Update on my dad "Seeing Dr.'s at University of Chicago"
Just wanted to give you an update on my dad age 67, b-day next month. On July 1 diagnosis with EC T3, N2, MO, had PET/CT scan last week, nothing has spread. Port will be put in on Thurs. So, chemo starts on Monday: week 1: cisplatin and 5FU continuousv(portable pump) for 5 days along with radiation Mon-Fri. Week 2-4:…
Just an update
Dale is now 19 months post esophageal cancer diagnosis. The oncologist told us at our last appointment that he is in "complete remission". We are so very thankful to have been given time that we never thought possible upon receiving the original diagnosis. We feel that we have been thru so much during the past 18 months,…
Continuing Saga of the feeding tube
Hi Friends, I decided to back off on "guiding" Jim regarding getting off the feeding tube and eating. I suggested he call his surgeon's nurse who is monitoring his recovery. She advised him to immediately remove two of the six cans of formula and substitute with food. We planned a trip to visit my mother in Colorado last…
Hello friends! I hope everyone is doing well. Just thought I'd update since it's been a while. My dad finally went to UCIrvine to get a second opinion from Dr. Nihn Nguyen. THANK YOU MR. AND MRS. MARSHALL FOR ALL OF THE INFO AND RESEARCH ON THIS DR. My parents just LOVE him. They feel VERY comfortable talking to him, his…
Mon. mother starts cisplatin and paclitaxil
The doc's have said the government has pulled Flora-5 ??? This is what they said at mothers appiontment today. They have replaced it with paclitaxil. SO here we go . I hope everyone had a good week and a better weekend!
An item of interest for our Stage IV survivors
I found this posting on another EC posting board and I thought I would be of interest to our Stage IV survivors. Please note Lois' contact information in the "From" line. Subject: Television Interview From: Dickerman lxd4@ATT.NET Reply-To: Esophageal Cancers Discussion List EC-GROUP@LISTSERV.ACOR.ORG Date: Sat, 25 Jun 2011…
1st 6 month scan clear!!!
Hi, Just to encourage fellow EC pts, my first 6th month scan is clear. So happy, each one feels like a big step to a longer future and more grandmom time and time to enjoy retirement with Ron. I was a Stage III and thanks to the great efforts at St. Joseph's in Baltimore and many prayers and support from my friends here…
Update on my dad- some good news!
My dad, age 64, was diagnosed with late Stage 2/early Stage 3 (the docs said it was hard to tell if it was stage 3 yet) Esophageal Cancer back in April of this year. He underwent six weeks of chemo/radiation at Beth Israel Hospital in NYC which he concluded in early June. The chemo definitely wiped him out and made him…
have finally got strong enough to have further treatment. I donot know how any of you went back to work after surgery. I always thought I was a strong person, but not anymore. I am still not strong enough to work. Still losing weight slowly because I fill up so quick. Seems like I am eating all the time. I donot suggest…
This is great news. Congratulations, Donna. May you have many more.
Sorry about that. Part of my treatment got lost when I updated my about me page. I had surgery on March 28, one large incision and 2 small ones. Spent almost a month in the hospital with one thing and another. I just have to keep reminding myself that I am one of the very fortunate ones. Most days I am pretty good with the…
stent vs feeding tubes
Lee (stage ivb) has been having increasing difficulty in eating many foods, which has resulted in some weight loss. He's been losing about a pound a day for the last 2-3 weeks. He is finding less and less foods appealing, and often can't swallow and ends up vomiting the whole meal up. We are getting very concerned, to say…
For information purposes only
For those who may not know how to navigate around on the computer for information. Table 1 Current TNM staging of esophageal cancer. TNM classification T Tis Carcinoma in situ T1 Tumor invading lamina propria, muscularis mucosae, or submucosa T2 Tumor invading muscularis propria T3 Tumor invading periesophageal tissue T4…
Cher 76, Fish Oil Information
Hi all I cut and pasted this from Livestrong.com regarding the benefits gained from Fish oil supplements, personally I get Marks fish oil supplements from our local health shop rather than the local supermarkets, I think quality is really important. Overview Cancer treatments can leave patients with side effects such as…
EC and esophagectomy questions
A friend on another board told me about this discussion board and suggested posting to it. I appreciate the suggestion and am glad to find it! I posted the following to another group so please forgive the duplication if you follow other EC groups. Just 'widening the net' so to speak. And thanks for the feedback! My dad is…
When/how do the Doctorsd decide to remove the drain blub and feedinding tube?
