Profile information and the type of cancer stated there
Hi everyone... I'm really glad we have this board, but one thing I think I'd like to have is the right type of cancer on my profile information. The check boxes don't list this disease so I've written to Admin in the hope that this can be adjusted. I don't have ovarian cancer and although I know mine is effectively the…
I'm new too
I was diagnosed last month with PPC following a collapsed lung and testing of the fluid which was drained off. I am very grateful to wonderful medical team who acted very quickly with surgery to repair my lung and my first chemo (Taxol and Carboplatin) within a week. I will probably have surgery after 3 rounds of chemo. I…
Debulking Surgery
Next week I have an appointment with my Oncologist to discuss and plan surgery following my third cycle of Carbo/Taxol. I would like to ask for any comments, advice, information from those of you who may have had this surgery please - also questions to ask! I have been fortunate and not had too much in the way of side…
Anyone on this discussion board on Avastin? It has been dumped in the States for women with ovarian cancer I hear and is about to be in Canada. The side effects were quite something apparently and the chemical was not felt to be worth the effects - in other words, it wasn't doing its job? Cheryl
Thank You
This is my first time writing on this board, but I have been reading the discussions for about two months. My mom is 75 and was recently diagnosed with PPC. I had never heard of PPC and mistakenly went to Google to educate myself. After a few days of utter panic I came across this site. From that day on, I feel equipped to…
Anyone on gemzar?
Hi all, Mum will probably change from carbo/taxol which only worked for 8 rounds to Gemzar in february. The option is to stay with only hormones if still in remission. We hope for that. But anyone of you only on Gemzar? I can not remeber I seen it here on the board? Mum is a stage IV PPc since feb 2011. At the moment she…
Just wanted you to know that I've been thinking about you and hoping you feel ok...
lymph node involvement
Hello everyone... Just asking for some advice if the answer to my latest difficulty is out there. I've developed a lump in what I think is my lymph node just below my ear. It's hard and goes along the lymph for about a few centimeteres. It's not painful but I'm concerned about what it means. :)
contact with eward
Hi! My name is Sophie, I live in Europe and my mum is staged with primary ppc stage IV since february 2011. I saw in an earlier note that your mum is in the same stage and has been since 2009. This seems encouraging to me, how is she doing today? Has she been in remission? What treatments has she had? Mum has had 8 rounds…
Mum has gone :(
I cannot believe I am typing this, it still doesn't feel real. Last Tuesday evening mum was taken into hospital , she died on Wednesday night. She had caught pneumonia and just could not fight it off. It has been he'll. In the hospital they asked mum if she wanted to be resuscitated ,she Said yes, it was as much as she…
Waiting for results
Hello, I am writing this for my Mum Fiona. She is 65. I am 36yr old daughter. She is my advisor, my go-to when I am unwell, or have to 'chat' about life/men/jobs. I work aborad a lot. But I can't leave her now. She has raised 3 children as well as looking after a husband and cooking 3 course meals for 35 years (and going…
At the airport
Just been away on holiday to Spain which was a good thing. I was wondering if anyone has any experience of getting assistance at the airport. At the moment, I look well although the pain never really goes away. I have some bloating which is worse on some days than others. Unexpected zonked out tiredness is still a problem…
Mom is doing good!
Well, mom had her checkup after her last chemo at the end of october. Her ca125 was 3 than. Now she is in "remission" and her number is still a 3. I am very relieved. Now he is deciding to send her for a catscan of her lungs. Makes me a little peeved because if we had gotten treatment at a better hospital overall i am sure…
Anyone know what has happened to Da Beach Bum?
Hi all: Haven't heard from Da Beach Bum in quite some time. Any one know what has happened to him? Is he OK? Cheryl
From appendix to peritoneal?
