My mom has stage IIIb
I have been following stories on here for a couple months now and thought this may be a great place for advice. My Mom is almost 59 and was diagnosed with EC Stage IIIb T3 N2 MO squoamos cell in March. Since then we went to the Mayo Clinic in Rochester MN where she had several tests. Her final PET scan showed her tumor was…
Hi everyone - newbie here...
Hello dear readers – I am new to the board, but not this site, in fact, I have been “lurking” for the past month, reading endless posts about your journeys with this terrible disease known as EC. I decided it was about time to actually join the board, hoping I may be able to contribute to some of the threads with any type…
Surgery.... :)
Hi friends, So it has been a little under two weeks since Jeff had his PET/CT scan, we all know the unfortunate freakout I had in the doctor's office when informed of the suspicious nodes. The oncologist told me to calm down that he didn't think they were anything to worry about, and that he was pretty sure they were in…
Update on Luis - roller coaster ride
Luis is doing well. He has been moved out of the ICU and onto the regular surgical floor where the nurses are less attentive. That means that both he and I have to be more vigilant to make sure that he is getting everything looked after and getting all the meds he is supposed to get. He had another rough night. He started…
Need Survival Stories
Hi, My mom (56) went in last friday to stretch out her sphinter ring (huge difficulty/painful swallowing) and instead found out that she had tumor near the bottom of the esophagous. Biopsy came back today and it's the squamous cell. Cat scan shows swollen lymph nodes but no biopsy on the lymph nodes yet. She had difficulty…
My family says I am addicted . .
Good morning to all my new, stranger friends whom I feel closer than my best friend, Since my husband's diagnosis on 11/01/2010, I have felt horrifically alone. As though nobody could possible imagine whay my world was like. What my day to day has looked like, how I get through each day and how we continue to function…
Laura23, believe surgery was yesterday...in our thoughts
Hi Laura, I believe Luis's surgery was yesterday, just wanted to let you know you are both in our thoughts. When you can, please let us know how you are doing. Positive thoughts heading your way! Niki wife of Jeff T2N1M0
Chemo on thursday, really scared
Well chemo starts again in 2 days and part of me wants to catch the next train to Barcelona. This goddamn survival instinct keeps kicking in when what I really want is to end this horrible nightmare. I'm a logical person and I don't know why Im bothering with chemo. It blows Waking up each day gives me no hope and little…
This just stinks
I have been on here almost daily - just reading. Today, I feel compelled to write. I just sent my two children to 2nd grade and 6th grade not knowing what this year will hold for them. It makes me very emotional. I could not help but feel worried that my husband will not see them get on the bus their last day of school . .…
radiation directly to liver
It seems my husband wouldn't be a canidate for this type of procedure as he has multiple leisons, one being by the something portal vein (sorry I am not to good with correct scientfic names). So, now I hope he responds as well as he is doing right now with chemo and we get some more time and a miracle. He also has a leison…
newly diagnosed and already finished first chemo
My husband was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. He tumor is 5cm and is a adenocarcinoma. His cancer has metastasize. He is 45 years young. On 8/22 he began treatment. His treatment includes Docetaxel, Fluorouracil then Cisplatin, given in 3 days to be repeated in 2 weeks. Side effects I don't think have kicked in. But I…
Date for Surgery (or moving to Junior Class)
Well here we go on the roller coaster again, I am just venting here it is not that bad but…just hard on the emotions. John received a call Friday at 4:30 PM from “someone” at the hospital, he did not get the persons name. She told him that there was a scheduling issues and wanted to move his surgery back to Sept. 9, he got…
Nick moves to Junior Class
We received the "Go Ahead" this AM! His THE Surgery is 9 AM on 09/08. I'm feeling great, Nick (poor guy) is sick to his stomach. This surgery is more frightening to him than the chemo/rads were. Looking for filling/satifying suggestions for the 2 days "clear foods" diet prior to surgery. Nick was just starting to eat…
I have a few questions, regarding out-of-town pts if Dr. Luketich does the surgery...
