My computer has been down
Hi I am so sorry that I have not posted in awhile but my compter has been down for almost 2 weeks. Its a terrible thing nt to have it. Thank you to the 3 new Vietnam-Agent orange posts. I will get back to all of you. Another lady and I on the morning dawns are trying to get a group together to fight this thru the VA. I…
Biopsy Results
Got the results from Don's Biopsy. Cancerous tumor on his chest invading the bone. It is the same kind of cancer that was in the Esophagus. We see a new oncologist on Sept 1st. Don't know what will be his take on it. We were not happy with the Oncologist he had when he had his EC surgery. He had it on Dec 10th and when we…
Diagnosed T3N1 Esophageal Cancer 3 years Post Total Gastrectomy
Hi My husband has just received the diagnosis above. Suggested treatment is Radiation and Chemo simultaneously for 5 weeks. Then tests to determine situation and then surgery. Any opinions? Anyone know of surgeon qualified to do this technically challenging surgery (due to no stomach at all)? julie
Increased mucous secretion
Hello My father (aged 56) was diagnosed with Esophageal cancer 4 months back. During last 4 months he has been completely on chemotherapy. He was doing great till recently he encountered viral fever. The fever has now subsided took almost a week, but has left him bedridden. But he is been coughing up excessive clear phlegm…
Still NED
Hello everybody, Please join me in celebrating--my three year ct scan still shows NED. For all you "Newbies',there is healing no matter what the stats show. The future looks a lot brighter today than it did yesterday and it was awefully bright then. I can't help having a little scaniety before a test, but my husband seemed…
Night in the ER
So we had our first bump in the road last night. As some of you remember Jeff had it fairly easy through chemo and radiation. Had a little nausea that was controlled with meds, only had one instance of vomitting and diarhea. Yesterday he came home from work and said he felt sluggish and needed to take a nap, this was…
Jthomas233---Surgery September 8
Friends and Classmates- I had my surgical consult Friday at Fox Chase. My surgeon said he was very happy with the PET and CT scan results..no uptake except a little in the esophagus, which he said was not much at all and might, in fact, be residual.. (not much cancer is still cancer...)...he called my tumor "road kill"...I…
feeding tube
Well, finally, today was the big day. Lee had his feeding tube put in. Hooray I hope! They decided on a GJ tube, (gastrojejunostomy) which I don't believe anyone here has ever mentioned. It seems to be like a g-tube insertion, but the tube is fed into the small bowel through the stomach. The problem is that he's in…
Just an update on me. Just received a call from the surgeon's office. Their tumor board met this morning and discussed my case/scans/etc. The nurse said Dr Meredith didn't think I have carcinomatosis. Praise God! He wants to press on with the surgery and go in and see what it looks like..........and of course we have to…
what is something good for you to eat when you dont want to eat?
Hello and hope all is going good as we can. My Mother has been getting sick and cant even keep the meds down to slow this. Of course food and hydration is a big deal now and she has ate a bannana and maybey drank 1 ginger ale. I was trying to get some more ideas from you . I will be down in a week with a good…
Coughing followed by vomiting post op esophageal/gastric pull-up...
My husband had an esophagectomy/gastric pull-up 7 weeks ago. At least once daily, he starts coughing and subsequently vomits..lots of mucous..and sometimes part of his last "meal". He's on a j-tube feeding, but is supposed to be eating 5-6 small meals a day. It's so difficult getting food into him when he has this…
2nd post-op scan not as good as the first.
I went in today for my second post-op follow up CT scan. I have a swollen lymph node on my windpipe in the lower neck area. I’ll have a PET scan next Friday (8/26/11) to see if there is any up-take and if there is I’ll be scheduled for a biopsy. I’m nine months out from my MIE (T2N1M0) and thought things were going good…
For those wondering about lifetime dietary restrictions following Ivor Lewis esophagectomy
I changed Bill's picture [hope it appears] to show him enjoying an Italian sausage at our recent state fair. (The sausage was loaded with onions, green peppers and assorted melted cholesterol laden additives. Fat content was probably 90%) Now, he didn't eat the bun except maybe a bite or two. He enjoyed corn dogs, pork…
Small Delay
We received (on answering machine) call at home today (I was still at work) that they had rescheduled (because NO authorization) John’s surgery from 8-26 to 9-2-11. John called me at work and was so upset, he wants to have the surgery and get this cancer out of his body. Well my first reaction was to also get upset. One of…
New here . . .
