The Big Cannons V A Compromise Approach to Chemo
Hi everyone I posted this note yesterday against my EC TREATMENT OPTIONS thread then noticed that it was at the very bottom of a very long thread and I thought it best to make it more "user friendly" I see that I last posted a note on April 1. I'm not sure about the USA but in the UK that was "April Fools Day" and is…
Update on visit to Oncologist
Hi all Good news we are now booked for the throat stretch for 17 June, so not to far away, eating is becoming more and more dificult for Mark, but he is maintaining weight. If you saw Mark you wouldn't think much was wrong with him, he is still working full time and able to do most things (other than the food…
Let God Choose
Let God Choose As for God, His way is perfect! Psalm 18:30 Let God choose for you, it will be the right decision. Let God guide you, it will be the right direction. Let God plan for you, it will be in the right timing. Let God measure for you, it will be the right portion. Let God help you, it will be the right care. Let…
For M_Rita More on ECF Chemo
M_Rita, since your post was at the bottom of a long older post, I wanted to start you at the top. Here's the link to the original post in case anyone is lost: http://csn.cancer.org/node/215824 Like Paul said, staying ahead of and managing side effects are key. I actually would take my first Zofran on the way to my chemo so…
PSA Copy
As many of you may know from my previous posts, I co-host a podcast called Spooktalkular. We have been on hiatus since my diagnosis and treatment. Well, we are returning in a limited fashion so I wanted to do a spot for EC awareness to run during our breaks. Here's what I'm thinking. Open to all suggestions. --- Begin…
Susie, You and Brendon have been in my thoughts a lot lately. Will continue praying for you guys like so many others will! Danielle
It's Been A While, My Mom Passed Away 4/3/11
Hi all, I found this board in late 2009. My 55-year-old mom had just been diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Stage 4A. After many surgeries and stents she got to enjoy summer of 2010. She amazed all of her doctors by doing so well. However, the tides turned in December. On April 3, 2011, just two days after telling us she…
5FU Continuous Infusion
The past couple of times I have been at the Cancer Center, I performed an informal, non-scientific visual poll. I was the only one out of a packed house with the continuous infusion pump. I am on a 24x7 5FU pump. Is this rare or was I just there at an off time. I am in my third week on it and you almost get used to it but…
After MIE ?'s
Was wondering if some can share their experience after MIE surgery? I know a couple of u had surgery within days of my gpa may 16 and was wondering how u r doing? My gpa is doing well he goes back next week for his first check up after the MIE. Is there a chance the feeding and drainage tubes will b taken out? My grandma…
Respiratory failure after ivor Lewis esophagogastrectomy
My father had the surgery done on May 3rd. In the first week my father was doing excellent. He passed the swallow test. However after the first week he was having major breathing problems. On May 15th my father was put on a Ventalitor. They did cultures on everything which includes blood, chest fluid and abdominal (fluid…
alkaline diet
Has anyone had success with this?
From Alex59 Reposting as was at last of a post
alex 59 very wary at the moment from scotland new last satarday i decided to go to hospital i was having slight shortness of breath when talking although i still cycle 5 miles per day without shortness of breath they took an x ray and kept me in as they said it was abnormal i still eat quite well and only just started to…
Any experience large amount of blood in urine?
Jim has been recovering slowly and today told me he had blood in his urine. It is a large amount and by the time he told me it was too late to call the doctor. He is on Coumadin and is having his levels checked tomorrow. When I saw his urine tonight it was very red and he said it wasn't anything like this morning. I will…
Oh, Lord I'd Love a Pizza
Well, one week of treatment down........month of June and my last radiation is the day after Independence Day (how appropriate) No real side effects (yet) from the chemo/radiation although I am extremely tired and I'm beginning to feel that "burning" sensation where they're "burning" me. Swallowing is becoming a bit more…
Gpa is doing well
Hi everyone! Gpa is doing well. He has up until this point lost 14 lbs. his MIE was on May 16th. He goes back to Pitt next week. We were wondering what the chances are of all of the tubes being taken out then? Also, he is only allowed to have 6 oz. of a full liquid diet. How long will this diet last? when can you start to…
Hi all, abit of a grrrrrrhhhhh
Hi all Didn't know who else to grrrrrhhhhhh at so sorry its you guys, the public health system in NZ is broken, they have put my hubby on a waiting list for his throat stretch can you believe that, on one hand they tell us to measure his life in months not years and they put him on a waiting list for something that would…
An update on dad
Hi, Just wanted to write a quick note and say thank you for all the prayers and well wishes. I have posted a new journal entry at my dad's caring bridge site at http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/harrycollins2/journal I am going to try to update that and probably not post as many updates here right now. We have been able to…
Any Under 40 Survivors?
