…
Still in remission!
Hi all! Just want to give a qick update that mum is still in remission as from december last year! Every week is a treasure to be off chemo..! She is on the hormones (forgotten the name, but it is the same as you get in menopause) and they are helping to keep cancer steady so far. Next step is to find a surgeon probably…
Peritoneal carcinomatosis
Peritoneal carcinomatosis from ovarian cancer: chemosensitivity test and tissue markers as predictors of response to chemotherapy Chiara Arienti (1), Anna Tesei (1), Giorgio M Verdecchia (2), Massimo Framarini (2), Salvatore Virzì (3), Antonio Grassi (3), Emanuela Scarpi (1), Livia Turci (1), Rosella Silvestrini (1), Dino…
Just wondering how you are doing. I have been busy with the holidays and may have missed a post from you. I hope all is going well.
Hubby has PPC
My sweet Hubby had a hernia, when they went to repair, found PPC. Did scans...has abdominal fluid and it appears to have started in the appendix. Just finished 3rd round of chemo and he is so very tired. Eating as well as he can...they are talking debulking surgery but no definite anything...just guess we keep doing chemo…
Hello ladies Just been browsing old posts on the Ovarian board regarding the Omentum and weight gain. I had mine removed along with all the other "bits" a year ago. I am NED since April 2011 but have gained a lot of weight and wondered if the lack of Omentum had any effect. I know Tina was knowledgable about weight gain…
No More Chemo
Hey Gang, Yesterday I met with my Onc with a large group of my family and girlfriend. It was time for the doc to outline my options after my hospital stay and scans. Long story short, we decided that since everything we have tried against the C has failed, how miserable the side effects were making me, and in light of my…
When debulking?
Hi all again, I have a question on debulking. Is it possible even if you have stage IV? Have any of you done this when being in stage IV? Thanks, Sophie