Just found out today Mom has Stage 4 esophageal cancer im lost
I am an only child and about a month ago my mother was having stomache issues and she figures it was related to her acid reflux. After 2 weeks of testing they determined she had esophageal cancer. It has gone down hill every single day since. Im so lost and dont know whee to turn. I live a long distance from her and have…
It's NOT all in my head!
Ok, endoscopy is done. Glad to have it over with. Just about ready to go take a nap now, cuz I'm groggy. (I'm pretty sensitive to sedatives.) First, I do NOT have EC. I can't tell you how relieved I was to hear that. What I do have is a hiatial hernia, Schatzki ring, GERD and laryngopharyngeal reflux. (it's unclear why the…
EC stretch complications
Well, we thought we were going home yesterday . All 3 doctors had signed off on it,blood count looked good, no more bleeding. They gave Rickie an iron shot, and as he was getting dressed to go home he felt nauseated and started wretching and began bleeding again. So much for going home.this continued for about 5 hours.…
Need Help
My 59 year old husband was diagnosed on May 17, 2011, T-3, N-1, M0. He started Chemo/Rad. On June 1, 2011. We meet with surgeon last Thursday; He only does Ivor –Lewis approach. My health insurance (he is insured under me) will not let me go out of network (to Moffit in Tampa). I know we should get a second opinion…
Thank you and Endoscopy questions
Thank you, everyone, for your support. *note* if you don't want to read my rambling, just skip to the bottom where I have a question about the endoscopy.* I came here really freaked out about all the "what-ifs". I won't lie, I still am, but least I know it's normal! My daughter is away at camp for the week, so it's just my…
Is surgrey performed on the tumers found in ec? Mother is more worried about that . From what im hearing it is the best way to start ? God bless ya'll out there today and this comming week. Jason
Anyone else with this problem?
My husband, Rickie,stage VI EC, went to our local hometown GI doctor on Wednesday to have his esophagus stretched. Swallowing had become more and more difficult since early May when an unsuccessful PEG tube placement was performed. At that time the esophagus was dilated and he was able to eat fairly well for about 6weeks.…
Scared to death
I just turned 44 years old, female, rarely drink and have never smoked. I have 4 children: Two adult sons who are out on their own, a 15 year old daughter who has Down syndrome, and a 10 year old son, newly adopted from Serbia who also has Down syndrome. Back around October or so, as my husband and I were preparing for me…
Just Another Newbie
For those of you who have not clued in yet, God has a sense of humor! I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in 2001. In 2004 I was diagnosed wtih Fibromyalgia. Now on march 16 ,the day before my wife's birthday, I was rushed to the hospital because I was puking blood. Had an endoscopy done but there was too much blood to be…
Need some nutrition advice
Hi folks, Need some ideas here, husband jus completed week 4 of chemo. Up to last Thursday he was feeling fine, zofran and compozene were keeping nausea in check and he was getting 2300-2600 calories a day. On Thursday he started lose his appetite, Friday he was back to normal and then Saturday and today no appetite.…
For the past few day Lee’s pain in his lower right abdomen was getting worse, to the point where he’d be up during the night, and be groaning in pain all day. We paid a visit to the oncologist on Wednesday and he suggested another CT scan to see what was going on in there. He also prescribed a slow release dose of…
Hello hope everybody is haveing a good day. I am in G.A. and mother is haveing trouble getting insurance for her ec. They told her to get on disability ? This makes no since to me. Her tumer a large one need to be addressed ASPAP . Hope we can cross this problem off the list fast! She was laid off her job more than a year…
Second Opinion surgical consult −7-13-2011
Meet with the surgical team at Moffitt (Cancer center in Tampa) today. Dr. Meredith and his team explained the MIE surgery (with robotics) to John. Now I must apply for out of network coverage to have MIE done. I would appreciate everyone’s prayers that this will be an easy process. I was very impress with Dr. Meredith and…
The Suffering is Over
I am sad to post that John passed away on June 18th. Exactly four months after the Stage IV diagnosis. It does not seem real. He passed at home like he wanted, in Mom's arms with her singing Bob Marley "Baby don't worry, about a thing, cause every little thing is gonna be alright." All of his family made it in before he…
The endoscopy test are back
Good day to all. Mother's endoscopy came back with a 3cm tumer on the mid-mid/upper. Also has spread to the place above her right collarbone. So now we have to waite to see what this small town Oncologyist is going to do. I feel strongly that any surgrey or anything out of the ordinary would take place at Piedmont in…
Hey , new hear
Hello , my mother was diagnosed with ec.....These are the events that took place so far. Mother had a knot on above her collarbone on her rightside , about a month ago. She made her yearly appointment with her Dermatologist early with this new symptom. Also need to know that she has had melanomia in the past and has…
What a difference 4 years makes!
