Finally...Good News
So my StepDad went to the hospital and after getting the GI Scope they found that the sphincter between the stomach and intestines needed to be stretched. The first, smaller scope opened it a little, then the DR used a larger one to open it more. He will go back in 2 weeks for a repeat stretch. Since the Scope he has not…
UPDATE on Brendon....continued prayers.
I don't have much time, so this will be short and to the point... Pathology reports are not back yet. However, the oncologist did tell us that he is 99% sure it is cancer in the stomach lining. They drained 5.5 liters of fluid off of Brendon's abdomin, and wow, he looked like a new man when he came out of radiology. He…
For those thinking of Dana and Billy
Well...No more cyber hugs for us!! They are right across the hallway from Brendon and I! I got real live hugs from them!!!!!!!! Billy is doing good and will be realized to Shadyside Family house tomorrow morning. He was sitting in a chair eating 4 oz of soup when I got to their room today. They both looked great and are so…
The Big Cannons V A Compromise Approach to Chemo - Last Post
I regret that I have to advise you that my 50 year old brother, whom I sought your advice on with my "Big Cannons" posting passed away on 19th May. Thankfully the end came relatively quickly and although he went downhill fast, he was still in a position to pass on his final thoughts to most of his close family and friends.…
Things are holding
Just returned from seeing my onoclogist for a follow up. All is well. My labs are all with in normal range and I started on my 17th cycle of Xeloda this morning. I am very pleased with the way things are going right now. This time last year I was literally at deaths door. CT scan scheduled for June 13th. That will tell the…
Great news
Great news gpa's results came in = NED!! Wow what a relief! After the surgery they said that he was T3N0 not T2N0 they said even though everything came back great they will most likely still do chemo. I Might sleep tonight!! Thank u so much everyone!
Back with some ?'s My grandpa gets out of breath when he talks, gets very tired walking short distances, and is having some numbness and tingling in his hands. I was wondering if anyone else had these things happen after surgery and about how long it lasted. I know how big of a surgery this is and things are expected but…
One week after the MIE: good and bad
It's been one week now since Tom was admitted to get his surgery done. We are still in the hospital, and would probably be here for few more days. First, some good news. No, GREAT news! The pathology report indicated no evidence of disease in any of the removed tissue, including lymph nodes. Yay! All indicators (blood…
Good results!
Good News!! Gpa did the barium swallow and passed! The doc said as of now Mon. or tues he will b able to come home. I asked the doc about the pathology report and was kind of discouraged by his answer. He said the results could be in anytime between mon-wed and that he tells all his patients, mostly those that have had pre…
Tell me about your follow up care...
Hi everyone, My husband has been getting CT scans every three months since his surgere. It's been almost a year since his surgery and his doctor is suggesting a visit every 6 months. So I'm curious as to what type of follow-up care everyone is getting? CT scans? PET scans? Bloodwork? Thanks!
new stage 4 with mets to liver
Hey everyone I am pretty new to the site, but have been reading yaws post since the early April. I am a 37 year old male with stage 4 EC and mets to the liver. To begin my story, in the late spring I started having pains in my chest around the sternum area. I figured it must be indigestian, so I blew it off for about a…
Please Pray for Brendon
I come to this site today to ask for many prayers tonight and tomorrow. Brendon went in the hospital on Saturday morning with bloating, a feeling of fullness, and an unexpected weight gain of 12 lbs in a couple of days (with no feeding tube and very little nutrients)... Blood work shows no signs of infection. CT scan shows…
Best B-Day Gift!!
I am getting the best birthday gift of my 31 years, Grandpa is coming home!! Danielle
Need your input, please share!
Has anyone been prescribed medication to aid in digestion following their esophagectomy? If you were, did you experience any side affects you can contribute to the medication?
