From Kateel-Interesting Info After Brochoscopy
This morning, my husband, Bill, had a bronchoscopy, because he has been coughing, gagging, and throwing up phlegm after his esophagectomy on April 25th. We thought for sure that he would need a dilation, based on his symptoms, but that is not the case, according to his surgeon. It seems that his muscles are still weak and…
Post-Sx symptoms
My fiancé is 40 years old and was diagnosed with an adenocarcinoma 1 year ago this July. Today he is 3 wks out post sx MIE. He is having a weird gurgling sound and a lot of pain still. The soft food diet is a challenge, it's hard to know how much to eat and how often to eat it, without causing a lot of pain. Lots of new…
Cowboy passed away
I know i didnt post much, but i avidly read everything you all posted. Cowboy (also known as Donald William Poppell) was born 8/20/55 and left us on 6/15/11. The 28th of this month will be our 13th anniversary. We held hands and told each other we loved each other every day. This is what i want to say to all on this forum.…
Toga Trial - Stage 4 EC
Hi. This is my first post. My dad (54 years old) was diagnosed with Stage 4 EC on March 5, 2011. He's undergone several treatments and he's responding well so far. His first scan after a few rounds of treatment showed a 54% reduction. As you can imagine, we were thrilled! The only complications thus far have been severe…
Antidepressant for terminal patients
Anyone have some experience here? My counselor tells me that most terminal patients are often on anti-depressants. I've noticed my own husband becoming more withdrawn, although that could be his struggle with breathing issues, too. Since time is dear I so want him to find some joy in the days we have. I want to ask his…
I left you a message when you posted regarding "My Last Post." I don't think you received it. Please email me at dana_moore@verizon.net Anyone else who ever feels that I can provide any answers to their questions, or need prayers for specific concerns, plse feel free to contact me at that address. Luv U Chrissiebass.
For Susie and family
Susie I tried to send you a private message but it kept failing. Paul was diagnosed 4 days before Brandon and their journeys have been horrifyingly simular. I posted a while ago that we were even due to be in Pittsburgh the same week. Paul is currently heavily sedated and on a ventilator in ICU at Celebration Hospital, we…
Our fight is over!
Since March of 2010,my husband has fought hard to obliterate the Adenocarcinoma that invaded the distal third of his esophagus. The diagnostic testing, chemo/radio therapy treatments and surgeries large and small are over! He put up a brave fight, even though he was stage III b at the time of diagnosis,14 months later-the…
navigating this site
Can anyone tell me if there is a way to find postings from a certain person? For example, if anyone wanted to follow my story, but missed a few postings, how would they be able to backtrack to do so? (I've been doing it by scrolling through all the pages of the site, seems like the hard way.... takes forever and I get…
My Last Post
First of all, I’d like to thank all of you…those with whom I’ve talked to directly and those of you who I have not, but have read posts that have helped and informed me. I have said before I have become a praying warrior for those suffering with EC, since arriving in this forum and that will not change. To the Marshalls-…
Hosparus is with us now
We were admitted into hosparus today. Seems like they will be a great help to us. We havent met any nurses yet, just admitions nurse. Steve still isnt sure if he will try more chemo. His rad finished today. Pain seems to have increased since rad, but hoping that is just from the rad and will improve. We are leaving our…
feeding tube---a question
Hello all, My cousin had a feeding tube put in this past Wednesday, and basically I'm just wondering if that's a "death sentence" or if it's just one more ray of hope for him. I saw him this past Sunday and although he's only 50, he looked 80 (easy) and although he was a tall husky built man, he is now of skeletal frame…
When I first joined this site in April after being diagnosed with EC (T3N0M0) I found a wealth of information and found myself intertwined with those sharing the same struggles. In the past couple of weeks, I've noted disention on what should be and should not be posted and just generally depressed at some of the (for a…
Why all the disagreements
I am a fairly new member here. I come here to get helpful information andinput to cope with this grave illness. I am curious as to ask everyone here "why is there so much infighting and disagreement? I thought we were all here to support and help each other. I think this is behavior is terribly counter productive. Please…
does anyone here know if this form of cancer is genetic or by association. it seems that more than one person in a family is getting this horrible disease. Also a question, how long does it take before you can eat more than a few bites at a time , I eat a foldover pimento cheese sandwich and I feel overfull. I am so sorry…
My Mom age 71 with T3 M1 esophageal cancer
Hello, My name is Eric 4 weeks ago my Mom was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer she has been @ Cleveland Clinic ever since as she would not go when she needed to & twice was severely dehydrated because she could not eat could drink a little but would cough up phlegm & fluid, We finally got her in & has had a stint in place…
Any advice
Hi all It is fantastic to be able to come to this site and ask for help, these are only small things but maybe some of you have come across these problems along the way. Mark is once again losing weight 4kgs in less than 2 weeks, I am feeding him up with protein shakes filled with ice cream and fruit, last night he enjoyed…
anyone have mets to the brain??
