Not sure what to expect...anyone else been through similar?
Hi! Wondering if anyone had similar ultrasound findings and what the results were? I had a biopsy done a few days ago and now waiting on results. I'm 3 months into taking tamoxifen because I was diagnosed with breast cancer in April of this year, but that would be very quick for these changes to happen. Horrified at the…
Question on endometrial cancer stage 1A Figo grade 2 nuclear grade2 endometrioid adenocarcinoma
I just had a hysterectomy on 11/11 with large fibroids. I was unexpectedly diagnosed with endometrial cancer stage 1A FIGO grade 2 nuclear grade 2 endometrioid adenocarcinoma. I met with my gynecology oncologist today, and he said he wants the radiology oncologist to determine if radiation is needed. Since this was not an…
New to site
I am 30 years old and I just got dignaose with Endometrial Cancer. I have lot of questions and a lot of things I do not understand. I will be going to see a specialist on Oct 1st. To say I am scared is an understament. I found out on Wed since then I have hardley slept and have spent most of the time crying. Family and…
Synchronous primary cancer
Hello, I am a 54 year old who last year was diagnosed with endometrial and ovarian cancer. I have finished radiation, chemo, and brachytherapy and currently on Keytruda. Is there anyone else on here that has been diagnosed the same?
Feeling Ugly
It has been four months since my last chemo and my recent CT scan showed no evidence of cancer. I know I should be ecstatic, but I am so depressed. I know this is selfish of me to feel this way, and I am super lucky to be alive, but I feel so ugly since chemo. My hair is growing back, but it's not the beautiful red it used…
Follow ups after surgery
Just diagnosed w endometrial cancer caught early stage1A1 had my surgery which went very well and now just have the every 3-4 month check for reoccurrence, my first coming up next month. My gyn/onc said I could follow up w my regular gyn whom I have a appt w the month after. Im at the nervous stage of “what if its back”.…
Frodolass Update...
I also posted to the "long" thread which I read and found some great information. I just wanted to introduce myself. I'm 52 years-old and was diagnosed with UPSC with clear cell features in early August. I had a total abdominal hysterectomy with ovaries and fallopian tubes removed as well. I hadn't been to the doctor in a…
Any low grade endometrial cancer stage 4 survivors out there?
Hi, Just wondering if there is anyone with low grade stage 4 endometrial cancer and if so what treatment options were you given and how successful are the treatments for your low grade cancer? I'm needing some hope for a newly diagnosed friend. Any stories of hope would be really appreciated!
Stage 4b cancer
Hi. Anyone else diagnosed with stage 4b cancer? Last December had an 8 hour surgery to remove lady parts and the visible uterine cancer that spread and was wrapped around my bladder and other parts. 6 rounds Chemo ended in April. now in immunotherapy infusions for years. Having all kinds of side effects. Hoping others have…
Uterine Carcinosarcoma, any survivors out there?
Hi everyone, My mom was diagnosed with carcinosarcoma in Dec '08, she had a total hysterectomy and removal of pelvic lymph nodes (cancer was found there). Since then has done chemo and radiation, finishing in the summer of '09. She's doing ok now, but I was just wondering if there was anyone out there with a similar…
Recently Diagnosed and Adjusting
I was diagnosed with endometrial cancer on July 2nd. Had radical hysterectomy on July 18th. They thought it was going to be a simple day procedure but discovered that cancer had spread to a lymph node which they couldn’t removed because it was too close to a major blood vessel. I ended up staying a night in the hospital.…
anyone heard of this person?
Has anyone ever heard of a Dr. Mark Stengler? Is he for real or another scamer? Thoughts anyone?
