Cowboy passed away

I know i didnt post much, but i avidly read everything you all posted. Cowboy (also known as Donald William Poppell) was born 8/20/55 and left us on 6/15/11. The 28th of this month will be our 13th anniversary. We held hands and told each other we loved each other every day. This is what i want to say to all on this forum. Toward the end, it would have been easy to become overwhelmed in his pain and symptom management. The boys and i could have been overwhelmed by the round the clock care (hospice came once a week); but we held him up, held each other up, gladly accepted the help of angels, and relied heavily on prayers and kindnesses.

Be good to yourselves, caregivers and survivors, and remember to hold the hands of the one you love.

I am so proud to say that when the hospice nurse told us that we should settle any "unfinished business" we may have had with him, I could honestly say there was nothing to discuss-we laughed kissed loved and growled at each other every single day. So, we used the time to review the good stuff, and laugh, and love.

On the morning of 6/15, he reached out for both of my hands, and didnt let go. i knew what was happening. he did too. he passed with dignity and grace, my hands entwined in his, in his own bed. This was a great gift, and was exactly as he wished.

I will continue to keep all of you in my thoughts and prayers.

Cowboy's girl


  • mrsbotch
    mrsbotch Member Posts: 349
    God Bless you
    I am so sorry about Cowboy. I know just how you feel. I held my beautiful Vince till the very end and never let go.

    You are a brave lady and I feel your pain

  • jojoshort
    jojoshort Member Posts: 230 Member
    So sorry for your loss
    Your description of your last days with your Donald sound so beautiful. Thank you for sharing this with us. I know you will find peace with your loved ones.
  • Conchal
    Conchal Member Posts: 42

    I am sorry to hear of Donald's passing. I am very glad you were there for him since I am sure that was of great comfort to him.

    Peace be with you.

  • fredswilma
    fredswilma Member Posts: 185
    So sorry for your loss, how
    So sorry for your loss, how lovely that you had that precious time with your cowboy, you are in my thoughts and prayers.
  • sandy1943
    sandy1943 Member Posts: 824
    Thanks for letting us know
    Thanks for letting us know about Donald.It is wonderful when a loved one can stay at home when they are so ill--surrounded by their caring loving family. He was blessed to have you and the boys.

    You and the family will be in my prayers,Sandra
  • BMGky
    BMGky Member Posts: 621
    Thank you for taking your time to post
    The loss of your husband to esophageal cancer is so very sad; however, I was so deeply moved by your letting us know of that wonderful, intimate last moment. How beautiful. How peaceful. Prayers for you and your family. Mary
  • oriontj
    oriontj Member Posts: 375
    With dignity and love
    Your story is uplifting even though it is so sad.

  • Daisylin
    Daisylin Member Posts: 365
    oriontj said:

    With dignity and love
    Your story is uplifting even though it is so sad.


    so sorry
    I was deeply saddened to read about your loss. Your husband Donald sounded like a wonderful man, a true Cowboy. Although I'm sure it was devastating, it must be a comfort to know that he passed holding his loved ones close. Your love for him is evident in your words. May you find peace and comfort in your memories.

  • paul61
    paul61 Member Posts: 1,392 Member
    May God gather your Cowboy is his loving arms
    I am so sad to hear of your loss. It is wonderful that he and your family had the love and joy of each other during this final time.

    May God gather your Cowboy in his loving arms and and provide you and your family with strength and peace during this difficult time.

    With deepest Condolences,

    Paul Adams,
    McCormick, South Carolina
  • GerryS
    GerryS Member Posts: 227 Member
    Beautiful tribute..........
    What a beautiful lesson for all of us. As a one year survivor of the "beast", I know very well the importance of a hand holding. The touch of those you love, my wife, children and grandchildren were most helpful in my surgery, treatment and recovery. May God Bless you in these coming days.......

  • Donna70
    Donna70 Member Posts: 852 Member
    GerryS said:

    Beautiful tribute..........
    What a beautiful lesson for all of us. As a one year survivor of the "beast", I know very well the importance of a hand holding. The touch of those you love, my wife, children and grandchildren were most helpful in my surgery, treatment and recovery. May God Bless you in these coming days.......


    thanks so much for sharing
    Thank you so much for sharing your last days with your beloved husband. You and your family stood by him at the hardest and the most important part of a person's life. It is hard but it is the best gift we all can give to our loved ones. So sad yet so beautiful, to have your loved ones hold your hand as you start your new journey. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Thank you again for sharing this story.
  • linda1120
    linda1120 Member Posts: 389
    Thinking of You
    Dear Cowboy's Girl,

    Thank you for sharing such a special and intimate moment with us. I pray that you have peace knowing that he spent his last days with dignity and grace.

  • CowboysGirl
    CowboysGirl Member Posts: 13
    linda1120 said:

    Thinking of You
    Dear Cowboy's Girl,

    Thank you for sharing such a special and intimate moment with us. I pray that you have peace knowing that he spent his last days with dignity and grace.


    Thank You ALL
    I feel your love and it too is a gift.

    Today is our wedding anniversary, and the sky is raining big tear drops here. I am honoring our blessed union and thinking good thoughts.

    I know how so very lucky i am to have had this opportunity to love and be loved -- i wish i didn't have to be a widow (at 43), but at least i know now that it's true: it IS better to have loved and lost than to not love at all.

    You all remain constantly in my prayers, and i am grateful, too, for all of your support throughout this journey of Cowboy's passing into a new place.

    Love~Love~Love to all of you,
  • mruble
    mruble Member Posts: 174

    Thank You ALL
    I feel your love and it too is a gift.

    Today is our wedding anniversary, and the sky is raining big tear drops here. I am honoring our blessed union and thinking good thoughts.

    I know how so very lucky i am to have had this opportunity to love and be loved -- i wish i didn't have to be a widow (at 43), but at least i know now that it's true: it IS better to have loved and lost than to not love at all.

    You all remain constantly in my prayers, and i am grateful, too, for all of your support throughout this journey of Cowboy's passing into a new place.

    Love~Love~Love to all of you,

    Rhonda --
    My thoughts and

    Rhonda --
    My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Today is also our anniversary (25 years) and 20 months ago we didn't think my husband would be here to celebrate (he was 4a at diagnosis and 43 years old). I'm so very happy that he is, but I mourn your loss. Forty-three is too young to be a widow. You have a wonderful attitude and I hope your memories comfort and sustain you.