Are they any under 40 years-old survivors out there? I am 37 and cancer free for 4 years. I would love to hear from you. David Hillsboro, OH
Barb " mrsBotch" and I meeting
Hi Everyone, I was fortunate to meet Barb "Mrs Botch" in person today. We meet so many people on this site and feel like we know them, so when we do have the opportunity to meet, it is a blessing. I felt like I already knew her. Barb is the one who made our Governor aware of Esophagus awareness. Governor Deal signed the…
CBS News in Atlanta will be doing a segment on EC tonight at 11:00 P.M.
Today myself, and some friends, my 2 stepsons and Sandy1943 and her daughter and 3 grandchildren were in Atlanta at Govenor Deals office to have the photo op for April being declared EC awareness month in Georgia. It was wonderful meeting Sandy and her family. They are lovely people and hopefully we will get to know each…
Our oldest son and his family came in for the weekend
Our son, his wife, grandson almost 11 and grandaughter 8 going on 16 all arrived from Maine Sat around noon. We had a suite rese4rved for them at our local Hampton Inn...with a sweet indoor pool..which we all used. We were out there last July. Tom's chemo treatment that he started in Jan...taxol and carboplatin has left…
Endoscopy Monday
Hello,newbie here. I am not ever sure I need to be on this site. But, I have been have difficulty swallowing for a couple of months now. With the feeling of food and liquid always getting stuck. I have been vomiting several times a week. I have lost weight because of this. My question is, how soon after the endoscopy will…
Update on Rickie- - Feeding tube success!
We returned to Houston on the 18th for another go at inserting a feeding tube and a PFG (percutaneous fluoroscopic gastrostomy)feeding tube was placed using fluoroscopy. I know everyone has been telling us we should ask for a j-tube, but we consulted with 5 different doctors (2 here at home and 3 at MDAnderson) and they…
Headed Home
We will be headed home to Kansas City tomorrow to start a new chemo regiment. He was unable to have surgery. Thanks for all the kind thoughts and prayers. Susie
Allergic Reaction to Taxol.......Now on with plan C
I went for my first round of chemo/radiation on Monday. The Taxol almost did me in. BP dropped to 80/46 and the doc decided it was probably not a good idea to try and continue. So now we're on plan C which is Cisoplatin and Xeloda. Had my first round today along with the first round of radiation. Tolerated both…
My Mom's battle with Stage III EC
Hello, My name if Jennifer and I am the daughter of a fabulous and brave woman who was recently diagnosed with EC T4 NI Mx Siewart Type II Esophageal Carcinoma (Staged as III) on 4/18/11. Interestingly, my mom's cancer has mainly formed in her stomach, beginning at the GE Junction and encompassing 95% of her stomach. Over…
Remembering all this special weekend.
Hello everyone, I just wanted to say that I'm remembering all this special memorial day weekend of all the people who have left us this past year and gone to heaven, including my husband and my mother. It is a very tough weekend and I'm sure it is for alot of you. Just wanted everyone to know they are in my thoughts and…
Has anyone here taken Neulastan? My brother is receiving this this morning.
"How to die in oregon" is a documentary that will be airing tonight on hbo at 8 pm. It follows the lives and the struggles of quality of life over quantity of life. It is definitely something to see. Best documentary at Sundance Film Festival. Tell your friends and families unfortunately this is something we will all face.…