My father has been fighting Stage IV EC cancer since last December. He decided yesterday it was time to stop treatments. There was one remaining tumor in his liver and the treatments have had no impact -- in fact a new hot spot had appeared. The past 6 weeks have been very difficult for him -- his lack of appetite and…
i am new and have been diagonsed for 2 months now. How can i help everyone around me to heal and und
I am a 38 year old woman. My husband and my family keep thinking there is hope. I know there is not. How do i help them to let me go. I dont mean to be selffish, but it is best for everyone i think. I am so scared for a second round of chemo beacause i know they say your hair will grow back. But im just plain tired of…
beautiful song written by a friend
The following link is a song written and preformed by our dear friend Jane Kennedy. She wrote it following my husband Lee's diagnosis with stage iv EC. It is very touching and definitely worth a listen. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bM1Q6JM7LqI Enjoy, have a lovely weekend! Chantal
New member with a question
This is my first time posting on this site. I spent much of the day reading all the posts, and I feel very moved by everyone’s encouraging words and support of each other. In January my wonderful husband Lee, who is 48, was diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer, with mets to the Liver. After several months of what we…
It is all about John
Hello everyone I wanted to check in and let you know life does go on after stage IVb EC. John passed away one week ago today. He sure filled up this home. I have had many tears and lots of laughs too. My friends and family have surrounded me with lots of love and support. John's memorial service will be on Sunday at 1:00…
Ivor Lewis Esophagogastrectomy post surgery complications
Hi everyone. My father was diagnosed with T3 esophagus cancer in January of 2011. In the past months my father was going through chemotherapy and radiation. Recently on May 3rd my father had the Ivor Lewis Esophagogastrectomy. After the surgery he was doing pretty well besides a little breathing problem. About 10 days…
My diagnosis & some questions
Hi, William wrote a few days ago, but I was a bit late replying (I won’t blame the time difference between US and Australia). I got pernicious anaemia (Vitamin B deficiency) for the second time last December and my GP sent me to a gastrologist as someone my age (35) eating all type of foods shouldn’t be getting that again.…
My Dad's journey as a Stage IV patient
Hi All, Well the ride for a Stage IV patient and their families is certainly a roller coaster. And there is hope new treatments are getting results and there is more research and awareness every day. We can never stop the battle to find a cure, to raise awareness and to fight for our loved ones. For us it was a few weeks…
And yet, another question for my oh-so-knowledgeable friends on this site. I start my Chemo/Radiation journey on Monday, May 23rd. I saw in the paper today they've updated the Star Wars ride over at Disney. I'll bet it won't even compare to this ride that I'm about to embark on. My question........I was told when they did…
William&Loretta Happy 8th Birthday!!
William & Loretta, I hope you are out celebrating your 8th Birthday! 8 years ago today you had the surgery that gave you another chance at life like so many of us are praying for!! We spoke about you often today in Pitt.! I hope you enjoyed your day! Talk to you soon! Danielle
Surgery is done. Busy night for Tom
Hi everyone, Thank you Susie, William, Linda and others for your thoughts and wishes. Happy anniversary to William! I think this day would be equally memorable for me and Tom. The surgery went well but not without some commotion. The building had fire alarm going off TWICE during the day. But apparently the OR did not hear…
Dad passed away on Tuesday
Hi Everyone, My father, Paul, aka Slydog11, passed away two days ago. He was diagnosed last July with Stage IVb EC. Today would have been his 57th birthday. He died at home surrounded by his family. He was loved by so many people and he will be missed everyday. Dad was the kindest person I know and he was way too young to…
How do you research a surgeon??
Silly question: What is the best way to research a surgeon? What exactly am I researching? I was given the name of where Dad would be referred to. Missi
Going to MD Anderson
I'm taking my wife to MD Anderson today for their first round of examinations and diagnosis using the CT scans and PET scans already taken. Diagnosis starts tomorrow and goes for a number of days. We are experiencing the full gamet of emotions but have great trust in this renouned organization to prescribe a treatment that…
Question about not digesting certain food & meds
Just a brief description about my StepDad...Stave IV with mets to lungs, lymphnodes and brain. Received chemo (not sure of names) one day for about 7 hours then what I called "chemo to go" for 5 days ( a fanny pac with chemo). He was supposed to get this every 21 days, but after an MRI the DR was not happy with results and…
Dana...How's Dad doing?
We've been out West..Vegas and Zion... So glad he came through the surgery with flying colors. Prayers are with your family. jan