I think it may be working :)
I've not been posting on here very much lately as I have just been through and finished a whole week of Topotecan infusions. As you may be aware I have been suffering from severe bloating and discomfort brought on by the activity of my cancer cells. So, one week later and I had this eureka moment last night. Usually I can…
My mom was diagnosed with PPC in April. She has had 6 rounds of chemo and after the 5th round she started experiencing some significant side effects. Her legs ached (large bones), her swelling was highly abnormal (saw a cardiologists and everything is fine). Now after the 6th round - very fatigued, excessive nausea, no…
chemo and scans
Hi again, we have the date for my husbands scan 17Th Oct results 27Th, a worrying time for us. He is continuing his chemo, has a 5Th round on 13th, so far the ascites has not returned which is good. We are hoping for a chemo break soon, my husband is thinking of returning to work part time! First time round seemed simple,…
Anyone had experience with bowel obstructions?
Hi Everyone, I was wondering if anyone has experience of bowel obstruction and how it was treated and how you deal with it if it is chronic? My partner has PC and has had problems with this and was I looking for some advice and info if anyone has any as I know this can be something that comes along with PC. Sometimes I…
Fun in Europe, Not so much fun afterward...
Hey gang! The family and I had a wonderful time in Europe. We saw a lot of great things, ate a lot of great food, drank a lot of great wine and had a lot of great conversations. I felt pretty good and did a ton of walking. I took some naps and skipped a long day of walking in Versailles and what I though would be a long…
Low CA125
Five years ago I had a complete hysterectomy due to elevated CA125, BRCA1 Mutation and symptoms. I did not have ovarian cancer and my Oncologist feels that I could have been diagnosed with it if we hadn't done the hysterectomy. Years later after no symptoms in regards to this my abdominal has swollen (I look 3-4 months…
Scan results on my brother...
Well, my mom got the results from Mike's ct scan on Friday - and they were wonderful! Cancer has shrunk, no spread, and fluid in cavity is nonexistant. On a side note, he did have an allergic reaction during the 3 hour push of his treatment yesterday, so they stopped it and gave him benadryl. He was able to finish the…
My cancer is back :(
I've been having bloating recently so I had my CA125 taken and went to see my oncologist. My numbers are up from 122 to 1,467. It is so strange because I don't actually feel unwell and where I usually get fluid around my lungs they are currently clear. Anyway I will be having Topotecan. It is a weekly cycle where you have…
illuminating the cells - is this hope?
Hello All.. I was reading today about a new procedure where a solution is passed into the body before an operation which illuminates some types of cancer cells which includes ovarian so that when doctors operate, they can better see what needs to be removed and even tiny cells can be taken out and not missed. I don't…
Removing peritoneum?
Hi, having seen this question elsewhere on this board, I'd like to know too if it is possible for a cancerous peritoneum to be removed entirely. I would have thought that it wasn't because it's so thin and so *large* (especially if, like me, your body is all abodmen and grossly overweight) So there are two of us wanting to…
Looking for advice please! :)
Hi Everyone. I'm new to the site. My partner was diagnosed with colon cancer in february he is 40, he had a bowel obstruction and was rushed in for emergency surgery where they found some tumors in his bowel along with this peritoneal studding which they didn't remove. He has now had chemo every fortnight for the last 14…
Distended abdomen
The stage of my cancer at the moment is cause un-comfortable and at times painful abdominal bloating. I am finding I can only eat small meals as my stomach feels like it might explode otherwise. Has anyone else experienced this? If so how did you cope? Did you take anything to help relieve the discomfort? I start chemo on…
Hair loss & changes
Bringing this subject over from those of us who started the subject under "Rare and other" types of cancer. Have I said to you Tina that, like Cheryl, I really like your bald look. Really suits you. Not everyone can do it. As for my own look, after mine started to regrow, my sister firs observed that it had grown back…
Just a question??
Mom had chemo on friday. Just the taxol. they decided she was not fit to do every week. She had her neulasta shot on saturday so she is having a harder time recovering this time. i am worried. She looks terrible. So small and just like a shell of her former self. She was having pain has that on the left side of her head…
Getting better
Hi, I am daughter of mum (61yrs) diagnosed with ppc stage IV and we live in europe. I have written my mums bad status here but now I have to share that she is responding to her chemo with tox/plat (4 cykels) and can soon leave the hospital to be out in her own garden! For us its fantastic news! They will not do a CT scan…
Hi, im new to the peritoneal cancer site, my husband was dx stage 3c cc aug 2010, he had surgery then 6mths xeloda tabs, was doing very well, his last scan on the 24th of june found that the cancer had spread to the peritoneal, and one spot on lung and liver, his oncologist was concerned with the peritoneal, and the…
keeping you up to date.