Can anyone tell me the crit. the doctors use to remove drain blub and feeding tube?
I'm back (I think)
Well, today marks my 4 week date since MIE in Pittsburgh. I'm probably back about 60-70% to normal. I'm still fairly sore and I rest a lot during the day. I'm averaging about a pound a day weight loss. I know I should be eating more but I'm still trying to take it easy on my new stomach. I'm still on soft food. I've got…
Where is Calaloo
I miss you Lu. Hoping all is well. If anyone has heard anything please post. love Barbara
Bill is so very tired........
Bill had his esophagectomy 3 months ago and has actually had his j-tube removed because he was eating well on his own. He has not had to have chemo or radiation since they caught his cancer so early. But he is having such a hard time getting his strength up. He is literally exhausted when he does the least little thing. He…
Thanks to all of you
Thank you all for your information about being so tired after EC surgery. You have no idea how much you have helped us and made us feel secure that Bill is right where he should be. We know it's different for everyone, but all of your advice helped us so much. Thank you, thank you, thank you!!! God bless, Kateel
Last day of radiation!
Hi gang, My husband Jeff will be moving up to sophmore status at 5pm today. He is very excited to complete this first round of treatments and begin working out in prep for surgery. He has been lifting weights during treatment, and he has a job where he is active. For all of those folks who are just starting treatment and…
Update on my dad
Hello all, Things have been a whirlwind since we found out about dad's EC, as I am sure you all know too well. When dad went in to meet with the surgeon in Miami it seemed as though surgery would be the plan after shrinking the tumor with a few rounds of chemo. However, the PET scan he took had showed some "suspicious"…
Genetic news
I found the below article while searching the Internet. Has anyone been tested for those genes? July 26, 2011 -- Researchers have discovered three genetic mutations that may play a role in the development of esophageal diseases, a study shows. The esophageal diseases that may be affected by the mutations include esophageal…
The end has come
For those of you who have read my previous posts regarding my dad, I am sad to announce that he passed away last night. He originally had the MIE with Dr. Luketich on May 20 and experienced significant complications over the last two months. Several weeks ago they put a stent in due to a leak. Three days ago they went in…
Mayo vs small town
Good morning to all , I truely hope we all have a better weekend and a better next week , but take it just one day at a time is all anybody can do. Mother was staged iv last week. I guess she was thinking the whole time it would be low stage for not feeling any effects? So now the small town clinic is putting a port in…
He's winding down now
We are talking now about hospital beds and commodes and what our final wishes are. He now doesn't want to see anyone or even talk on the phone. From what I've read on the Hospice website some kind person posted here a few weeks ago, this is all to be expected, this social withdrawal. I am hoping, with the help of Hospice,…
A little good news
Hi all Just to let you know, it looks like Marks temperature is finally down, and we may be able to bring him home tomorrow. I took him up some minestrone soup for his lunch which he ate with a vengance, and then he felt like macaroni cheese for his tea, which again he really enjoyed, I always feel better when I know he is…
Well where to start today . Mother was told a $5500 charge for just a first time visit was in store for the Moffit Center. So that was the iceing on the cake as far as a second opinion goes , as last week the Mayo Clinic did the same . I tried to get her to stay in the state and go to Piedmont where she gave me a kidney in…
Haven't posted for some time. Don is eating better but has had some other issues since last I wrote. 6 weeks ago he had Rotater Cuff Surgery. He is doing therapy but still has a lot of pain. He has lost more weight and can't seem to gain any back. Guess that is part of the process. He has been through a lot since his EC…
Daughter now has acid reflux
So early this morning, 2:30 am to be exact, I got a call from my beautiful 20 yr old daughter that her sternum had pain and some radiating out and even some in the back. She went to the E. R. where they told her she has acid reflux. Backtracking a bit, she's been working with her family physician regarding this new pain.…