Ed's recent cat scan showed a tumor in the back of his head, has anyone had mets to the brain and if so, did you do radiation/surgery? Any input would be appreciated> lINDA
It's not all rainbows and puppies
I've been lurking around for a while, but I figured that I would share my family's experience with EC and MIE. My dad (age 60) was diagnosed in January with stage 3 and subsequently received chemoradiation. My dad had the MIE with Dr. Luketich at Presby on May 20, 2011. Although he came out of the 12 hour surgery doing…
Post Surgery
I post this tonight as I read some of the not so inspiring stories this week. My heart pours out to so many of you tonight and please note that we are praying for all of you. God is the only place we find true peace and understanding about life and what we are experiencing right now. I want to tell my "short story" to give…
Squamous Carcinoma StageII 10 cm tumor in sub-mucosa lower esophagus just above stomach not yet spre
Hello all. I seek input from people who have personal experience of treatment for this specific type of cancer. I am Male age 59 and otherwise quite healthy, I have been active all my life and am trying to identify the best options for quality of life not just longevity. I have been advised that two Chemo sessions (96 hrs…
New and confused
My husband and I are brand new to your site. But we have been reading much of your postings. We need help. My husband had an esophagectomy 7 weeks ago. He had many setbacks and was in the hospital 35 days (stage 2 cancer, I think). He is eating some food by mouth, but is having a terrible time with swallowing liquids. He…
Susie's Hero & Trooper-Brendon
I had the honor and privilege of meeting Brendon and Susie and Brendon’s parents at Presby. As the Lord would have it, Brendon was placed in a room directly across from ours. I got to hug Brendon for real and his parents and Susie too-who will be a lifelong friend/sister of mine. It is with a heart wrenching regret that I…
Surgery this Week
Good Evening - Tonight is the first time I'm posting to this board, even though I have been reading it since my father has been diagnosed with Esophageal Cancer. Luckily it was caught at Stage I, and he was able to go get a second opinion from Dr. Luketich. He visited Pittsburgh last week, and already has his surgery…
I could not stay away too long
Hi to everyone. Its funny about this site. You think you need a break but then you find yourself back on looking again. There are a lot of new people on and still some of the old ones that I remeber. I was happy to read Sangoras post that things are well and also that my sweet Callaloo is doing well. I love your new…
EC to be included in NCI study to map its genome
Great news in the fight to find better treatments and hopefully a cure for Esophageal Cancer. From the ECAN June newsletter. Esophageal Cancer to be part of Groundbreaking Research at NCI The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) project of the National Cancer Institute (NCI) will start work this month on including Esophageal Cancer…
My hero - Brendon
Please pray for a miracle. Brendon has been in the hospital since Thursday. The doctor told us today that they don't see him making it out of the hospital and gave him a month to live. I need my hero in my life.
To all the special "Dads" that have left us
I just wanted to remember all the "special dads" who have passed away on this site from this ugly cancer. I still read daily although I do not post very often these days. Tommorow, being "father's day" once again, without our Eddie, is especially a hard day coming up. We used to make it a very special day and this year is…
Stage 4 survivor
Sorry for the rant, but.... I wish people would stop resurrecting that old post of Katanna from 2008. First, her doctors probably were mistaken in telling her she was stage 4 and then proceeding to remove all the cancer in her surgery, with no mention of chemo or radiation. That doesn't happen in stage 4. But we'll never…
What Ammunition for The Big Cannon?
Hi All, I am still preoccupied with what constitutes a “big cannon” and thought that I would compare 2 stage 4s, Lu’s early treatment with my brother Peter’s. (hope you don't mind Lu!) These are shown in summary below ( I hope I got Lu’s right) and show the very different approaches adopted. Lu had 28 days radiation at…