I am new here to this discussion board. My husband and I have been heads down in battle since November. At that time, we were told of a plan, that included MIE in April. That plan was derailed when liver mets were found the end of March. My husband has had chemo, radiation, and SIR-spheres in an attempt to achieve…
cancer causing blood clots, blood clots causing stroke
My husband was diagnosed with Stage IV Esophageal Cancer on July 11, 2011. Since then, he developed blood clots which migrated to his lungs and some made their way to his brain and caused a significant stroke on July 20. The doctors told us that this is common with this type of cancer but in all the reading I've done, I've…
There's no protocol on screening for EC
How often should a family member be screened for EC? Through our journey, we have learned that my husband's uncle died of EC, my husband had EC surgery and is now NED. There are multiple cancers in his family. We encouraged our adult children to get scans. The scan for one child showed he had a ring caused by acid reflux…
Hello from Lee in London - Stage IV-b
Hello everyone; My name is Lee and I have EC with mets to the liver and lymph nodes. My wife is Daisylin in these forums, and BTW it's London Canada, not England :) I've been lurking for a few months and want to thank you all for contributing to a very valuable resource, and how empowering to find a focused forum populated…
3 more and maybe wrong staging!!!!
Mom has 3 more chemos. of cictplatin and taxol . Then we will go from there ! Mom has one tumer on the ec. some nodes in that area also. and one spot near the abdomen - no other organs though. I will try my best to get her up to Dr. Miller and his other Dr. he works closely with in Atlanta. They did stage her as iv thats…
Another challenge
Haven't been up to posting anything on the site lately. Don had a biopsy yesterday on as lump that came up on his chest. They suspect that the Cancer is now invading his bones. We haven't heard from the report yet. He is in a lot of pain. Living on Pain pills now. Please keep us in your prayers. Reba
Not great, not terrible
Hi friends, Jeff had his PET/CT yesterday and we got his results today. The nurse practitioner came into the room first and had not reviewed the scan yet, she basically read verbatim the report to us. She said the scan shows activity in the mid to distal esophagus (which we knew, that is where the tumor is). The she said…
Song to all the caregivers
To all the caregivers, This morning on Good day America, I saw a video by Martina McBride--I'm going to love you through it. I cried when I thought of all the love and care I received when I was in my darkest hours. This is a video about cancer and all the caregivers. If you haven't seen it, Please go online and watch and…
Hi Everyone, Although it has been a while since my first and only post, I have been reading every single day and all of you going through this struggle have been in my thoughts and prayers. I come with a couple questions today. My mother is post Esophagectomy 13 days. She had the invasive procedure here in Canada and has…
See you can sometimes have surgrey with iv !
I was very agravated to have my hopes sort of dashed ealier this month. A few people said that there is no surgrey for us stage iv's and can only have palliative care. Know you need to tell the other people what you said the same thing to , that maybey there is a chance - of surgrey next time..... Thankyou Jason
Getting ready to move from sophomore to junior class!
John had all of his post radiation/chemo testing done in the last couple of days. CT-Chest, Abdomen, & Pelvis with Contrast, PFT (Pulmonary function), Pet/CT, & appointment with his Internal medicine physician for pre-surgery clearance. Results: CT 1. Increased Soft Tissue thickening involving the distal esophagus when…
An Eventful Day with Not So Good News - Stage II to ???????
Had my appointment with the surgeon today. He remarked that the original tumor has shrunken significantly. However,he saw some things on the CT scan in the abdominal area and said it could be carcinomatosis. He had me do a PET scan this afternoon and sure enough, the original tumor has essentially disappeared but my…
Room for one more in the Junior Class???
Friends and Classmates- Well...it' must have taken some time to grade that last test, but my surgeon finally called me late this afternoon! My petscan was good and there was no evidence of local or distant lymph node involvement and disease seemed to be contained to the esophagus-----BUT they never know that until the post…
There is a God!!!!
Well, we made the call to our cancer team today, and asked again (for the third time) for a feeding tube. This time they had no argument, and are scheduling us for next week. He needs to be off chemo for a week, and his blood levels need to be good enough. I hope that with his starvation and dehydration diet these last few…
Fatigue post MIE, how long?
I know it is an individual thing but just wondering on average how long the fatigue lasts? My husband is good in the morning and crashes around 2pm for the day. Only 3 weeks out from surgery at UPMC with Dr. Luketich. Thanks
Complications after surgery
My bother just has his esophagus removed, its been 17 days ago and he can barely talk, he isn't in pain to talk but just very hoarse.. has anyone else had this problem. He has tried to eat without a lot of sucess... He has a test before he was released from the hospital and they told us nothing was wrong.. Everything…