Stage 1 Endometrial Cancer - Now what
Hello everyone, I am new here. I just had surgery for Endometrial Cancer. The pathology report came back as stage 1. The GYN oncologist said I am cancer free and that I should return every 3 months for 3 years and then every 6 months for 2 years and then once a year for life. That is all he said. I feel like there should…
Everolimus, Anastrozole, & Metformin for ER+ PR+ HER2- PIK3CA EC/UC
Anybody on this combo? What side effects are you having? This may be the next treatment for me. I know that I am just a voice in the wind, but I figured I'd ask here for the fun of it. The answers of course will come when I talk to people with breast cancer who have my molecular profile. BTW about 30 to 40% of ec/uc…
First Visit
Hello, I had my first meeting with the oncologist today for my endometrial cancer. She was very thorough and personable. My best friend and sister were with me. I do not have a husband or children. My one daughter passed away in 2020. I was happy to have their love and support. It was a very long day that started at 4:00…
4th Recurrence
Hello, I'm Marchu from Buenos Aires. I have cervix cancer since 2017, when I had an histerectomy, then I had recurrences in 2018 and 2020 in which I received radio and chemotherapy. Then in 2023 I had a 3rd recurrence, and I received chemo and inmunotherapy which at first worked, but now that I'm receiving only…
Six years no recurrence after uterine serous/clear cell stage 1a with isolated tumor cells in node
Hi. I'm coming up on the six year anniversary of my diagnosis and treatment for uterine serous/clear cell cancer. Mine was in the upper part of the uterus, and one sentinel node had isolated tumor cells in it. I was treated with hysterectomy, 6 rounds of carboplatin, Taxol, and added in Herceptin, which was not standard at…
dietary suggestions during pelvic radiation
Does anyone have suggestions for me related to good nutrition during pelvic radiation for uterine cancer, post hysterectomy.
Nine years later recurrance in lung
I had stage 1a grade 1 endometrial cancer 9 years ago. I had a full radical hysterectomy, and the Dr.s felt there was virtually no chance it would return. No chemo or radiation was suggested or offered. Nine years later I started to cough blood and after loads of tests, it has been determined that I have an endometrail…
Recurred once again
I'm back at what someone on this board called, "Whack a Mole" after finding another tumor in my abdomen, near my navel. Nuts! I almost made it to two years NED> Biopsy and resection followed. The tumor had invaded the mesh that was installed after a prior resection took much of the muscle and my omentum. So new mesh for…
Does Remission mean it’s really gone?
I was diagnosed and treated for stage one endometrial cancer. The day I found out was after a D & C procedure about less than a week after the procedure and when I got the “call” my heart sank. After the visits I remember trying to explain to my mom who was with me during the visit about the cancer. Flash forward to now…
How to Get Over Hurry Up and Wait
Hello. My odyssey with cancer started back in November when I had what I thought were UTI's. They were treated, but never cleared up. On a hunch, my doctor did blood work and sent me to the ER due to very high kidney numbers. I mentioned the bleeding to the hospitalist at the time, and he did a quick pelvic exam and…
Anyone have debulking after 6 rounds of chemo? (Cross posted in Ovarian group)
Hi everyone. I was diagnosed with stage 4 uterine with spread to omentum and peritoneal carcinomatosis in late Feb 2024. Not a candidate for immediate surgery. I did 3 rounds of carbo/taxol and Jemperli (immunotherapy) then a CT scan that was essentially unchanged but stable. I completed 3 more rounds followed by another…
Travel or no travel?
I just had my D and C and hysteroscopy this morning. I have four days to wait for results and I plan to keep busy and not dwell on the possibilities. But I feel knowledge is power so I am prepping myself with info. If I need treatment, ( and I do expect at least a hysterectomy), I am wondering if I should go to the local…
Newbie - trying to put it all together
Had a D&C and Hysteroscopy on Friday and awaiting results, I guess in a few more days. This procedure followed a biopsy that said I had endometrial atrophy. Endometrial thickening was 5 mm on ultrasound. I have a great gyn/onco. I’m concerned because I have also been having a work up with my Endocrinologist over the past…
Mid-chemo CT scan question
Hi everyone. I’ve completed 3 out of 6 chemo cycles and my CA125 continues to trend downward but my CT scan is unchanged. How is that possible? I was so certain I’d see at least SOME tumor shrinkage so I’m feeling very disappointed and concerned…has anyone gone through this? Quick background: Dx: uterine adenocarcinoma…
CT Scan of Vaginal Cuff
I had a hysterectomy in 2016 do to Complex Atypical Hyperplasia. While experiencing ovarian torsion I had a CT Scan and an ultrasound done. The CT Scan showed thickening and enhancement of the vaginal cuff. My doctor says it looks okay so it’s fine. Should I get a second opinion or is it okay?
Asymmetrical soft tissue on vaginally cuff
My CT scan shows an asymmetrical soft tissue mass on the right vaginally cuff. Now, my doctor has ordered an ultrasound of the area. Could this be indicative of cancer?
I am 13 months past my hysterectomy. Two weeks ago I had some blood in my underwear. Is this common this long after surgery?
Article about new treatment protocol
It's always nice to see a new article about endometrial cancer.