Four years ago my husband and I were at a place that so many of you sadly are right now. After having a sore throat that dragged on for several months, difficulty swallowing, a primary care appointment and finally the Heimlich due to choking, testing began fast and furiously. On July 12, 2007 an endoscopy ended with the GI…
Concerned Daughter
Hi Everyone, I've been reading the post for a couple days now debating on opening an account and its become quite clear to me that, this is the place I want to be right now. On April 8th my mother was diagnosed with Kidney Cancer (renal cell carcinoma) After a few test it was settled Stage one "A walk in the park" the…
Magic mouthwash
Magic mouthwash is a combination of Maalox, Benadryl and lidocaine that numbs the esophagus so that our loved ones can eat. My husband squirts it into the back of his throat with a 2 tsp plastic syringe. He has to try not to get any in his mouth or it will numb his tongue and cheeks and make it more difficult to eat. Right…
I am curious
I have been reading a lot lately about the reluctance of the jtube. Seems like some docs just plain dont want to use them and wait so long that it is impossible to use them? I just was curious, for all that do have them or have had them, as to what procedure everyone went through to get one. For Steve it was an extremly…
Post-op drainage
Hi everyone! I'm doing good after my MIE on 7/1. I still have my JP drain and I was wondering what some of the vets were draining per day at this point. I'm averaging around 140 ml per day.
Stent shopping
Hi all, I know stents have a mixed reputation here, but have just started a blog as we go on this journey. Should you wish to follow along, please see the blog. Peace to all, Jo-Ann
Last Radiation Treatment Today
59 YO T-3, N-1M-0 –May 17, 2011 Started Radiation/Chemo-June 1, 2011 My husband (John) completed his last radiation treatment today. Next step we go to Moffitt Cancer Center for second opinion surgery consult on Wednesday. I am hoping that he is a candidate for MIE surgery; if he is then I will appeal to the insurance…
Jim's Catscan
Hi Everyone, Great news, Jim's catscan shows no cancer! Praise God on high! It had not been read by the radiologist yet, but the surgeon said it looked good. We are both so relieved. This was his six month check after surgery in January. We were able to see our friend that had the MIE there at OHSU in Portland the day…
Something to look forward to
Hi everyone, I see a lot of new people on the site, scared and desperate for some encouragement. I am still afraid to make any bold statements, but just to give people going through the treatment something to look forward to, here is a short comparison of where we were two months ago and where we are now. May 11 (6 weeks…
Surgery Postponed Again
My dad's in icu for the third night tonight with aspiration pneumonia; this is his third bout of pneumonia since mid-May (finished chemo/rad May 31). His surgery was originally slated for July 5, then postponed because of malnourishment to August 9, and today, it was pushed back to August 22. For the first time since all…
Swallowing exercises are not working
Hello all, We still need your advice. Last time, I mentioned that the surgeon said after Bill's bronchoscopy that his muscles were weak in his throat and he needed to do swallowing exercises. Well, he has been trying but is unable to do those exercises because he is gagging and throwing up phlegm so much. They have told…
What a nightmare
My name is Denise, and my dad who just made 65 last month was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer towards the lower part, near the stomach area. Symptoms started in the first week of May with "acid reflux" like symptoms, including throwing up. His MD gave him an RX for Nexium AND Pepto Bismol, told him to give the…
Tom's onc appointment
Everything is fine..the tumor board met this morning and none of the tumors are growing...lymph nodes are ok and the tiny one in the esophagus shrank. That said, Tom was given a choice of take a break or continue. He opted to continue the chemo...aside from not tasting well and feet that feel like cement boots, he's doing…
Out of Hospital
My three week vacation was cut short by a week due to swelling in my esop. that made it imposssible to swallow anything. We made a miserable 15 hour trip back to Virginia and I was admitted to UVA at 2 in the morning, last saturday. Apparently some food had gotten stuck in my esop and caused irritation and swelling. When…