Hi, my name is Mitch. about a year ago, I had surgery to remove my appendix. It was cancerous with goblet cell and signet ring cells present. I had a second surgery and they removed a string of cancer that had traveled from my appendix around the abdomen wall the back of my abdomen and created a tumor about fist sized and…
Nose bleeds
Hi all, Just wanted to gather info regarding experience with nose bleeds. Mom just finished second treatment and gets one week off before round 3. She had crazy nose bleeds on Thursday like a faucet. A total of 4 for the day ranging from 10-20 minutes. We called the doc and he said come on in for a blood test. Turned out…
Mums going to have more chemo
Hi all, just to let you know mum has seen her onc today and she is going to have more chemo! She is going to have another 2 weeks to get her strength up ( hopefully ) and then she will have the chemo weekly, mum doesn't know what she is having or for how long, does anyone know which ones are normally given weekly? The…
Tenderness after treatment
Hi I'm new to this and think I have made mistake already ha ha!! Can anyone tell me how there body feels when they have finished treatment and had surgery?? I had my Chemo in march 2011 had three sessions then surgery in June 2011 then a further three treatments all Carbo Platin and Taxol. My midriff feels very tender…
Im new
Hi im new i just found you guys and have had ppc for 3 yrs.I went to my OB GYN and kept complaining for yrs about pain she sent me for an ultrasound and did a pap smear and said there was nothing there!This didnt happen just once it happened many times and i felt like she thought i was a hypocondriact(sry for spelling)So i…
Going for 2nd opinion today!!
Hi guys Im going for a second opinion today at Yale New Haven Hospital the Smilo cancer center and i am very nervous i have been in remission for 3 yrs and my Dr said its back .So i am heading to Yale to make sure before i start chemo again and see if there is anything new out there for us with PPC. I will post anything i…
Is there a stage 5
Hi, I've been doing a lot of researching online tonight and although there is mention of stage 3 and 4, there is no mention of stage 5. I read that there is only stage 3 and stage 4, and stage 3 is when the cancer is contained to the peritoneum. Stage 4 is when it has travelled to somewhere else, including the pelvis or to…
New from Cal
Hello I found this site, while trying to find more info on Peritoneal cancer. My mom was informed at the end of June last year, that she had Peritoneal Cancer. I feel like I/we have been running ever since.I feel like we landed in a made for TV movie. There was no cancer in our family until a couple of years ago. One of my…
Flying with fluid in your lungs ok?
Hi all, just want to ask if any of you have experience of flying with fluid in your lungs? Is 10 hours ok? Anything you can do to ease burden? Thanks! Sophie
From: daBeachBum Scary Week
January 11, 2012 - 2:54pm Sorry to pile on after a scary week with so many other setbacks for us:-( I have been in the hospital since Thursday night. I presented with massive pain, bloating, and fecal vomiting and diarrhea. Their original prognosis was a perforated bowel, which is kind of a de-facto death sentence for me…
Mum is up for travel!
Hi all, I want to share wounderful news with you! Mum is out of chemo until end of januari (on waitinglist to start new regimen as carbo/taxol 8 rounds now has taken its toll) and she and her husband has now bought a ticket to Bangkok for 14 days! Isnt that amazing? I never thought she would be able again after her soar…
update on mum
Well, all I can say is a miracle has occured ( well thats how it feels! ) Mum has been to hospital for assessment, they were surprised to find her so well, we have the hospice to thank for that, they are just wonderful, mums onc has said for her to have another 2 weeks getting strong and then she can have more chemo, mum…
Eating when abdomen is distended leading to (dry) vomiting
Hi, I've just had a lovely meal of prawn cocktails. They taste nice and are very light, at least half of them is well shredded lettuce. Not at all did I feel full at the end. I really enjoyed them, but on finishing them I immediately began to want to vomit. It turned out to be dry retching. There was nothing to come up…
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ToQ0n3itoII&ob=av2e For mum , miss you xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Mum not good
Hi everyone, I have been putting off updating as I have not really known where to start. Mum is now in a hospice, she has been there just over a week, she went in for pain control ( they have always said the pain was not the cancer) and we all thought she would be out by now, she has to have constant anti sickness…
Beginning our journey
My mom is newly diagnosed with ppc stemming from a 2008 diagnonsis of gallbladder cancer. We received this news during a routine scan at MSKCC in New York. No symptoms. No pain. It is a hard pill to swallow since she looks fabulous. After the gallbladder cancer tx, Mom had a partial liver resecction with lymph nodes. We…