I have a few questions, regarding out-of-town pts: -if Dr. Luketich does my dad surgery, how long can we expect to be in Pittsburg for? -Is the Shadyside house closest to the hospital? -how long should I tell them we are staying there for? -What are the first 7 days like, should 1 of us stay with my dad around the clock?…
Procedure to eliminate heart burn
I found this very interesting. My husband had suffered with heart burn for years before his EC diagnosis. He opted for medication instead of surgery to treat. Hindsight...right? Well I thought, in case you know anyone, or have a family member with hart burn now, they should know there are more options. Just a side note:…
Another good CT
My husband just had his ct scan this morning and of course said he wanted to know the results before his appointment next Wednesday. I feel if there is bad or distressing news it's best to hear it at home. Then you can get your emotions under control to plan the next attack. He got a call tonight that the CT shows…
need advise
hello, As some of you know my dad passed away on january 29, 2011. It is sill soo hard to deal with his passing. Anyone had any advise for me? I do think I have been depressed for a while but I try not to show it to my family so they wont worry. Any advise would help greatly. thank you!
Feeding tube question
Hello all; Well, my JG tube incision is healing nicely, now it seems that the majority of the discomfort is from the sticky covering on my chest hair and skin; obviously I can shave it, etc. but it seems that skin irritation is inevitable with wearing something sticky on your chest. any tips? Do you leave your uncovered at…
Drinking water causes regurgitation / foamy vomit
My husband had 20% of his esophagus 20% of his stomach removed on Aug 4, 2011 (about 3 weeks ago). He seems to be eating ok...except for drinking water or any form of liquid. So, we're now worried that he'll get dehydrated soon! He is suppose to eat 5 to 6 small meals a day with liquid intake between meals...but because he…
Rest in Peace, Dad
A couple of you have followed the bits of my dad's story that I have posted, and I'm writing tonight to say that he passed away July 23. He never even got to the surgery. Had he had a feeding tube from the beginning, things might be different now... and I don't go down that "what if" road with anyone; just saying it here,…
I don't know how many of you were and are in the way of Irene, but I sure am hoping you all survived with little or no damage. We are pretty far inland so didn't get too much. Anyway just hoping everyone is safe. Barbara
Its been a month now since my brother had the surgery. He still can't eat or drink . He had the escopagus stretched - the way I understood it, its down where it connects to the intestine , it was the size of a pencil lead and now its as big as a pinky... .. he now is throwing up all the time. Even though he can't eat or…
Niki, thanks for the information. I will give that a try. Haven't been putting it on a schedule, just taking it half hour before I eat. I have one more week of radiation. Dr. will give me a break from chemo for a while after that, then we will see. Thanks again. Barbara
One year ago today
Mine and my families world fell apart, there we were sitting in an Oncologist's office being told to think of my husbands life in terms of months not years, the confusion still hasn't gone we told the oncologist she must have it wrong he has acid reflux he has had it all his life, I vaguely remember her explaining about…
Good morning My names is Julie Bright.My husband and I are both 70. My husband Dave had a total gastrectomy for Cancer in June 2008 at Mass General in Boston where we were living at the time. We moved to Kansas City area about 2 years ago as some of the children and grands live there.Doing wonderfully until about two…
a message for Chemosmoker
Hi, sorry you did not mention your name, so Chemosmoker it is I guess! Just wanted to welcome you to our 'happy little family' and also to ask you a few questions. We are all here to help, so please feel free to give us more details. I have read your "about me" page, and am a bit confused. You say that you are only doing…
William Marshall
Hi I read your answer, but can't seem to figure out how to post to the discussion list? Can you help me with that so that my post shows and then I can give you better info? julie bright
Good News
Well today the authorization came through for John’s surgery at Moffitt. If they would have waited one more business day the surgery would have been this Friday but last Friday (8-19-11) Moffitt re-scheduled the surgery for Friday September 2, 2011. The Surgeon wants John to have a colonoscopy before surgery (has anyone…
One short second time around
Well my brother Raymond passed away Monday morning.... It was definitely a shocker since we only found out August 4th that the cancer and returned. Though in one way I am glad he is no longer in pain and is now not hungry anymore... I also am very mad after him just being told he was in remission at the end of March...…
Update on Mo
Sorry I haven't posted in so very long. We are just "keepin, keepin on" day by day. Today was to be his beginning of the 2nd cycle of cisplatin and epirubicin and beginning of week 4 on 5FU 24/7 pump. They are giving him a week off due to severe stomititus. He has blisters covering the inside of his mouth, tongue and lips.…