Hello, letting you know how things are going for my husband, he has had his 3rd chemo, avastin, oxaliplatin and xeloda tabs at home, doing very well, and the ascites as yet has not returned. After the last chemo we thing the onc will want a scan doing to see how the chemo is working, what the future holds we do not know,…
Hi, new and scared
Hi, new to this board. Mum the one being diagnosed with ppc stage 4 no spread in lymph nodes. On caarbo/taxol 4 rounds. Scheduled for 6 rounds. Stomach problem and surgery (not debulking as tumors pread is "seed". No primary tumour found (yet?). Mum is not eating much, 61 yrs and a lot of anxiety and panic. Me in 40´s,…
Mum is better!
Hi all, Just want to share the news that the CT scan and CA125 was excellent this time after 5th run of caebol/taxol and we are celebraiting! Mums is up from bed, she is "happier" and had a new anit-depression medicin that seems to work. A lot of what I read here and tell her is really a comfort to her. We hope for some…
RE: Peritoneal - How do I know
5 years ago I had a complete hyterectomy due to being BRCA 1 and an elevated CA125, I have been fine for years. About 4 months ago I started having vaginal (sorry) pain, not an infection but just pain in that area. That comes and goes now. The last month my stomach has swollen and I have sharp pinching pains in the upper…
Off Topic: Busy getting ready for our trip...
Hey gang, I won't be posting for the next few weeks, my siblings and I are headed to Europe on Saturday :-) I am stoked. We have been looking forward to this for a long time. We are visiting Paris, Venice, Florence and Rome. We came up with the trip after my health improved this spring. My sisters and brother were very…
Hi I was just wondering if anyone has experienced IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) as an "extra" problem and unconnected to PPC? I have recently had an ultra-sound of my tummy and I have NO ascites yet I become bloated after every meal. I feel full and often get bloating in the evening. But during the day when I am moving…
I finished chemo in April this year. I have recently noticed that my knees are swollen, my knee joints really ache and I feel generally very "fluidy" but not in the tummy area. I'm thinking I'm in remission and feel well enough although I tire easily. Anyone else have or had similar episodes?
I found this on a reputable breast cancer site and thought I would pass it on. .Hot Chemotherapy Bath 8/13/2011 (9:36:09am)Tags: noneComments: (0) This is an article from the New York Times about a new chemotherapy technique being used for colorectal and ovarian cancers (blessedly, not for breast). I just heard about it…
One day good, one day bad.. and anxiety
Hi again, Just want to check in on how you all are doing. I am happy to see that no drastic negativ changes has happened. Mum is now doing (much) better one day, baking cakes and seeing her friends and the next day lying in bed wishing to die. For true. And she has a lot of anxiety. It is hard for me as relative to follow…
I opted out of the clinical trial
I opted out of the clinical trial last week. After two cycles of the Doxil, Avastin and Torisel they did a CT scan. One cycle consists of: Day 1 - Doxil, Avastin and Torisel Day 8- Torisel Day 15-Torisel The scan showed some shrinkage in the tumors, not alot. Between the blood work and CT scan it did show: Damage to the…
Thinking of you all
Hi, it is very late here and I have chemo in the morning. MY second last before stopping. Keeping ok, just tired. Wanted to pop in to post a poem that I have liked for a long time. Will post it under Seniors and Spirituality ... Poems. Will be back soon. Love to all. AussieMaddie xxxx
encouraging news
My 65 year young mom has been fighting stage IV PPC for over 2 years, in nearly non-stop chemo(she had one 3 month break). She was stable on various chemos over the past year or so. Once her cancer started to show progression, her chemo was changed to gemzar, cisplatin, and avastin. She has had 3 rounds, or 9 weeks of this…
Abnormal ovary ?????
I've been having some discomfort in my tummy, kind of bloating after meals. I also feel uncomfortable underneath my lungs (I have a little bit of fluid around my lungs) So my GP (Primary Care Doctor) sent me along for a chest x-ray and an ultra sound of my abdomen. 1. My chest x-ray showed a small amount of fluid in the…
Microscopic disease
I went to see my consultant today to see about my serous papillary primary peritoneal for the three month scan results. She said that I had microscopic cells which were spread throughout the abdomen. I already knew that from the laparoscopy I had in May. Unfortunately, nothing can be seen on the CT scan so the medical team…